How to use the Layui framework to develop an aviation service platform that supports instant query and booking of air tickets
The development of aviation service platforms has become a major trend in modern society. One of the indispensable and important platforms. Users need to conduct ticket enquiry, booking and payment through the aviation service platform. This article will give you specific steps and code examples to teach you how to use the Layui framework to develop an aviation service platform that supports instant query and booking of air tickets.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>航空服务平台</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="layui/css/layui.css"> </head> <body> <!-- 页面内容 --> <script src="layui/layui.js"></script> </body> </html>
<div class="layui-form-item"> <input type="text" name="flight" placeholder="请输入航班号" autocomplete="off" class="layui-input"> </div> <div class="layui-form-item"> <button class="layui-btn" lay-filter="search" lay-submit>查询</button> </div>
<script> layui.use(['form', 'jquery'], function(){ var form = layui.form; var $ = layui.jquery; form.on('submit(search)', function(data){ var flight = data.field.flight; // 发起ajax请求查询航班信息 $.ajax({ url: '/api/search_flight', type: 'POST', data: {flight: flight}, success: function(res){ // 处理查询结果 if (res.code === 0) { layer.msg('查询成功'); // 显示查询结果 // ... } else { layer.msg('查询失败'); } }, error: function(){ layer.msg('网络错误'); } }); return false; }); }); </script>
<table class="layui-table" id="flightTable"></table>
<script> layui.use(['table', 'jquery'], function(){ var table = layui.table; var $ = layui.jquery; // 渲染表格 table.render({ elem: '#flightTable', height: 500, url: '/api/get_flight_list', method: 'POST', cols: [[ {field: 'flightNo', title: '航班号'}, {field: 'departure', title: '出发地'}, {field: 'destination', title: '目的地'}, {field: 'departureTime', title: '出发时间'}, {field: 'arrivalTime', title: '到达时间'}, {title: '操作', toolbar: '#flightToolbar'} ]] }); // 监听表格工具栏按钮点击事件 table.on('tool(flightTable)', function(obj){ var data =; if(obj.event === 'book'){ // 跳转到预订页面 window.location.href = '/booking?flight=' + data.flightNo; } }); }); </script>
<form class="layui-form" action=""> <div class="layui-form-item"> <label class="layui-form-label">航班号</label> <div class="layui-input-block"> <input type="text" name="flight" value="{{flight}}" readonly class="layui-input"> </div> </div> <div class="layui-form-item"> <label class="layui-form-label">姓名</label> <div class="layui-input-block"> <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="请输入姓名" class="layui-input"> </div> </div> <div class="layui-form-item"> <button class="layui-btn" lay-submit lay-filter="book">预订</button> </div> </form>
<script> layui.use(['form', 'jquery'], function(){ var form = layui.form; var $ = layui.jquery; form.on('submit(book)', function(data){ var flight = data.field.flight; var name =; // 发起ajax请求进行机票预订 $.ajax({ url: '/api/book_flight', type: 'POST', data: {flight: flight, name: name}, success: function(res){ if (res.code === 0) { layer.msg('预订成功'); // 跳转至支付页面 window.location.href = '/payment?order=' + res.orderId; } else { layer.msg('预订失败'); } }, error: function(){ layer.msg('网络错误'); } }); return false; }); }); </script>
Through specific steps and code examples, this article shows you how to use the Layui framework to develop an aviation service platform that supports instant query and booking of air tickets. You can follow these sample codes and develop based on your own business needs. I hope it will be helpful to you.
The above is the detailed content of How to use the Layui framework to develop an aviation service platform that supports instant query and booking of air tickets. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!