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Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation

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Approaching the current limit with questions

Why do we need to limit the current?

As I said above, a lot of traffic is indeed a good thing, but if it is overloaded and the system hangs up, everyone will suffer.

Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation

Therefore, before various major promotion activities, it is necessary to conduct a stress test on the system and evaluate the peak QPS of the entire system. Some current limiting settings will refuse to process or delay processing if it exceeds a certain threshold to avoid hanging the system.

What is the difference between current limiting and circuit breaker?

Traffic limiting occurs before the traffic comes in, and the excess traffic is restricted.

Circuit breaker is a mechanism to deal with faults. It occurs after traffic comes in. If a system failure or abnormality occurs, the fuse will automatically cut off the request to prevent the fault from further expanding and causing a service avalanche.

What is the difference between current limiting and peak clipping?

Peak clipping is a smooth processing of traffic, which avoids instantaneous overload of the system by slowly increasing the processing rate of requests.

Peak cutting is probably a reservoir, which stores the flow and flows slowly. Flow limiting is probably a gate, which rejects excess flow.

General process of current limiting

So how to implement specific current limiting? It can be summarized into the following steps:

Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation
General process of current limiting
  1. Statistical request traffic: Record the number or rate of requests, which can be done through counters and sliding Window and other methods for statistics.
  2. Determine whether the limit is exceeded: Based on the set restriction conditions, determine whether the current request traffic exceeds the limit.
  3. Execute current limiting policy: If the request traffic exceeds the limit, implement the current limiting policy, such as rejecting the request, delaying processing, returning error information, etc.
  4. Update statistical information: Update statistical information based on the processing results of the request, such as increasing the value of the counter, updating the data of the sliding window, etc.
  5. Repeat the above steps: Continuously count the request traffic, determine whether the limit is exceeded, implement the current limiting policy, and update the statistical information

It should be noted that the specific current limiting algorithm implementation may be adjusted and optimized according to different scenarios and needs, such as using the token bucket algorithm, leaky bucket algorithm, etc.

Single-machine current limiting and distributed current limiting

We noticed that in the general process of current limiting, it is necessary to count the request volume and update the statistics, then this request Quantity statistics and updates must be maintained in a storage.

If it is just a stand-alone environment, it is easy to handle and store it directly locally.

Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation
Single machine vs cluster

But generally speaking, our services are deployed in clusters. How to achieve overall current limiting among multiple machines? Woolen cloth?

At this time, we can put our statistical information into distributed K-V storage such as Tair or Redis.

Four Current Limiting Algorithms and Distributed Implementation

Next, we start to implement some common current limiting algorithms. Here we use Redis as distributed storage. Needless to say, Redis is the final Popular distributed cache DB; Redission is a Redis client. Redission is only used for distributed locks. It is somewhat "unqualified", but it is actually very easy to use as a Redis client.

Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation
Distributed implementation of five current limiting algorithms

Before we begin, let’s briefly prepare the environment. We won’t go into details about Redis installation and project creation. .

  • Add dependency
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  • Use singleton mode to obtain RedissonClient. It will not be registered as a bean here. Running single test is too slow.
public class RedissonConfig {

    private static final String REDIS_ADDRESS = "redis://";

    private static volatile  RedissonClient redissonClient;

   public static RedissonClient getInstance(){
        if (redissonClient==null){
            synchronized (RedissonConfig.class){
                if (redissonClient==null){
                    Config config = new Config();
                    redissonClient = Redisson.create(config);
                    return redissonClient;
        return redissonClient;
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Fixed window current limiting algorithm

Algorithm principle

Fixed window algorithm, many reference materials are also called counters Algorithm, of course I personally understand that the counter algorithm is a special case of the fixed window algorithm, of course we don’t worry about it that much.

The fixed window algorithm is a relatively simple current limiting algorithm. It divides time into fixed time windows and sets a limit on the number of requests allowed in each window. If the number of requests exceeds the upper limit within a time window, current limiting will be triggered.

Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation
Insert picture description here

Algorithm implementation

The implementation of a fixed window based on Redisson is quite simple. Within each window period, we can count the number of requests through the incrementAndGet operation. Once the window period is over, we can leverage Redis's key expiration feature to automatically reset the count.

  • Let’s take a look at the code implementation:
public class FixedWindowRateLimiter {
    public static final String KEY = "fixedWindowRateLimiter:";
     * 请求限制数量
    private Long limit;
     * 窗口大小(单位:S)
    private Long windowSize;

    public FixedWindowRateLimiter(Long limit, Long windowSize) {
        this.limit = limit;
        this.windowSize = windowSize;

     * 固定窗口限流
    public boolean triggerLimit(String path) {
        RedissonClient redissonClient = RedissonConfig.getInstance();
        RLock rLock = redissonClient.getLock(KEY + "LOCK:" + path);
        try {
            rLock.lock(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            String redisKey = KEY + path;
            RAtomicLong counter = redissonClient.getAtomicLong(redisKey);
            long count = counter.incrementAndGet();
            if (count == 1) {
                counter.expire(windowSize, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            if (count > limit) {
                return true;
            return false;
        } finally {

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An additional distributed lock is used here to solve the initialization of the window in concurrent situations. question.

  • Let’s test it again
class FixedWindowRateLimiterTest {
    ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(20, 50, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(10));

    void triggerLimit() throws InterruptedException {
        FixedWindowRateLimiter fixedWindowRateLimiter = new FixedWindowRateLimiter(10L,60L);
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(20);
            for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
                threadPoolExecutor.execute(() -> {
                    boolean isLimit = fixedWindowRateLimiter.triggerLimit("/test");
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Of course, you can also write an interface and use stress testing tools such as Jmeter to test.

The advantage of the fixed window algorithm is that it is simple to implement and takes up little space. However, it has critical problems. Since the window switching is completed instantaneously, the request processing is not smooth and may occur at the moment of window switching. Severe fluctuations in traffic.

For example, in this example, if a large number of requests suddenly come in at 00:02, but we reset the count at this time, then we cannot limit the sudden traffic.

Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation
Critical value problem

Sliding window algorithm

In order to alleviate the burst traffic problem of fixed window, sliding window can be used Algorithm, TCP flow control in computer networks uses the sliding window algorithm.

Algorithm principle

The principle of the sliding window current limiting algorithm is to divide a large time window into multiple small time windows, and each small window has an independent count.

When a request comes in, determine whether the number of requests exceeds the limit of the entire window. The movement of the window is to slide a small unit window forward each time.

For example, the following sliding window divides the large time window of 1 minute into 5 small windows, and the time of each small window is 12 seconds.

Each cell has its own independent counter, which will move forward one cell every 12 seconds.

If a request comes at 00:01, the window count at this time is 3 12 9 15 = 39, which can also play a role in current limiting.

Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation
Schematic diagram of the sliding window algorithm

This is why the sliding window can solve critical problems. The more sliding grids, the greater the overall sliding Smooth, the more accurate the current limiting effect will be.

Algorithm implementation

So how do we implement the sliding window current limiting algorithm here? It's very simple, we can directly use Redis's ordered set (zset) structure.

We use timestamp as score and member. When a request comes, the current timestamp is added to the ordered set. Then for requests outside the window, we can calculate the starting timestamp based on the window size and delete the requests outside the window. In this way, the size of the ordered set is the number of requests in our window.

Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation
  • 代码实现
public class SlidingWindowRateLimiter {
    public static final String KEY = "slidingWindowRateLimiter:";

     * 请求次数限制
    private Long limit;
     * 窗口大小(单位:S)
    private Long windowSize;

    public SlidingWindowRateLimiter(Long limit, Long windowSize) {
        this.limit = limit;
        this.windowSize = windowSize;

    public boolean triggerLimit(String path) {
        RedissonClient redissonClient = RedissonConfig.getInstance();
        RScoredSortedSet<Long> counter = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(KEY + path);
        RLock rLock = redissonClient.getLock(KEY + "LOCK:" + path);
        try {
            rLock.lock(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            // 当前时间戳
            long currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // 窗口起始时间戳
            long windowStartTimestamp = currentTimestamp - windowSize * 1000;
            // 移除窗口外的时间戳,左闭右开
            counter.removeRangeByScore(0, true, windowStartTimestamp, false);
            // 将当前时间戳作为score,也作为member,
            // TODO:高并发情况下可能没法保证唯一,可以加一个唯一标识
            counter.add(currentTimestamp, currentTimestamp);
            long count = counter.size();
            // 判断时间戳数量是否超过限流阈值
            if (count > limit) {
                System.out.println("[triggerLimit] path:" + path + " count:" + count + " over limit:" + limit);
                return true;
            return false;
        } finally {

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  • 还是来测试一下
class SlidingWindowRateLimiterTest {
    ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(30, 50, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(10));

    void triggerLimit() throws InterruptedException {
        SlidingWindowRateLimiter slidingWindowRateLimiter = new SlidingWindowRateLimiter(10L, 1L);
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(20);
            for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
                threadPoolExecutor.execute(() -> {
                    boolean isLimit = slidingWindowRateLimiter.triggerLimit("/test");
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漏桶算法(Leaky Bucket),名副其实,就是请求就像水一样以任意速度注入漏桶,而桶会按照固定的速率将水漏掉。

Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation


漏桶算法的两大作用是网络流量整形(Traffic Shaping)和速度限制(Rate Limiting)。






  • 代码实现
public class LeakyBucketRateLimiter {
    private RedissonClient redissonClient = RedissonConfig.getInstance();
    private static final String KEY_PREFIX = "LeakyBucket:";

     * 桶的大小
    private Long bucketSize;
     * 漏水速率,单位:个/秒
    private Long leakRate;

    public LeakyBucketRateLimiter(Long bucketSize, Long leakRate) {
        this.bucketSize = bucketSize;
        this.leakRate = leakRate;
        ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
        executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::leakWater, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

     * 漏水
    public void leakWater() {
        RSet<String> pathSet=redissonClient.getSet(KEY_PREFIX+":pathSet");
        for(String path:pathSet){
            String redisKey = KEY_PREFIX + path;
            RScoredSortedSet<Long> bucket = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(KEY_PREFIX + path);
            // 获取当前时间
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // 删除旧的请求
            bucket.removeRangeByScore(0, true,now - 1000 * leakRate,true);

     * 限流
    public boolean triggerLimit(String path) {
        RLock rLock = redissonClient.getLock(KEY_PREFIX + "LOCK:" + path);
        try {
            String redisKey = KEY_PREFIX + path;
            RScoredSortedSet<Long> bucket = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(redisKey);
            RSet<String> pathSet=redissonClient.getSet(KEY_PREFIX+":pathSet");
            // 获取当前时间
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // 检查桶是否已满
            if (bucket.size() < bucketSize) {
                // 桶未满,添加一个元素到桶中
                return false;
            // 桶已满,触发限流
            System.out.println("[triggerLimit] path:"+path+" bucket size:"+bucket.size());
            return true;
        }finally {
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  • 最后还是大家熟悉的测试
class LeakyBucketRateLimiterTest {

    ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(30, 50, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(10));

    void triggerLimit() throws InterruptedException {
        LeakyBucketRateLimiter leakyBucketRateLimiter = new LeakyBucketRateLimiter(10L, 1L);
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(20);
            for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
                threadPoolExecutor.execute(() -> {
                    boolean isLimit = leakyBucketRateLimiter.triggerLimit("/test");
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Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation




Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation


  • 代码实现
public class TokenBucketRateLimiter {

    public static final String KEY = "TokenBucketRateLimiter:";

     * 阈值
    private Long limit;
     * 添加令牌的速率,单位:个/秒
    private Long tokenRate;

    public TokenBucketRateLimiter(Long limit, Long tokenRate) {
        this.limit = limit;
        this.tokenRate = tokenRate;

     * 限流算法
    public boolean triggerLimit(String path){
        RedissonClient redissonClient=RedissonConfig.getInstance();
        RRateLimiter rateLimiter = redissonClient.getRateLimiter(KEY+path);
        // 初始化,设置速率模式,速率,间隔,间隔单位
        rateLimiter.trySetRate(RateType.OVERALL, limit, tokenRate, RateIntervalUnit.SECONDS);
        // 获取令牌
        return rateLimiter.tryAcquire();
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  • 并发处理采用了分布式锁,高并发情况下,对性能有一定损耗,逻辑最好还是直接采用Lua脚本实现,来提高性能
  • 可以提供更加优雅的调用方式,比如利用aop实现注解式调用,代码设计也可以更加优雅,继承体系可以完善一下
  • 没有实现限流的拒绝策略,比如抛异常、缓存、丢进MQ打散……限流是一种方法,最终的目的还是尽可能保证系统平稳



  • Guava RateLimiter ,基于令牌桶算法限流,当然是单机的;
  • Sentinel ,基于滑动窗口限流,支持单机,也支持集群
  • 网关限流,很多网关自带限流方法,比如Spring Cloud GatewayNginx

The above is the detailed content of Four distributed current limiting algorithms and code implementation. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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