Students who are familiar with Go know that the Go language standard library log has many pain points, such as no log classification, no structure (no JSON format), poor scalability, etc. In order to solve For these problems, Go officially launched the structured log package slog. This library is currently under development and has entered the experimental library: The current version is v0.0.0.
In this article, let’s take a look at how to use the slog package?
Install using the following command:
go get
func main() { slog.Info("Go is best language!", "公众号", "Golang来啦") }
2023/01/23 10:23:37 INFO Go is best language! 公众号=Golang来啦
The output is somewhat similar to the output of the standard library log. A very important structure in the slog library is Logger, through which the logging functions Info(), Debug(), etc. can be called. We have not created a Logger for this and will use the default one. You can click in to view the source code.
Handler is defined as an interface, which can make slog more scalable. slog provides two built-in Handler implementations : TextHandler and JSONHandler. In addition, we can define the Handler implementation based on the third-party log package or define it ourselves, which we will talk about later.
type Handler interface { Enabled(Level) bool Handle(r Record) error WithAttrs(attrs []Attr) Handler WithGroup(name string) Handler }
TextHandler will output the log as a line of text just like the standard library log package.
func main() { textHandler := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout) logger := slog.New(textHandler) logger.Info("Go is best language!", "公众号", "Golang来啦") }
time=2023-01-23T10:48:41.365+08:00 level=INFO msg="Go is best language!" 公众号=Golang来啦
We see that the output log is presented in the form of "key1=value1 key2=value2 ... keyN=valueN".
We replace the above NewTextHandler() with NewJSONHandler()
func main() { textHandler := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout) logger := slog.New(textHandler) logger.Info("Go is best language!", "公众号", "Golang来啦") }
{"time":"2023-01-23T11:02:27.1606485+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Go is best language!","公众号":"Golang来啦"}
从输出可以看到,日志已 json 格式记录,这样的结构化日志非常适合机器解析。
如果我们翻看源码就能发现,上面提到的 TextHandler 和 JSONHandler 都使用默认的 HandlerOptions,它是一个结构体。
type HandlerOptions struct { AddSource bool Level Leveler ReplaceAttr func(groups []string, a Attr) Attr }
通过 slog 的源代码注释可以看出,如果 AddSource 设置为 true,则记录日志时会以 ("source", "file:line") 的方式记录来源;Level 用于调整日志级别。
默认情况下,slog 只会记录 Info 及以上级别的日志,不会记录 Debug 级别的日志。
func main() { logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout)) logger.Debug("记录日志-debug", "公众号", "Golang来啦", "time", time.Since(time.Now())) logger.Info("记录日志-info", "公众号", "Golang来啦", "time", time.Since(time.Now())) }
这样的话,我们就可以自定义 option。
func main() { opt := slog.HandlerOptions{ // 自定义option AddSource: true, Level: slog.LevelDebug, // slog 默认日志级别是 info } logger := slog.New(opt.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout)) logger.Debug("记录日志-debug", "公众号", "Golang来啦", "time", time.Since(time.Now())) logger.Info("记录日志-info", "公众号", "Golang来啦", "time", time.Since(time.Now())) }
{"time":"2023-01-23T15:38:45.3747228+08:00","level":"DEBUG","source":"D:/examples/context/demo1/demo1.go:81","msg":"记录日志-debug","公众号":"Golang来啦","time":0} {"time":"2023-01-23T15:38:45.3949544+08:00","level":"INFO","source":"D:/examples/context/demo1/demo1.go:84","msg":"记录日志-info","公众号":"Golang来啦","time":0}
从输出可以看到记录日志的时候显示了来源,同时也记录了 debug 级别的日志。
有一点值得注意的是,slog.SetDefault() 会将传进来的 logger 作为默认的 Logger,所以下面这两行输出是一样的:
func main() { textHandler := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout) logger := slog.New(textHandler) slog.SetDefault(logger) logger.Info("Go is best language!", "公众号", "Golang来啦") slog.Info("Go is best language!", "公众号", "Golang来啦") }
{"time":"2023-01-23T11:17:32.7518696+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Go is best language!","公众号":"Golang来啦"} {"time":"2023-01-23T11:17:32.7732035+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Go is best language!","公众号":"Golang来啦"}
另外,如果设置里默认的 Logger,调用 log 包方法时也会使用默认的:
func main() { textHandler := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout) logger := slog.New(textHandler) slog.SetDefault(logger) log.Print("something went wrong") log.Fatalln("something went wrong") }
{"time":"2023-01-23T11:18:31.5850509+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"something went wrong"} {"time":"2023-01-23T11:18:31.6043829+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"something went wrong"} exit status 1
通过 slog 包记录日志除了上面提到的这种方式:
logger.Info("Go is best language!", "公众号", "Golang来啦")
logger.LogAttrs(slog.LevelInfo, "Go is best language!", slog.String("公众号", "Golang来啦"))
目前 slog 包支持下面这些属性:
String Int64 Int Uint64 Float64 Bool Time Duration
logger.LogAttrs(slog.LevelInfo, "Go is best language!", slog.String("公众号", "Golang来啦"), slog.Int("age", 18))
{"time":"2023-01-23T11:45:11.7921124+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Go is best language!","公众号":"Golang来啦","age":18}
学到这里我就在想,假如我想在一个 key 下面绑定一组 key-value 值该怎么做呢?这种需求在日常开发中是很常见的,我翻了翻源码,slog 还真的提供了相关方法 -- slog.Group()。
func main() { textHandler := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout) logger := slog.New(textHandler) slog.SetDefault(logger) logger.Info("Usage Statistics", slog.Group("memory", slog.Int("current", 50), slog.Int("min", 20), slog.Int("max", 80)), slog.Int("cpu", 10), slog.String("app-version", "v0.0.0"), ) }
{"time":"2023-01-23T13:45:26.9179901+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Usage Statistics","memory":{"current":50,"min":20,"max":80},"cpu":10,"app-version":"v0.0.0"}
memory 元素下面对应不同的 key-value。
日常开发中,可能会遇到每一条日志需要记录一些相同的公共信息,比如 app-version。
... logger.Info("Usage Statistics", slog.Group("memory", slog.Int("current", 50), slog.Int("min", 20), slog.Int("max", 80)), slog.Int("cpu", 10), slog.String("app-version", "v0.0.0"), ) logger.Info("记录日志", "公众号", "Golang来啦", "time", time.Since(time.Now()), slog.String("app-version", "v0.0.0")) ...
如果想上面这样,每次都记录一次 app-version 的话就有点繁琐了。好在 slog 自带的 TextHandler 和 JSONHandler 提供了 WithAttrs() 方法可以实现绑定公共属性。
func main() { textHandler := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout).WithAttrs([]slog.Attr{slog.String("app-version", "v0.0.0")}) logger := slog.New(textHandler) slog.SetDefault(logger) logger.Info("Usage Statistics", slog.Group("memory", slog.Int("current", 50), slog.Int("min", 20), slog.Int("max", 80)), slog.Int("cpu", 10), ) logger.Info("记录日志", "公众号", "Golang来啦", "time", time.Since(time.Now())) }
{"time":"2023-01-23T14:01:46.2845325+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Usage Statistics","app-version":"v0.0.0","memory":{"current":50,"min":20,"max":80},"cpu":10} {"time":"2023-01-23T14:01:46.303597+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"记录日志","app-version":"v0.0.0","公众号":"Golang来啦","time":0}
从输出可以看到两条日志都记录了 app-version,这种记录方式就简洁多了。
slog 的 Logger 还与 context.Context 结合在一起,比如通过 slog.WithContext() 存储 Logger、通过 slog.FromContext() 提取 Logger。这样我们就可以在不同函数之间通过 context 传递 Logger。
func main() { logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout)) http.HandleFunc("/hello", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { l := logger.With("path", r.URL.Path).With("user-agent", r.UserAgent()) // With() 绑定额外的信息 ctx := slog.NewContext(r.Context(), l) // 生成 context handleRequest(w, r.WithContext(ctx)) }) http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) } func handleRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { logger := slog.FromContext(r.Context()) // 提取 Logger logger.Info("handling request", "status", http.StatusOK) w.Write([]byte("Hello World")) }
{"time":"2023-01-23T14:36:26.6303067+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"handling request","path":"/hello","user-agent":"curl/7.83.1","status":200}
上面这种使用 Logger 的方式是不是还挺方便的,不过很遗憾的是,在最新的 slog 包里,这两个方法已经被作者移除掉了。
我很好奇作者为什么把这两个方法移除掉,后面翻到 slog 提案[1] 下面作者留言[2],大意是说这种使用方式有比较大的争议(主要是函数之间能否使用 context),而且如果使用者喜欢这种使用方式的话,也可以自己实现,所以把这两个方法移除了。
如果需要自己实现通过 context 储存和提取 Logger,你知道怎么实现吗?欢迎留言区交流,嘻嘻。
在讲 Handler 那一节时提到过,如果我们实现了 Handler 接口,就可以将第三方 log 与 Logger 集成,那该怎么实现呢?我们就拿 logrus 日志包举例吧。
package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "net" "net/http" "os" ) func init() { // 设置logrus logrus.SetFormatter(&logrus.JSONFormatter{}) logrus.SetOutput(os.Stdout) logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) } func main() { // 将 Logrus 与 Logger 集成在一块 logger := slog.New(&LogrusHandler{ logger: logrus.StandardLogger(), }) logger.Error("something went wrong", net.ErrClosed, "status", http.StatusInternalServerError) } type LogrusHandler struct { logger *logrus.Logger } func (h *LogrusHandler) Enabled(_ slog.Level) bool { return true } func (h *LogrusHandler) Handle(rec slog.Record) error { fields := make(map[string]interface{}, rec.NumAttrs()) rec.Attrs(func(a slog.Attr) { fields[a.Key] = a.Value.Any() }) entry := h.logger.WithFields(fields) switch rec.Level { case slog.LevelDebug: entry.Debug(rec.Message) case slog.LevelInfo: entry.Info(rec.Message) case slog.LevelWarn: entry.Warn(rec.Message) case slog.LevelError: entry.Error(rec.Message) } fmt.Println("测试是否走了这个方法:记录日志") return nil } func (h *LogrusHandler) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler { // 为了演示,此方法就没有实现,但不影响效果 return h } func (h *LogrusHandler) WithGroup(name string) slog.Handler { // 为了演示,此方法就没有实现,但不影响效果 return h }
{"err":"use of closed network connection","level":"error","msg":"something went wrong","status":500,"time":"2023-01-23T16:07:40+08:00"} 测试是否走了这个方法:记录日志
追查代码发现,通过调用 slog 的方法记录日志时都会调用 logPC() 方法生成一条 Record,最终会交给 Handler 接口的具体实现方法 Handle(),这里就是我们自己实现的方法
func (h *LogrusHandler) Handle(rec slog.Record) error {}
从输出就可以看出,最终调用了自己实现的 Handle() 方法,走的是 logrus 包的方法 entry.Error()。
这篇文章主要介绍了 slog 包的一些主要方法的使用,简单说了下里面一些函数、方法的实现,更详细的细节大家可以自行查看源码。目前中文社区关于 slog 的文章不多(可能是我没发现,欢迎补充),我发现比较好的已经在底部的参考文章里列出来了,作为补充可以深入了解 slog 包。另外感兴趣的同学可以看下关于 slog 的提案(里面会实时更新一些信息以及社区开发者的讨论)和 slog 包的设计文档,具体链接看参考文章。欢迎留言交流,一起学习成长。
The above is the detailed content of slog: How is the development of Go's official structured log package going? How to use it?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!