jQuery 1.4 was recently released. This is not just a maintenance release as some have speculated; 1.4 contains many new features, enhancements, and performance improvements! This article describes new features and enhancements that you may find beneficial.
You can download jQuery 1.4 now here: http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.js
Prior to 1.4, jQuery supported adding attributes to a collection of elements through the useful "attr
" method, which could be passed the attribute name and value, or an object specifying multiple attributes. jQuery 1.4 added support for passing a property object as the second argument to the jQuery function itself when creating an element.
Suppose you need to create an anchor element with multiple attributes. For 1.4, it's as simple as this:
jQuery('<a/>', { id: 'foo', href: 'http://google.com', title: 'Become a Googler', rel: 'external', text: 'Go to Google!' });
You may have noticed the "text
" attribute - you may be wondering what it does there, after all anchors don't have a "text
" attribute! Well, jQuery 1.4 uses it's own method when you pass certain properties. Therefore, the "text" attribute specified above will cause jQuery to call the ".text()
" method, passing "Go to Google!" as its only argument.
A better practical example:
jQuery('<div/>', { id: 'foo', css: { fontWeight: 700, color: 'green' }, click: function(){ alert('Foo has been clicked!'); } });
The "id" is added as a regular attribute, but the "css" and "click" attributes trigger a call to each corresponding method. The above code, before version 1.4, should be written like this:
jQuery('<div/>') .attr('id', 'foo') .css({ fontWeight: 700, color: 'green' }) .click(function(){ alert('Foo has been clicked!'); });
Learn more about jQuery(...)
1.4, "nextUntil
", "prevUntil
" and "parentsUntil
". Each of these methods traverses the DOM in some direction until the passed selector is satisfied. So, let's say you have a list of fruits:
<ul> <li>Apple</li> <li>Banana</li> <li>Grape</li> <li>Strawberry</li> <li>Pear</li> <li>Peach</li> </ul>
You want to select all items after "Apple", but you want to stop after reaching "Strawberry". It couldn’t be simpler:
jQuery('ul li:contains(Apple)').nextUntil(':contains(Pear)'); // Selects Banana, Grape, Strawberry
Learn more about: prevUntil, nextUntil, parentsUntil
Instead of chaining a bunch of event binding methods together, you can lump them all into the same call, like this:
jQuery('#foo).bind({ click: function() { // do something }, mouseover: function() { // do something }, mouseout: function() { // do something } })
This also applies to ".one()
Learn more about .bind(...)
You can now define a different easing function for each property you want to animate, instead of just one easing function for a single animation. jQuery includes two easing functions: swing (default) and Linear. For the others, you need to download them separately!
To specify an easing function for each property, simply define the property as an array, the first value being the value you want to animate for that property, and the second value being the easing function to use:
jQuery('#foo').animate({ left: 500, top: [500, 'easeOutBounce'] }, 2000);
See the actual effect of this code!
You can also define the easing function for each property in the optional options object as a property name-value pair in the "specialEasing" object:
jQuery('#foo').animate({ left: 500, top: 500 }, { duration: 2000, specialEasing: { top: 'easeOutBounce' } });
Editor's Note - The author of this article, James Padolsey, is very humble. This new feature was his idea!
Learn more about easing by attribute
jQuery 1.4 adds support for delegates "Submit", "Change", "Focus" and "Blur" strong>" event. In jQuery, we use the ".live()
" method to delegate events. When you have to register event handlers on many elements, and over time new ones may be added This is useful when working with elements (using ".live()
" is cheaper than constantly rebinding).
But, be careful! If you want to delegate the "focus" and "blur" events you must use the event names "focusin" and "focusout"!
jQuery('input').live('focusin', function(){ // do something with this });
jQuery 1.4 provides a new "proxy
" function under the jQuery namespace. The function accepts two parameters, either "scope" and the method name, or the function and the expected scope. JavaScript’s “this” keyword can be difficult to master. Sometimes you don't want it to be an element, but an object you created previously.
For example, here we have a "app
" object, which has two properties, a "clickHandler
" method and a configuration object:
var app = { config: { clickMessage: 'Hi!' }, clickHandler: function() { alert(this.config.clickMessage); } };
The "clickHandler
" method, when called like "app.clickHandler()
", will have "app
" as its context, which means Using the "this
" keyword will allow it to access "app
". If we simply call:
app.clickHandler(); // "Hi!" is alerted
Let's try binding it as an event handler:
jQuery('a').bind('click', app.clickHandler);
当我们单击锚点时,它似乎不起作用(没有任何警报)。这是因为 jQuery(以及大多数理智的事件模型)默认情况下会将处理程序的上下文设置为目标元素,也就是说,刚刚单击的元素将可以通过“this
”。在 jQuery 1.4 中实现这一点再简单不过了:
jQuery('a').bind( 'click', jQuery.proxy(app, 'clickHandler') );
”设置为您指定的任何内容。它在其他上下文中也很有用,例如将回调传递给其他 jQuery 方法或插件。
了解有关 jQuery.proxy
”。 “.delay()
jQuery('#foo') .slideDown() // Slide down .delay(200) // Do nothing for 200 ms .fadeIn(); // Fade in
了解更多关于 .delay(…)
jQuery 1.4 可以轻松检查元素(或集合)“.has()
”是否有某些内容。这相当于 jQuery 的选择器过滤器“:has()
这将选择包含 UL 元素的所有 DIV 元素。在这种情况下,您可能只使用选择器过滤器(“:has()
jQuery 1.4 还揭示了 jQuery 命名空间下的“contains
”函数。这是一个接受两个 DOM 节点的低级函数。它将返回一个布尔值,指示第二个元素是否包含在第一个元素中。例如
jQuery.contains(document.documentElement, document.body); // Returns true - <body> is within <html>
, jQuery.contains(...)
”方法已经有一段时间了。 jQuery 1.4 添加了“.unwrap()
”方法,其作用完全相反。如果我们假设以下 DOM 结构:
<div> <p>Foo</p> </div>
生成的 DOM 结构将是:
了解更多关于 .unwrap(…)
”方法允许您从 DOM 中删除元素,与“.remove()
”方法非常相似。这种新方法的主要区别在于它不会破坏 jQuery 在该元素上保存的数据。这包括通过“.data()
”添加的数据以及通过 jQuery 事件系统添加的任何事件处理程序。
当您需要从 DOM 中删除元素,但您知道稍后需要将其添加回来时,这会很有用。其事件处理程序和任何其他数据都将保留。
var foo = jQuery('#foo'); // Bind an important event handler foo.click(function(){ alert('Foo!'); }); foo.detach(); // Remove it from the DOM // … do stuff foo.appendTo('body'); // Add it back to the DOM foo.click(); // alerts "Foo!"
了解有关 .detach(...)
jQuery 1.4 为您提供了两种使用“.index()
现在不传递任何参数会返回元素在其同级元素中的索引。因此,假设以下 DOM 结构:
<ul> <li>Apple</li> <li>Banana</li> <li>Grape</li> <li>Strawberry</li> <li>Pear</li> <li>Peach</li> </ul>
jQuery('li').click(function(){ alert( jQuery(this).index() ); });
jQuery 1.4 还允许您指定一个选择器作为“.index()
您应该注意,此方法返回的是一个整数,如果在文档中找不到传递的选择器/元素,它将返回 -1。
了解更多关于 .index(…)
大多数 DOM 操作方法现在支持传递函数作为唯一参数(或第二个参数,在“.css()
jQuery('li').html(function(i){ return 'Index of this list item: ' + i; });
此外,使用上述某些方法,您还将获得第二个参数。如果您调用 setter 方法(例如“.html()
jQuery('a').attr('href', function(i, currentHref){ return currentHref + '?foo=bar'; });
jQuery('li').css('color', function(i, currentCssColor){ return i % 2 ? 'red' : 'blue'; });
jQuery 1.4 添加了两个新的辅助函数(直接存储在 jQuery 命名空间下),可帮助您确定正在处理的对象类型。
”,该函数返回一个布尔值,指示传递的对象是否为空(缺乏属性 - 直接和继承)。其次,“isPlainObject
”,它将返回一个布尔值,指示传递的对象是否是纯 JavaScript 对象,即通过“{}
”或“new Object()
”创建的对象。< /p>
jQuery.isEmptyObject({}); // true jQuery.isEmptyObject({foo:1}); // false jQuery.isPlainObject({}); // true jQuery.isPlainObject(window); // false jQuery.isPlainObject(jQuery()); // false
了解更多: isPlainObject(...)
, isEmptyObject(...)
jQuery 的“.closest()
此外,它现在接受上下文作为第二个参数,这意味着您可以控制 DOM 遍历的距离或距离。这两个增强功能都适用于罕见的用例,但它们在内部使用时效果很好!
了解更多关于 .closest(…)
jQuery('form') .focusin(function(){ jQuery(this).addClass('focused'); }); .focusout(function(){ jQuery(this).removeClass('focused'); });
了解有关 focusIn
和 focusOut
如果您还没有看过,您应该查看“jQuery 14 天”,这是一场精彩的在线活动,标志着 jQuery 1.4 的发布以及 jQuery 的四周年生日!
并且不要忘记查看新的 API 文档!
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The above is the detailed content of 15 New Features You Must Know: jQuery 1.4 Released. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!