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Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

Release: 2024-01-14 08:33:11
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1. Background

First of all, let’s introduce the business background, data background, and basic algorithm strategy of Baidu’s comprehensive information flow recommendation.

1. Baidu comprehensive information flow recommendation

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

Baidu’s comprehensive information flow includes the search box in the Baidu APP The form of list page and immersion page covers a variety of product types. As you can see from the picture above, the recommended content formats include immersive recommendations similar to Douyin, as well as single-column and double-column recommendations, similar to the layout of Xiaohongshu Notes. There are also many ways for users to interact with content. They can comment, like, and collect content on the landing page. They can also enter the author page to view relevant information and interact. Users can also provide negative feedback, etc. The design of the entire comprehensive information flow is very rich and diverse, and can meet the different needs and interaction methods of users.

2. Data background

From a modeling perspective, we mainly face three challenges:

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

  • massive . The daily display level exceeds tens of billions, so the model needs to have a throughput of tens of billions per day. The daily DAU exceeds 100 million, which also determines that the entire model needs to be designed with high throughput and high scalability. For the sorting model, there are hundreds of millions of calculations per second online. Therefore, when designing the model, not only the effect but also the performance must be considered, and a good compromise between performance and effect needs to be achieved. The diversification of user interaction forms and scenarios also requires the model to predict multiple types of tasks.
  • High demand. The response time requirements of the entire system are very high. End-to-end calculations are done in milliseconds. If the predetermined time is exceeded, a failure will be returned. This also creates another problem, which is the difficulty of bringing complex structures online.
  • The Matthew effect is strong. From the perspective of data samples, the Matthew effect is very strong. A small number of top active users contribute most of the distribution volume, and the top popular resources also cover most of them. Display volume. Whether it is the user side or the resource side, the Matthew effect is very strong. Therefore, the Matthew effect needs to be weakened during system design to make recommendations more fair.

3. Promotion of basic algorithm strategies

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

throughout the industry In search scenarios, feature design usually adopts a discretization method to ensure both memory and generalization effects. Features are converted into one-hot codes through hashing for discretization. For head users, fine characterization is required to achieve accurate memory. For the sparse long-tail users who account for a larger proportion, good generalization processing is required. In addition, session plays a very important role in the user's click and consumption decision sequence.

Model design needs to balance the data distribution of the head and long tail to ensure accuracy and generalization ability. Feature design already takes this into account, so model design also needs to take both generalization and accuracy into consideration. Baidu recommendation funnel has very strict performance requirements, so it requires joint design in architecture and strategy to find a balance between performance and effect. Additionally, there is a need to balance high throughput and accuracy of the model.

The design of the architecture needs to be comprehensively considered from two dimensions: performance and effect. One model cannot handle tens of millions of resource libraries, so it must be designed in layers. The core idea is the divide and conquer method. There is a correlation between each layer, so multi-stage joint training is required to improve the efficiency between multi-stage funnels. In addition, elastic computing methods need to be adopted to enable complex models to be launched while resources remain almost unchanged.

The Tower of Hanoi project on the right side of the picture above very cleverly implements the separation modeling of users and resources at the rough layout level. There is also CTR3.0 joint training, which realizes multi-layer and multi-stage joint training. For example, fine ranking is the most complex and exquisite model in the entire system. The accuracy is quite high. Rearrangement is based on the fine ranking. The relationship between wise modeling, fine ranking and rearrangement is very close. The joint training method we proposed based on these two models has achieved very good online results.

Next, we will further introduce it from the three perspectives of features, algorithms and architecture.

##2. Features

1. User-System Interactive decision-making process

Characteristics describe the interactive decision-making process between the user and the system.

The following figure shows the user-resource-scenario-state spatio-temporal relationship interaction matrix diagram.

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

First divide all signals into the four dimensions of users, resources, scenarios and states, because essentially we need to model users and resources The relationship between. In each dimension, various portrait data can be produced.

From the user perspective, the most basic portrait of age, gender, and points of interest. On this basis, there will also be some fine-grained features, such as similar users and users’ historical preference behaviors for different resource types. Session characteristics are mainly long and short-term behavior sequences. There are many sequence models in the industry, so I won’t go into details here. But no matter what type of sequence model you make, discrete session features at the feature level are indispensable. In Baidu's search advertising, this kind of fine-grained sequence feature has been introduced more than 10 years ago, which carefully depicts users' clicking behavior, consumption behavior, etc. on different resource types in different time windows. Multiple sets of sequence features.

In the resource dimension, there will also be ID-type features to record the status of the resource itself, which is dominated by memory. There are also plaintext portrait features to achieve basic generalization capabilities. In addition to coarse-grained features, there will also be more detailed resource features, such as embedding portrait features, which are produced based on multi-modal and other pre-trained models, and more detailed modeling of the relationship between resources in discrete embedding space. There are also statistical portrait features that describe the posteriori performance of resources under various circumstances. As well as lookalike features, users can reversely characterize resources to improve accuracy.

In terms of scene dimensions, there are different scene characteristics such as single column, immersive, and double columns.

Users consume feed information differently in different states. For example, what the refresh status is, what kind of network it comes from, and what the interaction form is on the landing page, will affect the user's future decision-making, so the characteristics will also be described from the status dimension.

Comprehensively depict the decision-making process of user-system interaction through the four dimensions of user, resource, status, and scenario. In many cases, combinations between multiple dimensions are also done.

2. Principle of discrete feature design

The following introduces the principle of discrete feature design.

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

High-quality features usually have three characteristics: high discrimination, high coverage, and strong robustness.

  • #High degree of discrimination: After adding features, the posterior is very different. For example, for a sample that adds feature a, the posterior click-through rate is very different from the posterior click-through rate that does not hit feature a.
  • High coverage: If the coverage of the added features in the entire sample is only a few ten thousandths or a hundred thousandths, then even if the features are very distinguishable degree, but there is a high probability that it will be ineffective.
  • Strong robustness: the distribution of the features themselves must be relatively stable and cannot change very drastically over time.

#In addition to the above three criteria, you can also make AUC judgments on single features. For example, only use a certain feature to train the model and see the relationship between the feature and the target. You can also remove a certain feature and see the change in AUC after missing the feature.

Based on the above design principles, we will focus on three types of important features: crossover, bias and sequence features.

  • Regarding cross-features, there are hundreds of related works in the industry. In practice, it has been found that no type of implicit feature cross-over can completely replace explicit feature cross-over, nor can it combine all All cross-features are deleted and only implicit representations are used. Explicit feature intersection can depict relevant information that implicit feature intersection cannot express. Of course, if you go deeper, you can use AutoML to automatically search the possible feature combination space. Therefore, in practice, the cross between features is done mainly by explicit feature cross and supplemented by implicit feature cross.
  • The bias feature refers to the fact that user clicks do not equal user satisfaction, because there are various biases in the display of resources, such as the most common The problem is position bias. Resources displayed in the header are naturally more likely to be clicked. There is also system bias. The system gives priority to showing what it thinks is the best, but it is not necessarily the real best. For example, newly released resources may be at a disadvantage due to lack of posterior information.
    There is a very classic structure for biased features, which is the Wide&Deep structure proposed by Google. Various biased features are usually placed on the Wide side, which can be cropped directly online. out, and achieve the effect of unbiased estimation through this partial ordering method.
  • #The last is the sequence feature, which is a very important type of user personalized feature. The current mainstream in the industry is to model very long sequences. In specific experiments, it will be found that the storage overhead of long sequences is usually very large. As mentioned in the previous article, we need to achieve a compromise between performance and effect. Long sequences can be pre-calculated offline, and short sequences can be calculated online in real time, so we often combine the two methods. The gating network is used to decide whether the user currently prefers short sequences or long sequences to balance long-term interests and short-term interests. At the same time, it should be noted that the marginal benefit decreases as the sequence lengthens.

3. Optimized feature system of recommendation funnel

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

Entire recommendation The funnel is designed in layers, with filtering and truncation at each layer. How to achieve maximum efficiency in a layered design with filter truncation? As mentioned earlier, we will do joint training of models. In addition, related designs can also be done in the dimension of feature design. There are also some problems here:

  • First of all, in order to improve the funnel pass rate, recall and rough sorting are directly fitted to fine ranking or fine sorting, which will lead to further strengthening of the Matthew effect. At this time , the recall/rough ranking model does not drive the learning process based on user behavior, but rather a fitting funnel. This is not the result we want to see. The correct approach is to recommend the decoupling design of each layer of the funnel model, rather than directly fitting the lower layer of the funnel.
  • The second aspect is rough sorting, which is theoretically closer to recall and is essentially the outlet for unified recall. Therefore, at the level of rough sorting, more recall signals can be introduced, such as crowd voting signals for collaborative recommendation, graph index paths, etc., so that rough sorting can be jointly optimized with the recall queue, so that the recall efficiency of resources entering fine sorting can be improved optimize.
  • The third is calculation reuse, which can improve the robustness of the model while reducing the amount of calculation. It should be noted here that there are often cascaded models. The second-level model uses the scores of the first-level model as features. This approach is very risky because the final estimated value of the model is an unstable distribution. If the estimated value of the first-level model is directly used as a feature, the lower-level model will be severely coupled, causing system instability.

##3. Algorithm

The following introduces the core algorithm the design of.

1. Sorting model from a system perspective

First let’s look at the recommended sorting model. It is generally believed that fine ranking is the most accurate model in the recommendation system. There is a view in the industry that rough layout is attached to fine layout and can be learned from fine layout. However, in actual practice, it has been found that rough layout cannot be directly learned from fine layout, which may cause many problems.

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

As you can see from the picture above, the positioning of rough sorting and fine sorting is different. Generally speaking, the rough sorting training samples are the same as the fine sorting samples, which are also display samples. Each time there are tens of thousands of candidates recalled for rough ranking, more than 99% of the resources are not displayed, and the model only uses a dozen or so resources that are finally displayed for training, which breaks the independence Under the assumption of identical distribution, the distribution of offline models varies greatly. This situation is most serious in recall, because the recall candidate sets are millions, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, and most of the final returned results are not displayed. Rough sorting is also relatively serious. Because the candidate set is usually in the tens of thousands. The fine sorting is relatively better. After passing through the two-layer funnel of recall and rough sorting, the basic quality of resources is guaranteed. It mainly does the work of selecting the best from the best. Therefore, the problem of offline distribution inconsistency in fine ranking is not so serious, and there is no need to consider too much the problem of sample selection bias (SSB). At the same time, because the candidate set is small, heavy calculations can be done. Fine ranking focuses on feature intersection, sequence modeling, etc. .

However, the level of rough sorting cannot be directly learned from fine sorting, nor can it be directly recalculated similar to fine sorting, because the calculation amount is dozens of times that of fine sorting. Times, if you directly use the design idea of ​​fine layout, the online machine will be completely unbearable, so rough layout requires a high degree of skill to balance performance and effect. It is a lightweight module. The focus of rough sorting iteration is different from fine sorting, and it mainly solves problems such as sample selection bias and recall queue optimization. Since rough sorting is closely related to recall, more attention is paid to the average quality of thousands of resources returned to fine sorting rather than the precise sorting relationship. Fine ranking is more closely related to rearrangement and focuses more on the AUC accuracy of a single point.

Therefore, in the design of rough ranking, it is more about the selection and generation of samples, and the design of generalization features and networks. The refined design can do complex multi-order intersection features, ultra-long sequence modeling, etc.

2. Generalization of very large-scale discrete DNN

The previous introduction is at the macro level, let’s take a look at the micro level.

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

# Specific to the model training process, the current mainstream in the industry is to use ultra-large-scale discrete DNN, and the generalization problem will be more serious. Because ultra-large-scale discrete DNN, through the embedding layer, mainly performs the memory function. See the figure above. The entire embedding space is a very large matrix, usually with hundreds of billions or trillions of rows and 1,000 columns. Therefore, model training is fully distributed, with dozens or even hundreds of GPUs doing distributed training.

Theoretically, for such a large matrix, brute force calculations will not be performed directly, but operations similar to matrix decomposition will be used. Of course, this matrix decomposition is different from the standard SVD matrix decomposition. The matrix decomposition here first learns the low-dimensional representation, and reduces the amount of calculation and storage through the sharing of parameters between slots, that is, it is decomposed into two matrices. the process of learning. The first is the feature and representation matrix, which will learn the relationship between the feature and the low-dimensional embedding. This embedding is very low, and an embedding of about ten dimensions is usually selected. The other one is the embedding and neuron matrix, and the weights between each slot are shared. In this way, the storage volume is reduced and the effect is improved.

Low-dimensional embedding learning is the key to optimizing the generalization ability of offline DNN. It is equivalent to doing sparse matrix decomposition. Therefore, the key to improving the generalization ability of the entire model lies in how to make it Parameter size can be better matched with the number of samples.

Optimize from multiple aspects:

  • #First of all, from the embedding dimension, because of the display of different features The quantity difference is very large. The display quantity of some features is very high, such as head resources and head users. You can use longer embedding dimensions. This is the common idea of ​​dynamic embedding dimensions, that is, the more fully the embedding dimensions are displayed. The longer. Of course, if you want to be more fancy, you can use autoML and other methods to do reinforcement learning and automatically search for the optimal embedding length.
  • #The second aspect is to create thresholds. Since different resources display different amounts, when to create embedded representations for features also needs to be considered.

3. Overfitting problem

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

The industry usually adopts a two-stage training method to resist overfitting. The entire model consists of two layers, one is a large discrete matrix layer, and the other is a small dense parameter layer. The discrete matrix layer is very easy to overfit, so industry practice usually uses One Pass Training, that is, online learning, where all the data is passed through, and batch training is not done like in academia.

In addition, the industry usually uses timing validation set to solve the overfitting problem of sparse layers. Divide the entire training data set into many Deltas, T0, T1, T2, and T3, according to the time dimension. Each training is fixed with the discrete parameter layer trained a few hours ago, and then the next Delta data is used to finetune the dense network. That is, by fixing the sparse layer and retraining other parameters, the overfitting problem of the model can be alleviated.

This approach will also bring another problem, because the training is divided, and the discrete parameters at time T0 need to be fixed each time, and then the join is retrained at time t 1 stage, this will slow down the entire training speed and bring scalability challenges. Therefore, in recent years, single-stage training has been adopted, that is, the discrete representation layer and the dense network layer are updated simultaneously in a Delta. There is also a problem with single-stage training, because in addition to embedding features, the entire model also has many continuous-valued features. These continuous-valued features will count the display clicks of each discrete feature. Therefore, it may bring the risk of data crossing. Therefore, in actual practice, the first step will be to remove the characteristics of the statistics, and the second step will be to train the dense network together with the discrete representation, using a single-stage training method. In addition, the entire embedded length is automatically scalable. Through this series of methods, model training can be accelerated by about 30%. Practice shows that the degree of overfitting of this method is very slight, and the difference between the AUC of training and testing is 1/1000 or lower.

##4. Architecture

Next, we will introduce the architecture design thoughts and experiences.

1. Principle of system layered design

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

The core principle of system design is layered Governing law. Recall requires multiple channels. The core goal is to improve the recall rate and the richness of recall resources. At the same time, recall must also consider the issues of exploration and utilization, which is the basic guarantee for the recommendation effect. Rough sorting is the first layer of filtering, mainly for lightweight point estimation, connecting the previous and the next. Fine ranking usually involves heavy calculations and predictions. It is closely related to rearrangement. It usually uses very complex structures and is also the focus of industry research. Rearrangement is the last layer. Rearrangement is specific to users and determines the final display sequence. Based on the results of fine reordering, the context is considered and complex sequence prediction is made, that is, list wise sorting. Reordering needs to consider many business constraints. There are many rules in it, including breakup, LCN, exit, etc. It is a module driven by both rules and models.

The goals of each layer of the recommendation system are basically the same, but the focus of each layer is different. Recall and rough ranking focus on generalization and recall rate, fine ranking focuses on single-point AUC accuracy, and rearrangement focuses on overall sequence optimization. From the data point of view, the closer to rough sorting of recall, the more general it is, and the closer to fine sorting and rearrangement, the more precision is required. The closer to the recall source, the more serious the performance limitation, because the more candidate resources, the greater the computational complexity. It is a misunderstanding that rough sorting only needs to be aligned with fine sorting. Coarse sorting needs to consider the consistency with fine sorting, but it cannot only be aligned with fine sorting. If the rough sorting does nothing but aligns the fine sorting, it will bring about a very serious Mar

effect. Because fine ranking is not the ground truth, user behavior is. You need to learn user behavior well, not learn fine ranking. This is a very important tip.

2. Multi-stage model joint training

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

#The relationship between fine ranking and rearrangement is It is very close. In the early years, rearrangements were directly trained using the scores of fine lineups. On the one hand, the coupling was very serious. On the other hand, the scores of fine lineups were directly used for training, which easily caused online fluctuations.

Baidu Fengchao CTR 3.0 joint training project of fine ranking and rearrangement very cleverly uses models to train at the same time to avoid the problem of scoring coupling. This project uses the hidden layer and internal scoring of the fine-ranking sub-network as characteristics of the rearrangement sub-network. Then, the fine-ranking and rearrangement sub-networks are separated and deployed in their respective modules. On the one hand, the intermediate results can be reused well without the fluctuation problem caused by scoring coupling. At the same time, the accuracy of rearrangement will be improved by a percentile. This was also one of the sub-projects that received Baidu’s highest award that year.

In addition, please note that this project is not ESSM. ESSM is CTCVR modeling and multi-objective modeling. CTR3.0 joint training mainly solves the problems of scoring coupling and rearrangement model accuracy. .

In addition, recall and rough sorting must be decoupled, because new queues are added, which may not be fair to the new queues. Therefore, a random masking method is proposed, that is, randomly masking out some features so that the coupling degree is not so strong.

3. Sparse routing network

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

Finally, let’s take a look at the online deployment process. The scale of model parameters is in the order of hundreds of billions to trillions, and there are many targets. Direct online deployment is very expensive, and we cannot only consider the effect without considering the performance. A better way is elastic calculation, similar to the idea of ​​Sparse MOE.

Rough sorting has access to a lot of queues, with dozens or even hundreds of queues. The online value (LTV) of these queues is different. The traffic value layer calculates the value of different recall queues to online click duration. The core idea is that the greater the overall contribution of the recall queue, the more complex calculations can be enjoyed. This allows limited computing power to serve higher value traffic. Therefore, we did not use the traditional distillation method, but adopted an idea similar to Sparse MOE for elastic computing, that is, the design of strategy and architecture co-design, so that different recall queues can use the most suitable resource network for calculation.

##5. Future plans

As we all know, now Entering the era of LLM large models. Baidu's exploration of the next generation recommendation system based on LLM large language model will be carried out from three aspects.

Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology

The first aspect is to upgrade the model from basic prediction to being able to make decisions. For example, important issues such as efficient exploration of classic cold start resources, immersive sequence recommendation feedback, and the decision-making chain from search to recommendation can all be made with the help of large models.

The second aspect is from discrimination to generation. Now the entire model is discriminative. In the future, we will explore generative recommendation methods, such as automatically generating recommendation reasons, and based on long-tail data prompt for automatic data enhancement and generative retrieval model.

The third aspect is from black box to white box. In the traditional recommendation system, people often say that neural network is an alchemy and a black box. Is it possible to move towards white box? Exploration is also one of the important tasks in the future. For example, based on cause and effect, we can explore the reasons behind user behavior state transitions, make better unbiased estimates of recommendation fairness, and perform better scene adaptation in Multi Task Machine Learning scenarios.

The above is the detailed content of Exploration and application of Baidu sorting technology. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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