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The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Release: 2024-02-04 10:03:27
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For many years, language models have been the core of natural language processing (NLP) technology. In view of the huge commercial value behind the model, the technical details of the most advanced model have not been made public.

Now, the truly completely open source large model is here!

Researchers from the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, the University of Washington, Yale University, New York University, and Carnegie Mellon University recently collaborated to publish an important work, this The work will become an important milestone for the AI ​​open source community.

They will open source almost all the data and information in the process of training a large model from scratch!

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Paper: https://allenai.org/olmo/olmo-paper.pdf

## Weight: https://huggingface.co/allenai/OLMo-7B

Code: https://github.com/allenai/OLMo

Data: https://huggingface.co/datasets/allenai/dolma

Evaluation: https://github.com/allenai/OLMo-Eval

Adaptation: https://github.com/allenai/open-instruct

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

## Specifically, Allen artificial The Open Language Model (OLMo) experiment and training platform launched by the Intelligence Research Institute provides a completely open source large model, as well as all the data and technical details related to the training and development of this model——

Training and modeling: It includes complete model weights, training code, training logs, ablation studies, training metrics, and inference code.

Pre-training corpus: A pre-training open source corpus containing up to 3T tokens, as well as the code to generate these training data.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Model parameters: The OLMo framework provides four different architectures, optimizers and training hardware There are 7B size models under the system and a 1B size model. All models are trained on at least 2T tokens.

At the same time, the code used for model inference, various indicators of the training process, and training logs are also provided.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

7B: OLMo 7B, OLMo 7B (not annealed), OLMo 7B-2T, OLMo-7B-Twin-2T

Evaluation Tools: exposes a suite of evaluation tools during the development process, including more than 500 checks included in every 1000 steps of each model training process points as well as the evaluation code.

All data are licensed for use under apache 2.0 (free for commercial use).

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Such thorough open source seems to set a pattern for the open source community - in the future, if you don’t do open source like me, don’t say you are Open source model.

Performance Evaluation

From the core evaluation results, OLMo-7B is slightly better than similar open source models.

Among the first 9 evaluations, OLMo-7B ranked in the top three in 8, and 2 of them surpassed all other models.

On many generation tasks or reading comprehension tasks (such as truthfulQA), OLMo-7B surpasses Llama 2, but on some popular question and answer tasks (such as MMLU or Big-bench Hard ), the performance is worse.

The first 9 tasks are the researchers’ internal evaluation criteria for the pre-trained model, while the following three tasks are added to improve the HuggingFace Open LLM rankings

The figure below shows the changing trend of the accuracy of 9 core tasks.

Except for OBQA, as OLMo-7B receives more data for training, the accuracy of almost all tasks shows an upward trend.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Meanwhile, the core evaluation results of OLMo 1B and its similar models show that OLMo is on the same level as them.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

By using the Allen AI Institute’s Paloma, a benchmark, and accessible checkpoints, the researchers analyzed the model’s ability to predict language Relationship with model size factors (such as the number of tokens trained).

It can be seen that OLMo-7B is on par with mainstream models in performance. Among them, the lower the number of bits per byte (Bits per Byte), the better.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Through these analyses, the researchers found that the efficiency of the models in processing different data sources varies greatly, which mainly depends on the model training data and evaluation Data similarity.

In particular, OLMo-7B performs well on data sources mainly based on Common Crawl (such as C4).

However, OLMo-7B is less efficient than other models on data sources that have little to do with web scraping text, such as WikiText-103, M2D2 S2ORC and M2D2 Wikipedia .

RedPajama's evaluation also reflects a similar trend, possibly because only 2 of its 7 fields are derived from Common Crawl, and Paloma's evaluation of each field in each data source given equal weight.

Given that curated data sources like Wikipedia and arXiv papers provide far less heterogeneous data than web scraped text, maintaining an understanding of these as pre-training datasets continue to expand Efficient language distribution will be more difficult.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

OLMo Architecture

In terms of model architecture, the team is based on the decoder-only Transformer architecture and adopts PaLM and the SwiGLU activation function used by Llama, introduced Rotated Position Embedding (RoPE), and improved GPT-NeoX-20B’s Byte Pair Encoding (BPE)-based tokenizer to reduce personally identifiable information in the model output.

In addition, in order to ensure the stability of the model, the researchers did not use bias terms (this is the same as PaLM).

As shown in the table below, the researchers have released two versions, 1B and 7B, and also plan to launch a 65B version soon.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

The table below details the performance of the 7B architecture with these other models at similar scales.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Pre-training data set: Dolma

Although researchers have made certain progress in obtaining model parameters progress, but the current openness of pre-training data sets in the open source community is far from enough.

Previous pre-training data is often not made public with the open source of the model (let alone closed source models).

And the documentation about these data often lacks sufficient details that are crucial to replicating the research or fully understanding the related work.

This situation makes language model research more difficult—for example, understanding how training data affects model capabilities and its limitations.

In order to promote open research in the field of language model pre-training, researchers constructed and made public the pre-training data set Dolma.

This is a diverse, multi-source corpus containing 3 trillion tokens obtained from 7 different data sources.

On the one hand, these data sources are common in large-scale language model pre-training, and on the other hand, they are also accessible to the general public.

The table below gives an overview of the data volume from various data sources.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Dolma’s construction process includes six steps: language filtering, quality filtering, content filtering, deduplication, multi-source mixing and tokenization.

During the process of collating and final publishing Dolma, researchers ensured that documents from each data source remained independent.

They also open sourced a set of efficient data sorting tools, which can help further study Dolma, replicate results, and simplify the sorting of pre-training corpus.

In addition, researchers have also open sourced the WIMBD tool to facilitate data set analysis.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Network data processing process

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Code processing process

Training OLMo

Distributed training framework

The researchers used PyTorch’s FSDP framework and ZeRO optimizer strategy to train the model . This approach effectively reduces memory usage by splitting the model’s weights and their corresponding optimizer states across multiple GPUs.

When processing models up to 7B in size, this technology enables researchers to process micro-batch sizes of 4096 tokens per GPU for more efficient training.

For the OLMo-1B and 7B models, the researchers fixed a global batch size of approximately 4M tokens (2048 data instances, each instance containing a sequence of 2048 tokens).

For the OLMo-65B model currently being trained, the researchers adopted a batch size warm-up strategy, starting at about 2M tokens (1024 data instances), and then every Adding 100B tokens doubles the batch size until it finally reaches about 16M tokens (8192 data instances).

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

In order to speed up model training, the researchers used mixed precision training technology, which is used through the internal configuration of FSDP and PyTorch This is implemented using the amp module.

This method is specially designed to ensure that some key calculation steps (such as the softmax function) are always performed with the highest accuracy to ensure the stability of the training process.

Meanwhile, most other calculations use a half-precision format called bfloat16 to reduce memory usage and increase computational efficiency.

In specific configurations, model weights and optimizer state are saved with maximum accuracy on each GPU.

Only when performing forward propagation and back propagation of the model, that is, calculating the output of the model and updating the weights, the weights within each Transformer module will be temporarily converted to bfloat16 format.

In addition, when gradient updates are synchronized between GPUs, they will also be performed with the highest accuracy to ensure training quality.


The researchers used the AdamW optimizer to adjust model parameters.

Regardless of the size of the model, researchers will gradually increase the learning rate within the first 5,000 steps of training (approximately processing 21B tokens). This process is called learning rate warm-up.

After the warm-up is completed, the learning rate will gradually decrease linearly until it drops to one-tenth of the maximum learning rate.

In addition, the researchers will also clip the gradients of the model parameters to ensure that their total L1 norm does not exceed 1.0.

In the table below, the researchers compare their optimizer configuration at 7B model scale to other recent large language models using the AdamW optimizer.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it


The researchers used a 2T token sample in the open data set Dolma, constructed their training data set.

The researchers connected the tokens of each document, added a special EOS token at the end of each document, and then divided these tokens into groups of 2048 to form training samples. .

These training samples will be randomly shuffled in the same way during each training. The researchers also provide tools that allow anyone to recover the specific data order and composition of each training batch.

All models that researchers have released have been trained for at least one round (2T tokens). Some of these models were additionally trained by running a second round of training on the data, but with a different random shuffling order.

According to previous research, the impact of reusing a small amount of data in this way is minimal.

NVIDIA and AMD both want YES!

In order to ensure that the code base can run efficiently on both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, the researchers selected two different clusters for model training and testing:

Using the LUMI supercomputer, researchers deployed up to 256 nodes, each equipped with 4 AMD MI250X GPUs. Each GPU has 128GB of memory and a data transfer rate of 800Gbps.

With the support of MosaicML (Databricks), the researchers used 27 nodes, each node is equipped with 8 NVIDIA A100 GPUs, each GPU has 40GB memory and 800Gbps data transmission rate.

Although the researchers fine-tuned the batch size to improve training efficiency, after completing the evaluation of 2T tokens, there was almost no difference in the performance of the two clusters.

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Training energy consumption


Unlike most previous models that only provide models The models of weight and inference code are different. The researchers open sourced all the contents of OLMo, including training data, training and evaluation code, as well as training logs, experimental results, important findings, records of Weights & Biases, etc.

Additionally, the team is studying how to improve OLMo through instruction optimization and different types of reinforcement learning (RLHF). These fine-tuned codes, data and fine-tuned models will also be open source.

Researchers are committed to continuously supporting and developing OLMo and its framework, promoting the development of open language models (LM), and assisting the development of open research communities. To this end, the researchers plan to introduce more models of different scales, multiple modalities, data sets, security measures and evaluation methods to enrich the OLMo family.

They hope that through continued thorough open source work in the future, they will strengthen the power of the open source research community and trigger a new wave of innovation.

Team introduction

Yizhong Wang (王义中)

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

Yizhong Wang is Washington PhD student in the university's Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, mentored by Hannaneh Hajishirzi and Noah Smith. At the same time, he is also a part-time research intern at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

Previously, he had interned at Meta AI, Microsoft Research and Baidu NLP. Previously, he received a master's degree from Peking University and a bachelor's degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

His research directions are Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Large Language Model (LLM).

- Adaptability of LLM: How to more efficiently build and evaluate models that can follow instructions? What factors should we consider when fine-tuning these models, and how do they affect the generalizability of the model? Which types of supervision are both effective and scalable?

- Continuous learning for LLM: Where is the boundary between pre-training and fine-tuning? What architectures and learning strategies can allow LLM to continue to evolve after pre-training? How does existing knowledge within the model interact with newly learned knowledge?

- Application of large-scale synthetic data: Today, when generative models rapidly generate data, what impact does this data have on our model development and even the entire Internet and society? How do we ensure we can generate diverse and high-quality data at scale? Can we distinguish this data from human-generated data?

Yuling Gu

The first 100% open source large model in history is here! Record-breaking disclosure of code/weights/data sets/whole training process, AMD can train it

##Yuling Gu is a member of the Aristo team at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) A researcher.

In 2020, she received her bachelor’s degree from New York University (NYU). In addition to her computer science major, she also minored in an interdisciplinary major, Language and Mind, which combines linguistics, psychology, and philosophy. She subsequently earned a master's degree from the University of Washington (UW).

She is full of enthusiasm for the integration and application of machine learning technology and cognitive science theory.

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