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Exploring the World of Cookies: A Beginner's Guide

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Exploring the World of Cookies: A Beginners Guide

You may have heard of cookies, but what exactly are they and what can we actually do with them? In this tutorial, we'll focus on the basics of cookies and understand their functionality in various web application and site environments. We'll also learn how to use them in PHP and JavaScript projects, paying special attention to security issues that can arise when using them. After reading this article, you'll have the skills you need to securely implement cookies in your own web applications.

Step 1.Understand Cookies

The first step in our journey is to discover what these cookies actually are! Even if you've already used them, you may still find this section useful - so keep following me!


You can easily think of cookies as text files saved to your computer. Upon request from a web server, your browser creates such a file. After this happens, the network server can read from or write to this file. Although this may seem like a dangerous feature - no one likes other people writing files to their computer, after all - there are some restrictions in place to make this process as safe as possible.

  • A web server can only access cookies set to its own domain. The domain is set by the browser when the web server requests a new cookie, and can only be the web server's domain or subdomain (the web server can choose a subdomain if necessary). This means that mozilla.com cannot read cookies set by google.com, etc., and vice versa.
  • According to the HTTP protocol, each cookie cannot be larger than 4096 bytes (4KB).
  • The number of cookies per domain is limited. The number varies per browser, but a commonly used limit is 20 cookies. This is to prevent a single domain from taking up disk space on the client.
  • There is a limit to the total number of cookies on the client's hard drive. This number also varies per browser, but is usually limited to around three hundred. When this number is exceeded, old cookies are deleted and new ones are created.

Cookies have an expiration date. This date is set so browsers can delete old cookies when the web server no longer requires them. If the expiration date is empty, the cookie will be deleted when the connection to the server is closed. This happens when the user closes a window or tab of the website, or when the user closes the entire browser. These cookies, sometimes called session cookies, are primarily used to store temporary settings.


Let’s see what these things look like on a technical level. Cookies are transmitted via the HTTP protocol. This is the protocol used by browsers to retrieve files and send them to the server. After requesting a cookie, the cookie is sent to the server each time the browser fetches a new item on the web page. Below, we can see a fragment of the server requesting a new cookie (this fragment is part of the HTTP response).

Set-Cookie: Name=content data; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2010 23:59:59 GMT; path=/; domain=.example.net
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Don't be afraid now, it's all easy to understand!

  • Set-Cookie: Lets the browser know that the server wants to create a new cookie.
  • Name is the name of the cookie. Each cookie within the domain must have a different name so that the browser can keep all cookies separate. The name is followed by =ContentData, where "ContentData" is the data to be included in the cookie. This data can be a text string or a number and, as mentioned above, can be up to 4KB in size.
  • expires= is the expiration date of the command. The expiration date is in the format "Wdy,DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT" (don't ask me why it's defined in this ridiculous format, because I don't know either. No user has ever seen an expiration date, then Why waste memory, hard drive space and bandwidth on long dates?). Don’t worry though, as most programming languages ​​have easy-to-use features at your disposal. Browsers automatically delete cookies whose expiration date has passed.
  • Domain and Path need some more in-depth explanation. Domain is the domain in which the cookie will be active. If the domain is "ads.google.com", the cookie will be sent only to servers for that domain, if the domain is "google.com", the cookie will be sent to any server for any subdomain of that domain Google, including google. com itself.
  • Path is the path to the domain to which the cookie is sent. This means that if the path is set to "/images/" and the domain is set to "ads.google.com", the cookie will only be sent to the server if the browser requests a file from "ads.google".com/images/ '. If the path is set to "/", the cookie will be sent to the server regardless of the location of the requested file on the server.

In the next step, we will review how to use these properties in programming languages.

Step 2. How to create and read Cookie

Cookies can be created in a variety of ways, however, for the purposes of this tutorial, we will focus on PHP and JavaScript.


在 PHP 中创建 cookie 时要记住的最重要的事情是,您必须在向浏览器发送任何数据之前设置所有 cookie。这意味着您应该始终任何输出之前初始化新的cookie。这包括 echo() 或 print() 命令以及 或 标记。当然,也有一些例外,但这是一般的经验法则。

/***Creating a cookie***/
$name = 'clientname';
$value = 'Peter Griffin';
//time() gives current time in seconds, and we add 60 seconds * 30 = 30 minutes
//so this cookie expires in 30 minutes.
//You may notice that the expire date is in seconds, PHP translates this to
//the correct format internally!
$expireDate = time() + 60 * 30;
$path = '/example/';
$domain = 'test.envato.com';
$secure = false; //only transmit the cookie if a HTTPS connection is established
$httponly = true; //make cookie available only for the HTTP protocol (and not for JavaScript)
setcookie( $name, $value, $expireDate, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly);

.... //all content etc goes here
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除了 $secure$httponly 之外,现在看起来应该很熟悉。 “secure”是强制仅在已建立 HTTPS 连接的情况下发送 cookie,如果设置为 true,则通常应设置为 false。 “httponly”使 cookie 只能通过 HTTP 协议使用,这意味着客户端语言(如 JavaScript 和 VBscript)无法访问 cookie。这有助于防止令人讨厌的事情,例如跨站点脚本,如果您无意使用 JavaScript 等语言编辑客户端的 cookie,则应将其设置为 true。另外,为了防止误解,“httponly”并不意味着 cookie 不能通过 HTTPS 发送,因为事实上它们仍然可以。但是,请注意,上面的代码片段可以变得非常小(并且应该如此):

setcookie( 'clientname', 'Peter Griffin', time()+60*30, '/example/', 'test.envato.com', false,true);
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太棒了!现在我们可以创建cookie,但我们也必须能够读取它们。幸运的是,一旦创建了 cookie,PHP 就可以让这一切变得非常简单。在 PHP 中,有一个名为 $_COOKIE[] 的环境变量,可用于提取 cookie 的值。要使用它,只需将 cookie 的名称插入方括号 [] 内,如下所示:

$cookieValue = $_COOKIE['name of the cookie'];
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这个环境变量可以像其他环境变量一样使用。就像 $_GET[] 和 $_POST[] 一样,如果您愿意,可以直接将其视为普通变量(当然,一旦您检查了 cookie 是否确实存在)。

如果您想更改过期日期、路径或域,则必须使用与原始 cookie 相同的名称,使用 setcookie() 覆盖现有 cookie。如果您将过期日期更改为过去的日期(例如 time()-30*60),则 Cookie 将被删除。


Cookie 也可以在客户端读取和写入。尽管 JavaScript 没有提供一个很好的读取和写入 cookie 的解决方案,但它是可能的并且被广泛使用。 JavaScript 使用 document.cookie 对象进行 cookie 操作,如以下代码片段所示:

//get current date
var expiredate = new Date();
//increase date by 5 hours
expiredate.setHours( expiredate.getHours() + 5);
document.cookie = 'cookiename=cookievalue; expires='  + expiredate.toUTCString() + 'path=/example/; domain=test.envato.com';
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您可能已经注意到,此语法与 HTTP 协议表示法非常相似。这样做的优点是更容易控制,但也带来了一些潜在的问题。下面是读取 cookie 的 片段。

var cookieName = 'testcookiename';
var textArray = document.cookie.split(';'); //put all the parts of the string in an array
for(var i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++){ // loop though all string pieces
var textPiece = textArray[i]; //contains 1 string piece
 //filter beginning spaces
while(textPiece(0)==' ') textPiece = textPiece.substring(1,textPiece.length);
//if the textpiece contains our cookies name
if (textPiece.indexOf(cookieName)== 0){ 
 //return whats after the cookies name
return textPiece.substring(cookieName.length,c.length);
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function writeCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, expireHours, path, domain){
var date =  new Date();
date.setHours(date.getHours + expireHours);
document.cookie = cookieName + '=' + cookieValue + '; expires=' + date + '; path=' + path + '; domain=' + domain;

function readCookie(cookieName){
var textArray = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++){
var textPiece = textArray[i]; 
while(textPiece(0)==' ') textPiece = textPiece.substring(1,textPiece.length);
if (textPiece.indexOf(cookieName)== 0) return textPiece.substring(cookieName.length,c.length);
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第 3 步. 如何处理 Cookie

你知道吗? -

Cookie 是由 Netscape 发明的,该公司希望使用它们为在线商店创建购物车。多亏了 cookie,人们即使在与商店断开连接后也能够保留购物车中的商品。

如今,我们几乎将 Cookie 用于您能想到的所有用途。您可以使用它们来保存用户设置,例如名称、语言、位置或屏幕尺寸。这可以提高您想要为客户提供的服务质量,因为您可以优化为客户提供的服务,并在将来记住这种优化。例如,您可以将客户的首选语言保存到 cookie,然后在客户每次访问您的网站时以首选语言显示您网站的内容。


第 4 步。 编写很酷的东西

终于!现在我们可以开始编写一些很棒的代码了!下面是一个奖励片段,它使用 cookie 创建重新登录机制。


在我们开始之前,此片段包含一些 MySQL 代码。如果您不熟悉 MySQL,请不要惊慌。尽管这段代码有点困难,但只要有一些基本的 PHP 和 cookie 知识就应该可以理解。

要创建“记住我”的实现,我们必须具备一些条件。首先,我们需要一个包含用户名、密码和标识字段的数据库表。其次,我们需要一个唯一的字符串或数字来通过cookie安全地识别客户端(这是数据库表中的标识)。在此代码片段中,我们将使用 SHA-1 摘要(它只是一个字符串)作为标识符。如果使用得当,这可以提供出色的安全性。

大多数人只是在 cookie 中插入用户名和密码,然后自动将其发送到服务器。 应始终避免这种情况!Cookie 通常通过非安全连接发送,因此任何潜在攻击者很容易看到内容。


//this assumes that the user has just logged in
/****Creating an identification string****/

$username; //normally the username would be known after login

//create a digest from two random values and the username
$digest = sha1(strval(rand(0,microtime(true)) + $username + strval(microtime(true)); 

//save to database (assuming connection is already made)
mysql_query('UPDATE users SET reloginDigest="'.$digest.'" WHERE username="'.$username.'"');  

//set the cookie
setcookie( 'reloginID', $digest, time()+60*60*24*7,'/', 'test.example.com', false, true); 

//this assumes that the user is logged out and cookie is set
/****Verifying users through the cookie****/

$digest = $_COOKIE['reloginID'];
$digest = mysql_real_escape_string($digest); //filter any malicious content

//check database for digest
$result = mysql_query('SELECT username FROM users WHERE reloginDigest="'.$digest.'"');
//check if a digest was found
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1){
	$userdata  = mysql_fetch_object($result);
	$username = $userdata->username;

	//here you should set a new digest for the next relogin using the above code!

	echo 'You have successfully logged in, '.$username;

} else{
//digest didn't exist (or more of the same digests were found, but that's not going to happen)
echo "failed to login!";

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通过像我们一样使用摘要,获得两个相同摘要的机会微乎其微。摘要是一个四十个字符串,理论上,如果输入发生更改,它应该始终提供完整的随机输出。实际上,您应该在服务器端代码中添加时间限制,以便摘要在 X 分钟后无效。这可以防止攻击者复制某人的 cookie 并使用它们登录。

第 5 步。最佳实践


  • 切勿将敏感数据插入 cookie。客户可能会在公共计算机上浏览,因此不要留下任何个人信息。
  • 永远不要相信来自 Cookie 的数据。始终过滤字符串和数字!攻击者可能会向 Cookie 写入恶意数据,以执行您不希望服务执行的操作。
  • 尝试估计 cookie 的有效期限,并相应地设置到期日期。您不想让客户的计算机被设置为一百年后过期的旧 cookie 占用。
  • 始终设置 secure 和 httponly 以满足您的应用程序需求。如果您的应用程序不使用 JavaScript 编辑 cookie,请启用 httponly。如果您始终有 HTTPS 连接,请启用安全。这提高了数据的完整性和机密性。


我希望您从今天的 Nettuts+ 教程中学到了一些东西。如果您有任何疑问,请随时发表评论或在 Twitter 上打个招呼。

The above is the detailed content of Exploring the World of Cookies: A Beginner's Guide. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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