The animated film "Journey to the West: The True and False Monkey King" was officially announced today and released a preview poster. The movie will tell the story of a hairy monkey who was rescued and grew into Sun Wukong, followed his master and apprentice to learn Buddhist scriptures, and had a fierce battle with a six-eared macaque when passing by Shenshu Ridge.
The film is produced by Shanghai Ruyi Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., produced and supervised by Ke Liming, with Chen Zhixi as the chief producer, directed by Zhao Ji and Zhang Ke, and starring Liu Xiaolingtong and Ma Dehua (motion capture) .
The above is the detailed content of Starring Liu Xiaolingtong and Ma Dehua! Animated movie 'Journey to the West: The Real and Fake Monkey King' preview poster revealed. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!