![2015511172231746.png (836×306)](http://files.jb51.net/file_images/article/201505/2015511172231746.png?2015411172246)
It was this digital clock. I thought it was a good idea at the time, but I didn’t bother with it. Until yesterday, my colleague saw this case on the Internet. He thought it was very cool, so he came over and asked me how it was implemented. Then I thought about the implementation method and became a little interested, so I spent some time imitating it. Made one. The difference is that Cen An uses div to make it. And I did it using canvas. It will be better to use canvas for performance, because just to control the movement of each point, using js to control the style attribute of dom is definitely lacking in performance compared to using js to control canvas drawing.
Let’s take a look at the DEMO I made first, and then briefly describe the method of doing this: Please poke me to see the DEMO.
The idea of doing this is very simple, which is to save the position of each number through a string:
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- var numData = [
- "1111/1001/1001/1001/1001/1001/1111", //0
- "0001/0001/0001/0001/0001/0001/0001", //1
- "1111/0001/0001/1111/1000/1000/1111", //2
- "1111/0001/0001/1111/0001/0001/1111", //3
- "1010/1010/1010/1111/0010/0010/0010", //4
- "1111/1000/1000/1111/0001/0001/1111", //5
- "1111/1000/1000/1111/1001/1001/1111", //6
- "1111/0001/0001/0001/0001/0001/0001", //7
- "1111/1001/1001/1111/1001/1001/1111", //8
- "1111/1001/1001/1111/0001/0001/1111", //9
- "0000/0000/0010/0000/0010/0000/0000", //:
- ]
0 means no pixels, 1 means there are pixels, / is for better appearance, it is a branch. To put it simply: for example, 0 is:
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- 1 1 1 1
- 1 0 0 1
- 1 0 0 1
- 1 0 0 1
- 1 0 0 1
- 1 0 0 1
- 1 1 1 1
That should make it very clear. There is also a : number from 0 to 9, which is represented by a string.
Then write a particle object, which is a pixel:
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- var P_radius = 8,Gravity = 9.8;
var Particle = function(){
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.vx = 0;
this.vy = 0;
this.color = "";
this.visible = false;
this.drop = false;
- }
Particle.prototype = {
- constructors:Particle,
- paint:function(){ //绘制自身
ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.arc(this.x,this.y,P_radius,0,2*Math.PI);
- ctx.fill();
- },
- reset:function(x,y,color){ //重置
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.vx = 0;
this.vy = 0;
this.color = color;
this.visible = true;
this.drop = false;
- },
- isDrop:function(){ //落下
this.drop = true;
var vx = Math.random()*20 15
this.vx = Math.random()>=0.5?-vx : vx;
- },
- update:function(time){ //每一帧的动作
- if(this.drop){
- this.x = this.vx*time;
- this.y = this.vy*time;
var vy = this.vy Gravity*time;
this.y = canvas.height-P_radius
vy = -vy*0.7;
- }
this.vy = vy;
if(this.x<-P_radius||this.x>canvas.width P_radius||this.y<-P_radius||this.y>canvas.height P_radius){
this.visible = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
XML/HTML Code复制内容到剪贴板
- function drawBg(){
var tx = (canvas.width-((P_radius*2 X_J)*4*8 7*xjg))/2;
for(var i=0;i<8;i ){
- var ty = (canvas.height-((P_radius yjg)*6))/2;
- for(var j=0;j<numData[0].length;j ){
- var tt = numData[0].charAt(j);
- if(tt==="/"){
- ty =yjg;
- }else {
- var x = tx j%5*(P_radius*2 X_J),
- y = ty;
- bgctx.fillStyle = "#FFF";
- bgctx.beginPath();
- bgctx.arc(x,y,P_radius,0,2*Math.PI);
- bgctx.fill();
- }
- }
- tx =xjg 4*(P_radius*2 X_J);
- }
- }
First draw the background into an off-screen canvas and cache it. Then there is no need for logical calculation when redrawing each frame. Just draw the off-screen canvas directly. The above logic should not be difficult to understand. It is to loop through 8 numbers through two loops, and then draw each number point by point. When "/" is encountered, it means that a new line is required, and the drawn ty Add a newline interval, reset tx, and then draw. Just like that, all the dots can be drawn. The rendering is as follows:
![2015511172757389.png (1282×350)](http://files.jb51.net/file_images/article/201505/2015511172757389.png?2015411172840)
After the background is drawn, start drawing digital pixels according to each second of time. The main method is this:
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- function setTime(time){
- var h = time.getHours() "",
- m = time.getMinutes() "",
- s = time.getSeconds() "";
- hh = h.length===1?"0" h:h;
- mm = m.length===1?"0" m:m;
- ss = s.length===1?"0" s:s;
- var nowdate = h ":" m ":" s;
- var tx = (canvas.width-((P_radius*2 X_J)*4*8 7*xjg))/2,color = "";
- for(var i=0;i<nowdate.length;i ){
- var n = nowdate.charAt(i)===":"?10:parseInt(nowdate.charAt(i)),
- text = numData[n];
- var ty = (canvas.height-((P_radius yjg)*6))/2;
- switch(i){
- case 0:color = "#4DCB74";break;
- case 2:color = "#4062E0";break;
- case 3:color = "#D65050";break;
- case 5:color = "#4062E0";break;
- case 6:color = "#797C17";break;
- }
- for(var j=0;j<text.length;j ){
- var tt = text.charAt(j);
- if(tt==="/"){
- ty =yjg;
- }else{
- var x = tx j%5*(P_radius*2 X_J),
- y = ty,
- pp = null,
- usefullp = null;
- particles.forEach(function(p){
- if(p.visible&p.x===x&p.y===y){
- ppp = p;
- }else if(!p.visible&usefullp===null){
- usefullp = p;
- }
- });
- if(pp!==null&tt==="0"){
- pp.isDrop();
- }else if(pp===null&tt==="1"){
- usefullp.reset(x , y , color);
- }
- }
- }
- tx =xjg 4*(P_radius*2 X_J);
- }
- }
XML/HTML Code复制内容到剪贴板
- var timeCount_0 = 0,timeCount_1 = 0,particles = [];
- function initAnimate(){
- for(var i=0;i<200;i ){
- var p = new Particle();
- particles.push(p);
- }
- timeCount_0 = new Date();
- timeCount_1 = new Date();
- drawBg();
- setTime(timeCount_0)
- animate();
- }
- function animate(){
- ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);
- ctx.drawImage(bgcanvas,0,0);
- var timeCount_2 = new Date();
- if(timeCount_1-timeCount_0>=1000){
- setTime(timeCount_1);
timeCount_0 = timeCount_1;
- }
- particles.forEach(function(p){
- if(p.visible){
- p.update((timeCount_2-timeCount_1)/70);
- p.paint();
- }
- });
timeCount_1 = timeCount_2;
- RAF(animate)
Perform animation initialization in initAnimate. Initialization means first instantiating two hundred particle objects and putting them in a particle container to save them. Then update the timestamp, cache the background, set the current time, and then call the animate animation loop body to start the animation.
The logic in animate is also very simple. Get the timestamp. If the time difference between the two timestamps is greater than or equal to 1 second, setTime is performed. The next step is to traverse and redraw all the visualized particles in the particle container.
Then it’s done:
There are still many areas that can be optimized for this effect, because the clock and minutes move relatively rarely, so these two can be cached, and when there is no action, just draw the cached data directly. This can reduce the number of drawing API calls for each frame of the stage, which will definitely improve performance. However, there are not many particles now, and two to three hundred particle objects are enough. If optimization is not done, the animation can still run smoothly. So the original poster was just a little lazy.
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