How to improve the static resource access speed of Python website through CDN acceleration technology?
With the development of the Internet, the demand for website access speed is getting higher and higher, especially for access to static resources. In order to improve user experience and website performance, using CDN (content delivery network) acceleration technology has become a common choice. This article will introduce how to improve the static resource access speed of Python websites through CDN acceleration technology, and provide you with specific code examples.
CDN is a distributed network architecture that improves resource access speed by storing static resources of the website (such as images, CSS and JavaScript files, etc.) on node servers closer to the user. and response time. The following are some Python-based CDN acceleration technology practices.
import oss2 from aliyunsdkcdn.request.v20180510 import AddCdnDomainRequest from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient # 创建OSS存储桶 auth = oss2.Auth('<Your Access-key ID>', '<Your Access-key Secret>') bucket_name = '<Your bucket name>' endpoint = '<Your bucket endpoint>' bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, endpoint, bucket_name) # 上传静态资源 local_file = '<Your local static file path>' bucket.put_object_from_file('<Your remote file path>', local_file) # 添加CDN域名 client = AcsClient('<Your Access-key ID>', '<Your Access-key Secret>', '<Your region ID>') request = AddCdnDomainRequest.AddCdnDomainRequest() request.set_DomainName('<Your CDN domain>') request.set_Sources('[{"content": "%s"}]' % '<Your remote file path>') response = client.do_action_with_exception(request)
import falcon from falcon_cdn import CDNUrlRewrite # 创建Falcon应用 app = falcon.API(middleware=[CDNUrlRewrite()]) # 创建资源处理器 class StaticResource: def on_get(self, req, resp): resp.body = 'Hello, World!' resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 # 添加路由 app.add_route('/static', StaticResource())
from flask import Flask, request, send_from_directory app = Flask(__name__) # 实现自定义CDN加速 @app.route('/static/<path:filename>', methods=['GET']) def get_static_file(filename): # 获取CDN节点服务器的IP cdn_ip = request.headers.get('X-Real-IP') # 判断请求是否来自CDN节点服务器 if cdn_ip: static_dir = '/path/to/cdn/static/files' else: static_dir = '/path/to/local/static/files' return send_from_directory(static_dir, filename) if __name__ == '__main__':
Through the above method, you can easily use CDN acceleration technology to improve static resource access on Python websites speed. No matter which method you choose to use, you'll get a better user experience and faster website responsiveness for your users. Hope this article helps you!
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