1. Draw complex shapes or paths When a simple rectangle cannot meet the needs, the drawing environment provides the following methods to draw complex shapes or paths.
beginPath(): Start drawing a new path.
closePath(): Closes the shape by drawing a line segment from the current point to the starting point of the path.
fill(), stroke(): Fill a shape or draw a hollow shape.
moveTo(): Move the current point to point (x, y).
lineTo(): Draw a straight line from the current point to point (x, y).
arc(x,y,r,sAngle,eAngle,counterclockwise): Draw an arc with a specified radius to point (x,y).
2. To draw complex shapes using these methods, you need to follow the following steps
Use the beginPath() method to start drawing the path.
Use moveTo(), lineTo(), arc(), methods to create line segments.
Use closePath() to end drawing and close the shape (optional).
Use stroke() or fill() to draw the outer border or fill shape of the path. Using fill() will automatically close all unclosed paths.
3. Arc() drawing instructions
4. Drawing complex shapes in canvas
5. Drawing effect