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What is the connection between Linux and Unix? Interpreting the Linux kernel version number

Release: 2024-01-26 22:24:36
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1.The relationship between Linux and unix is ​​()d.linux is a unix-like operating system

2. The Linux system is a () operating system d. Multi-user, multi-tasking

3.The system configuration file of XWindow is ()d./etc/X11/xorg.conf

4. The following () command can only start a simple XWindow window d.xinit

5 The following statement about shell is incorrect () a. The socket program between the user and the Linux kernel

6.() command can switch the ordinary user to the super user c.su

7. The following statement about the Linux kernel version is incorrect () "1.3.2" means a stable release version

8. The following () kernel version belongs to the test version b.2.3.4

9. The following () command cannot start the XWindow system c.xwindow

10 Among the following commands, the one that can restart the computer is ()d.reboot

11 The following () settings do not require superuser permissions b to change the type of desktop environment

12 In Linux, if you choose to use the second virtual console, you should press the () key Alt F2

13Linux development time originated from ()b.1991

14The operating system is a program that manages computer hardware and software for users. The following three main functions that do not belong to it are () c. User interface

15/root directory is ()a. the super user’s home directory

the second time

1. The installation software package provided by RedHatLinux, the default packaging format is d.rpm

2. Which of the following statements about shutdown–k is correct () a. Send a warning message to all users

3. Which command below can display the contents of a text file? ()b.mored.vi

4. Which command below is used to start Xwindow? ()b.startx

5. In order to ensure the security of the system, today's Linux systems usually encrypt the /etc/passwd password file and save it as () file b./etc/shadow

6. The following description of user groups is incorrect ()

a. User group administrators can create user accounts, set or change account passwords, and all other things related to users and groups

7. Among the following commands, the Linux command to display the current version and other system information is , and the command that cannot be used to view the content of text files is () b.ls

8. The following () file saves user account information c./etc/shadow

9. Among the following options, which command can crash ()d.init0

10Use the () command to merge two files into one file d.cat

11 When deleting a software package using rpm, the command option that should be used is () b.-e

12When upgrading an installed software package with rpm, the command option that should be used is ()d.–U

13. When using rpm to install a software package, the command option that should be used is ()c.-i

14Which command can convert an ordinary user into a super user? ()a.su

15That command can copy all files in the /dir1 directory, including all subdirectories, to the /dir2 directory ()


16How to obtain information about installed RPM software packages? ()c.rpm-ql

17 For the following command: $catnametest1test2>name, the correct statement is ()d. Merge test1test2 into name

18 Regarding the pwd command, which of the following statements is wrong? ()

1.Copy system output

2. Shut down your system

3.Copy recently processed documents

19 Use the "useraddjerry" command to add a user. What is the home directory of this user? ()b./home/jerry20 user’s account information is stored in ()b./etc/shadowc./etc/passwd

the third time

1. The configuration file corresponding to the init process is named (). This process is the first process of the Linux process, and its process number is always 1d./etc/inittab

2. Does Linux support the following file systems? ()a.vfatb.minixc.xfs

3What are the unique identifiers of Linux files and directories? ()d.inodes

4 If an attribute is drwxrwxrwx, the permissions of this file are () a. root can delete files in this directory b. The file owner has the right to delete files in this directory

5 Regarding the link description below, the error is () b. Both hard links and symbolic links form a new inode

6The one below is the standard term for the /usr file system ()c. It is used to store executable programs, system management tools and library files

7 The following command cannot be used to create an EXT3 file system ()c.mkdfs.ext3

8 Among the following ways to mount a CD, the incorrect one is () a.mount/mnt/cdrom

9 If you get a message that a running command is denied, which command can you use to change its permissions so that it can run normally? ()a.chmod

10 The file system type used by the disc is ()d.ISO9660

11 Which statement about fsck is correct () a. It needs to be executed before backing up the entire file system d. It needs to be executed in single-user mode

12 Regarding the /etc file system, which one is the standard usage (). Used to store configuration files for system management

13 Regarding symbolic links, what is correct? () It can be linked to a device file. It can be linked to a file that does not exist. It can be linked to a file on a different file system. It can be linked to a directory.

14 Use files to create a swap partition. Which of the following is its advantage () a. It is easier to implement

15 In the following device file, the device file representing the first logical partition of the second IDE hard disk is ()d./dev/hdb516. In the following device file, the device file representing the second SCSI hard disk is The device file of the first logical partition is () b./dev/sdb517. If you want to load a Windows95 partition of /dev/hdb1 to the /mnt/win95 directory, what command do you need to run? ()b.mount–tvfat/dev/hdb1/mnt/win95

18 For manual mounting of the Linux file system, the configuration work is completed in the () file d./etc/fstab

19When loading CDROM, the default file system type is that ()iso9660

20 The access permission of file exerl is rw-r--r--. First, reduce the execution permission of all users and the write permission of users in the same group. The correct command below is () a.chmoda xg wexerl

the fourth time

1 Which of the following descriptions about run levels is correct? ()a. Run levels 0-6 or S respectively specify the services/daemon processes that run when the system boots. c. You can switch from single-user mode to multi-user mode

2 When deleting a software package with the help of rpm, the command option that should be used is ()a.-e

3 When upgrading an installed software package with rpm, the command option that should be used is ()d.-U

4 When installing a software package with the help of rpm, the command option that should be used is ()d.-i

5What does startup run level 3 mean? ()c.Multi-user mode with network function

6How to obtain information about installed RPM software packages? ()d.rpm-ql

7 When the Linux kernel performs hardware measurements and activates the swap partition, which of the following programs is run? ()c./sbin/init8 When booting into linux, which of the following directories contains the scripts that will be run? ()c./etc/rc.d/init.d

9What are the effects of creating a sticky bit (sticky) for the /tmp directory listed below? ()d. It allows the owner of a file or directory to connect and rename its file or directory

10 To check whether the telnet software package is installed in the current Linux system, the installation command is (B)


11 To know the installed RPM package information, you should view the contents of the (C) file c./var/log/rpmpkg

12Please select the correct description about /etc/fstab? (D)d. Used to manage file system information

13 Please select the correct command to upgrade the samba-B.0.5aJp2-8.i386.rpm software package (D)


14 Please select the correct description (C) about /etc/inittab. It is used to set the running level after starting the system

15 Please select the one with an incorrect description of the run level in the LINUX system. (C)c. Run level 2 is not defined

16 Please choose the appropriate command to measure the c drive or video memory usage (D)d.top

17Which function does run level 2 perform? (B)b. Multi-user mode does not have nfs support

18 Choose the correct command to find the name of the relevant package in all installed RPM packages (C) c.rpm–qa|grepsamb19 Choose the correct description of the /proc file system (ACD) a. You can get the system Some information about the running process c./proc file system can provide many parameters of the system core d./proc is a virtual file system

20Generally, which Linux utility is responsible for loading the core? (C)c.grub

the fifth time

1.The process priority range in Linux is ()a.-20 to 19

2. Which of the following commands displays each process in the system in detail ()



3. Use the () command to cancel the execution of task scheduling.


4.What command is used to measure cpuID?()


5. In Linux, () is the basic unit of system resource allocation and the basic scheduling unit of CPU operation


6. When logging into Linux, a shell with a unique process ID number will be called. What is this ID? ()


7. The terminal window of the desktop environment can be expressed as ()


8. One or more related()s being executed form a job



9.openssh uses the port number () by default


10.SSH is a contract, it has two versions () and ()


11.The default port of Webmin service is ()


12. Which computer can be pinged by a host with an IP address of and a subnet segment of ()


13. Which of the following descriptions about xinetd is correct ()

c. All three of the above are correct

14. Which of the following descriptions about xinetd is correct? ()

b. Its configuration file is /etc/xinetd.conf

c.xinetd can work with TCP_Wraper to control access to a certain network service

d. It will call other daemons when necessary

15. In the following description of the ICMP contract, the correct one is ()

c.ICMP contract transmits control messages to the sending host based on network communication conditions

16. Which of the following descriptions of the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 is correct ()

d. It is a system script file

17. Which of the following is wrong? ()

c.SMTP is a contract used in network management

d.ipv4 is a way to solve the problem of insufficient addresses

18. Which of the following commands can see the IP address? ()



19. Which of the following TCP/IP descriptions is wrong? ()

b. Composed only of TCP layer and IP layer

d. Encrypt information before transmission

20. The command that can be used to activate the network card eth0 is ()



In the vi editor, the command "dd" is used to delete the current

a. Row

Please select one

that has an incorrect description of the run level in the LINUX system

b. Run level 2 is not defined

In order to temporarily allow tom users to log in to the system, the following () method can be used

d. Change the account expiration date of tom user

To change the owner of a file, you can use the () command


The default configuration file for all user logins is (


When logging in as root, the () command can change the password of user larry


Use "rm–i", the system will prompt you to confirm

b.Whether it is really deleted

After executing the command chmodo rwfile, the permissions of the file file change to

c. Other users can read and write file files

Please select an error description about LINUX

b.(runlevel)6 is stop mode


If you want to manually run the /home/cd/start script file at 10 pm today, you can use the following command to execute it


In the shellThe Linux command to display the current version and other system information is . When treating the following strings as ordinary strings, you need to use "" as a wildcard character


What are the correct meanings of the -v parameter of the tar command

d. Use verbose mode

Which command can be used to find lines containing only four characters in the file TESTFILE


What are the commands to display the user's home directory?


How to use the letters "new" to replace the letters "old" when opening a file with vi? ()


What characters need to be used to separate multiple commands in one line? (


Among the 7 levels of Linux running, the multi-user text mode with full functions, its running level is


In BASH, if you want to set some permanent parameters, such as PATH, you do not need to reset it every time you log in. You can set the parameters in ()



Who provides most of the management tools including Linux distribution


What are the commands to determine the file type of myfile?


Which of the following commands can be used to redirect the output of the pipeline to the standard output and the specified file


Which statement about (umount) is incorrect

c.You can eject the floppy drive before loading

To restart the Linux system, among the following operation commands, the incorrect one is


What are the characters used to separate directory names and file names


When a directory is used as a mount point, the original files in the directory

d. Hidden and will be restored after the mounted device is uninstalled

To compress the myfile.txt file in the current directory into myfile.txt.tar.gz, the implemented command is d.tar-zcvfmyfile.txt.tar.gzmyfile.tx

What are the advantages of open core source code

b. You can download the latest core code from the Internet

Using standard output redirection (>) like ">file01" can make the data of file file01


The system configuration file is in the () directory


Which of the following statements is correct

a. Generally, the Linux system can be installed from a bootable CDROM

C. Under DOS, you can use the rawwrite command to create the installation c drive

In the vi editor, that command can move the cursor to line 200


There is a line student:;600:23,14,W5 in /etc/group. I don’t know how many users are in the students group.

The command below is a full-screen text editor


When using vi to edit read-only text, the command to force file reading and exit is c.:wq!


The command below can be used to complete the task of executing a certain program at 4:00am on the 1st of every month


Which of the following Linux path structures is invalid in the local file system? ()



Please select the correct description of the standard variable PS2

b. is a continuous prompt variable

What combination of commands can count how many users log in to the system



That command can display the size of the c drive space where the file system is loaded


That command can display the size of the c drive space occupied by files and directories


In vi, the () command inserts text starting from the first non-blank character on the line where the cursor is located


Choose two error descriptions about system maintenance b. Do not use system logs because it will cause excessive load

The default file system of RHEL4AS is


Use the useradd command to create a new user. If you want to specify the user's home directory, you need to use the () option


Which description of Linux commands below is correct

b.Case sensitive

What does the command "tailmyfile" mean? ()

.It displays the last 10 lines of myfile

That command is used to display the file names in /home and its subdirectories


If you use cron to schedule a scheduled process, you should use that command to edit the configuration file


Unless otherwise specified, cp assumes that the file to be copied is in the directory below

Current directory

Which command among the following options can achieve regular backup () b.crontab

Assume that you are currently in the command mode of vi and the line needs to enter the insert mode. Among the following shortcut keys, the one that cannot be implemented is () b.1

Which option below is used to explain Linux commands? ()

b.User socket

When running in multi-user mode, how many virtual user terminals can be switched with CONTROL ALT F*


What conditions are necessary to successfully log in to the LINUX system

a.A valid user IDb.A default user SHELLc.A user's home directory

To list all files starting with "vsftpd" in the /etc directory, the following commands cannot be implemented ()


There is a shell script prog in the current directory /home|lisa. Its permissions are rwxr-xr-x. If you run prog in the command, you will get "commandnotfound". What is the correct following ()

c. You need to break into ./prog to execute this program b. The path /home/lisa is not included in the PATH environment variable

In recent years, HPCCluster running the Linux operating system has emerged rapidly. It has low node prices, easy expansion, and can achieve a higher cost performance. right

There are too many distributions, the market is chaotic, and the lack of unified standards is a shortcoming of Linux at present. right

RedHatEnterpriseLinux is a version provided for enterprise users, and technical support is chargeable. right

Linux can run on almost all computer platforms, including PCs, PC servers, UNIX servers, midrange computers, and mainframes. mistake

Linux is open source in accordance with the GNU public copyright contract. Anyone can change and use the source code at will without any declaration. mistake

The tar command can perform () a. compression, archiving and decompression of files

The operation that the usermod command cannot implement is ()c. Delete the specified account and corresponding home directory

The following description of the Linux user account is correct (the Linux user account must have a password before logging into the system or the passwd file can only be accessed by the system administrator). A correct one

That command will cause the user to change from the current directory to his/her home directory

In Linux systems, what is the default shell a.bash

What multitasking allows users to do () (run multiple applications or share files at the same time) correctly

If you just added a user named kara to the system, by default, the user group to which kara belongs is d.kara. If the current directory is /home/sea/china, then the parent directory of "china" Is that directory? a./home/sea

Assignment 3

What kind of functions does Apache not support? ()c.NFSd.AppleTalk

How many network addresses can a Class B network have at most? c.16382

What are the aliases of IP? ()d. Allow multiple IP addresses to be bound to one network card

Ip address, what type of network does it belong to? If the network segment is, what is its broadcast address? ()b.Category C211.21.210.255

Which of the following descriptions about xinetd is correct? () a.xinetd can work with TCP_Wraper to control access to a certain network service b. Its configuration file is /etc/xinetd.confc. It will call other daemons when necessary

Which of the following options is not Apache's host-based access control directive? ()b.ALL

Which of the following descriptions of subnet segments is correct? ()b. It is used to separate the host address and the network address

Which contract below uses two or more ports? ()c.FTP

Which of the following descriptions about Apache is wrong? () a. The default port is 8080

The following description of Apache () is wrong a. The service port cannot be changed b. The default port is 8080c. It can only be one

domain names provide services

The following () is Apache’s basic configuration file c.httpd.conf

The command to start the Apache server is ()d.servicehttpdstart

In apache's user name-based access control, what are the commands to generate user password files? ()a.htpasswd

For the Apache server, what are the default users for the provided child processes? ()b.nobody

The directory where the user's personal homepage is stored is set by which parameter of the file httpd.conf? ()d.UserDir

The command used to set the absolute path of the document directory tree in Apache is ()a.DocumentRoot

What are the commands used to set the administrator's email address to be displayed on the browser when an error occurs on the Apache server? ()a.ServerAdmin

The command to set the maximum number of Apache connections is ()b.MaxClients

The command to set the maximum number of idle processes in Apache is ()d.MaxSpareServers

Please select the correct description about Apache from below () a. Includes a component that can encrypt information before transmission d. Can set a password for a directory

Assignment 5

The function support module of the iptables service is installed in the () folder. c./lib/iptables

The service management script of the iptables service is (). b./etc/init.d/iptables

The configuration file of the iptables service is (), with the help of this configuration file, you can specify the function module to be loaded.


What can be done with IP disguise? () a. Hosts connected to linux can access the Internet linux delete command, although they do not have a public ipd. It allows multiple hosts on a network to share an ip address

John plans to build a firewall deep in Linux on his LAN to prevent the Internet from directly entering the LAN and vice versa. He cannot use packet filtering or SOCKS programs on the firewall, but he wants to provide LAN users with only a few Internet services and contracts, which of the following best describes the type of firewall John should use? () c. Traditional proxy

What type of firewall service does Linuxkernel provide? ()a.Packetfilteringfirewall

NAT types do not include a. Proxy server NAT

Choose the appropriate description about ip masquerading from below () a. Its function is like a NAT system: converting internal ip addresses to external ip addresses d. It is a tool to connect the internal network to the Internet

Among the packet matching parameters of the following iptables command, () is used to express the source address. c.–s

Among the following iptables command parameters, the user implements adding chain rules (). d.–A

The following description of the connection form between the DMZ zone and the server is incorrect (). b. The firewall has only one DMZ socket, so the firewall can only connect to one server

The following description about using service services to manage firewalls is incorrect (). d. When starting the firewall with the help of service service, the function support module to be loaded can be specified in the /etc/iptables-config configuration file

The following description about building a TCP connection is incorrect () d. The client actively initiates an access request to the Web server. The source port used by the client is TCP80

The following description of the firewall function implementation method is incorrect (). a. Firewall cannot implement the function of proxy server

The following description of the firewall is incorrect (). d. Firewalls can only be placed at the boundary of the network and can only be implemented using hardware products

The following commands to start the iptables firewall are ()c.serviceiptablesstartd./etc/rc.d/init.d/iptablesstart

Among the following addresses, the one that is not a private network address is () b.

In the following rule chain, the one that does not belong to the nat table is ()d.INPUT

Among the following software or operating systems, the firewall function cannot be implemented (). c. Antivirus software

The user can access the web page, but cannot log in to the online banking system, indicating that the port () on the firewall is not open. d.TCP443

The above is the detailed content of What is the connection between Linux and Unix? Interpreting the Linux kernel version number. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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