The example in this article describes the method of javascript realizing web page character positioning. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
Here you enter the string to be queried, and after clicking the position, the program will automatically jump to the matching position
<html> <form name="f1" action="" onSubmit="if(this.t1.value!=null && this.t1.value!='') findString(this.t1.value);return false"> <input type="text" name=t1 value="" size=20> <input type="submit" name=b1 value="Find"> </form> <p> 导读:11月2日,美国将举行中期选举,众议院国会议员将全部改选,参议院改选1/3,一些州也将进行州长选举。奥巴马能否令心怀不满的选民支持民主党,支撑民主党统治,尚不得而知 </p> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var TRange=null function findString (str) { if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)<4) return; var strFound; if (window.find) { // CODE FOR BROWSERS THAT SUPPORT window.find strFound=self.find(str); if (strFound && self.getSelection && !self.getSelection().anchorNode) { strFound=self.find(str) } if (!strFound) { strFound=self.find(str,0,1) while (self.find(str,0,1)) continue } } else if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1) { // EXPLORER-SPECIFIC CODE if (TRange!=null) { TRange.collapse(false) strFound=TRange.findText(str) if (strFound) } if (TRange==null || strFound==0) { TRange=self.document.body.createTextRange() strFound=TRange.findText(str) if (strFound) } } else if (navigator.appName=="Opera") { alert ("Opera browsers not supported, sorry...") return; } if (!strFound) alert ("String '"+str+"' not found!") return; } //--> </script> </html>
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s JavaScript programming design.