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Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?

Release: 2023-08-23 14:25:16
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#Where does caching work?

Personally, I think the first-level cache and the second-level cache of mybatis are not a good design. I basically don’t use the first-level cache and the second-level cache at work. Because improper use can cause many problems, so let’s take a look today at what exactly are the problems?

In the previous section, we introduced that Executor will call StatementHandler to execute SQL, which serves as a link between the previous and the following. Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?The design of Executor is a typical decorator pattern. SimpleExecutor and ReuseExecutor are specific implementation classes, while CachingExecutor is a decorator class.

You can see that the specific component implementation class has a parent class BaseExecutor, and this parent class is a typical application of the template pattern. The operations of operating the first-level cache are all in this class, and the specific functions of operating the database are Let the subclasses implement it.

"The second-level cache is a decorator class. When the second-level cache is turned on, CachingExecutor will be used to decorate the specific implementation class, so when querying, you must first query the second-level cache and then Query the first-level cache"Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?"So what is the difference between the first-level cache and the second-level cache?"

First-level cache

Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?
// BaseExecutor
protected PerpetualCache localCache;
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The first-level cache is a member variable localCache in BaseExecutor (a simple encapsulation of HashMap), so the first-level cache The life cycle is the same as SqlSession. If you are not familiar with SqlSession, you can compare it to Connection in JDBC programming, which is a session of the database.



  1. mappedStatment的id
  2. 指定查询结构集的范围
  3. 查询所使用SQL语句
  4. 用户传递给SQL语句的实际参数值


org.apache.ibatis.executor.BaseExecutor#queryWhy are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?当使用同一个SqlSession执行更新操作时,会先清空一级缓存。因此一级缓存中内容被使用的概率也很低Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?



原文地址:https://tech.meituan.com/2018/01/19/mybatis-cache.html 测试代码github地址:https://github.com/kailuncen/mybatis-cache-demo



CREATE TABLE `student` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `age` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
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Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?执行结果:Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?我们可以看到,只有第一次真正查询了数据库,后续的查询使用了一级缓存。



Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?执行结果:Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?我们可以看到,在修改操作后执行的相同查询,查询了数据库,一级缓存失效。



Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?输出如下Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?sqlSession1和sqlSession2读的时相同的数据,但是都查询了数据库,说明了「一级缓存只在数据库会话层面共享」



<setting name="localCacheScope" value="STATEMENT"/>
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原因也很简单,看BaseExecutor的query()方法,当配置成STATEMENT时,每次查询完都会清空缓存Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?「看到这你可能会想,我用mybatis后没设置这个参数啊,好像也没发生脏读的问题啊,其实是因为你和spring整合了」


  1. 在未开启事务的情况之下,每次查询,spring都会关闭旧的sqlSession而创建新的sqlSession,因此此时的一级缓存是没有起作用的
  2. 在开启事务的情况之下,spring使用threadLocal获取当前线程绑定的同一个sqlSession,因此此时一级缓存是有效的,当事务执行完毕,会关闭sqlSession



Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?
// Configuration
protected final Map<String, Cache> caches = new StrictMap<>("Caches collection");
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 <setting name="cacheEnabled" value="true"/>
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从Configuration类的newExecutor方法可以看到,当cacheEnabled为true,就用缓存装饰器装饰一下具体组件实现类,从而让二级缓存生效Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?「2.mapper映射文件中」mapper映射文件中如果配置了中的任意一个标签,则表示开启了二级缓存功能,没有的话表示不开启

<cache type="" eviction="FIFO" size="512"></cache>
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org.apache.ibatis.builder.MapperBuilderAssistant#useNewCacheWhy are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?



A typical implementation of the decorator pattern, changing the cache clearing strategy is to change the decorator. Why are both the first-level and second-level caches of Mybatis not recommended?「3.