According to news on August 18, an attention-grabbing smartphone fire recently occurred in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. However, this incident was a little different from usual. It was not a low-end Android phone involved, but an Apple phone. iPhone. According to reports, the businessman Prem When Raj Singh was at home, his iPhone suddenly caught fire in his pocket, triggering a series of thrilling episodes.
According to the Times of India, the 47-year-old real estate businessman said that he first felt that the mobile phone in his pocket became extremely hot, and then the mobile phone started to smoke. After the phone made a loud noise, Singh quickly took it out, but the phone exploded in his hand and split into two pieces. This thrilling scene not only injured his left thigh and thumb, but also sent him to the hospital for treatment.
According to ETV Bharat, the smartphone involved was confirmed to be an Apple iPhone. Although the specific model has not yet been determined, judging from the pictures, the phone resembles an old one. iPhone 8 or iPhone 7. In the accident, the front and rear panels of the iPhone were completely separated, and the phone was severely burned
Singh said that he has been using iPhones for more than ten years. However, after this incident, he lost confidence in Apple. He even complained about Apple to the local Mahuakela police station. Currently, relevant departments are investigating the incident to find out the real cause of the iPhone fire
This incident once again reminds people that although smartphone fires are uncommon, But not limited to a specific make or model. As a high-end smartphone, the iPhone is not absolutely safe. While the cause behind the incident has yet to be determined, smartphone fires are usually linked to factors such as battery failure or short circuit
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