The example in this article describes the method of realizing random movement and collision of 10 balls in JavaScript. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
I have been learning JavaScript for a while and have done some small cases. The most difficult one at present is the random collision effect of 10 small balls. I will post it and share it with you. I believe there are many like me. Rookies will have a lot of confusion when they start programming. I hope it can help some people.
Effect requirements: 10 small balls move randomly on the page, and they will bounce when they hit the window border or other small balls
1. 10 balls are 10 divs;
2. When the ball hits the window and bounces, define vx vy as the movement variable of the ball, and an elastic variable bounce (negative value). When the ball hits the window boundary, vx vy is multiplied by the bounce respectively, which changes the movement direction of the ball
3. The small balls collide and rebound. To put it simply, when the center distance variable dist of the two small balls is less than its minimum value (the sum of the radii), the moving direction of the ball is changed to achieve rebound
Okay, the code is as follows:
html and js are separate files
The test.html file is as follows:
<html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <style type="text/css"> body { margin:0; padding:0; text-align: center; } #screen { width: 800px; height: 640px; position: relative; background: #ccccff;margin: 0 auto;vertical-align: bottom} #inner { position: absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:100%; height:100%; } #screen p {color:white;font:bold 14px;} .one { background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -58px; } .two { background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -126px;} .three { background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -194px; } .four { background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -263px; } .five { background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -331px; } .six { background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -399px; } .seven { background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -194px; } .eight { background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -263px; } .nine { background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -331px; } .ten{ background-image:url('bubble.png'); background-position: -66px -399px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="screen" > <p>hi test it!</p> <div id="inner"></div> </div> <input type="button" id="start" value="start" > <input type="button" id="stop" value="stop"> <br><br><br> <script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script> </body> </html>
The test.js file is as follows:
var getFlag=function (id) { return document.getElementByIdx_x(id); //获取元素引用 } var extend=function(des, src) { for (p in src) { des[p]=src[p]; } return des; } var clss=['one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine','ten']; var Ball=function (diameter,classn) { var ball=document.createElement_x("div"); ball.className=classn; with( { width=height=diameter+'px';position='absolute'; } return ball; } var Screen=function (cid,config) { //先创建类的属性 var self=this; if (!(self instanceof Screen)) { return new Screen(cid,config) } config=extend(Screen.Config, config) //configj是extend类的实例 self.container=getFlag(cid); //窗口对象 self.ballsnum=config.ballsnum; self.diameter=56; //球的直径 self.radius=self.diameter/2; self.spring=config.spring; //球相碰后的反弹力 self.bounce=config.bounce; //球碰到窗口边界后的反弹力 self.gravity=config.gravity; //球的重力 self.balls=[]; //把创建的球置于该数组变量 self.timer=null; //调用函数产生的时间id self.L_bound=0; //container的边界 self.R_bound=self.container.clientWidth; self.T_bound=0; self.B_bound=self.container.clientHeight; }; Screen.Config={ //为属性赋初值 ballsnum:10, spring:0.8, bounce:-0.9, gravity:0.05 }; Screen.prototype={ initialize:function () { var self=this; self.createBalls(); self.timer=setInterval(function (){self.hitBalls()}, 30) }, createBalls:function () { var self=this, num=self.ballsnum; var frag=document.createDocumentFragment(); //创建文档碎片,避免多次刷新 for (i=0;i<num;i++) { var ball=new Ball(self.diameter,clss[ Math.floor(Math.random()* num )]); ball.diameter=self.diameter; ball.radius=self.radius;*self.R_bound)+'px'; //球的初始位置,*self.B_bound)+'px'; ball.vx=Math.random() * 6 -3; ball.vy=Math.random() * 6 -3; frag.appendChild(ball); self.balls[i]=ball; } self.container.appendChild(frag); }, hitBalls:function () { var self=this, num=self.ballsnum,balls=self.balls; for (i=0;i<num-1;i++) { var ball1=self.balls[i]; ball1.x=ball1.offsetLeft+ball1.radius; //小球圆心坐标 ball1.y=ball1.offsetTop+ball1.radius; for (j=i+1;j<num;j++) { var ball2=self.balls[j]; ball2.x=ball2.offsetLeft+ball2.radius; ball2.y=ball2.offsetTop+ball2.radius; dx=ball2.x-ball1.x; //两小球圆心距对应的两条直角边 dy=ball2.y-ball1.y; var dist=Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); //两直角边求圆心距 var misDist=ball1.radius+ball2.radius; //圆心距最小值 if(dist < misDist) { //假设碰撞后球会按原方向继续做一定的运动,将其定义为运动A var angle=Math.atan2(dy,dx); //当刚好相碰,即dist=misDist时,tx=ballb.x, ty=ballb.y tx=balla.x+Math.cos(angle) * misDist; ty=balla.y+Math.sin(angle) * misDist; //产生运动A后,tx > ballb.x, ty > ballb.y,所以用ax、ay记录的是运动A的值 ax=(tx-ballb.x) * self.spring; ay=(ty-ballb.y) * self.spring; //一个球减去ax、ay,另一个加上它,则实现反弹 balla.vx-=ax; balla.vy-=ay; ballb.vx+=ax; ballb.vy+=ay; } } } for (i=0;i<num;i++) { self.moveBalls(balls[i]); } }, moveBalls:function (ball) { var self=this; ball.vy+=self.gravity;'px';'px'; //判断球与窗口边界相碰,把变量名简化一下 var L=self.L_bound, R=self.R_bound, T=self.T_bound, B=self.B_bound, BC=self.bounce; if (ball.offsetLeft < L) {; ball.vx*=BC; } else if (ball.offsetLeft + ball.diameter > R) {'px'; ball.vx*=BC; } else if (ball.offsetTop < T) {; ball.vy*=BC; } if (ball.offsetTop + ball.diameter > B) {'px'; ball.vy*=BC; } } } window.onload=function() { var sc=null; getFlag('start').onclick=function () { document.getElementByIdx_x("inner").innerHTML=''; sc=new Screen('inner',{ballsnum:10, spring:0.8, bounce:-0.9, gravity:0.05}); sc.initialize(); } getFlag('stop').onclick=function() { clearInterval(sc.timer); } }
The results after testing are still very good. You may think the code is quite long, but the idea is still quite clear:
First create the Screen class, and provide various attribute variables required for ball movement and collision in the Screen constructor, such as ballsnum, spring, bounce, gravity, etc.
Then use the prototype to give the corresponding functions, such as creating balls, createBalls, ball collision hitBalls, ball movement moveBalls, and adding corresponding functions to each function,
Finally the function is called with the button click event and that's it.
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s JavaScript programming design.