Javascript-based animations are secretly as effective as CSS transitions, or even faster. How is this possible? How is this possible when Adobe and Google continue to release media-rich mobile sites that perform as well as native apps?
This article takes a look at Javascript-based DOM animation libraries, such as Velocity.js and GSAP, to see how they are more performant than jQuery and CSS animation effects.
Let’s start with the basics: JavaScript and jQuery are mistakenly conflated. JavaScript animations are fast. jQuery slows them down. Why? Because — as powerful as jQuery is — being a powerful animation engine was never the design goal of jQuery:
It should be noted that layout turbulence is the unsmoothness at the beginning of the animation. Garbage collection is the culprit causing the unsmoothness during the animation, and not using RAF will lead to low frame rate.
Implementation example
Avoid DOM query and update combinations that cause layout turbulence:
var currentTop, currentLeft; /* With layout thrashing. */ currentTop =; /* QUERY */ = currentTop + 1; /* UPDATE */ currentLeft =; /* QUERY */ = currentLeft + 1; /* UPDATE */ /* Without layout thrashing. */ currentTop =; /* QUERY */ currentLeft =; /* QUERY */ = currentTop + 1; /* UPDATE */ = currentLeft + 1; /* UPDATE */
Queries that occur after an update will force the browser to recalculate the page's calculated data (taking into account the new update effects). This will have a significant overhead in the animation, and this is only 16 milliseconds Runtimeout for tiny intervals.
Similarly, implementing RAF doesn’t have to be a significant rework of your existing code base. Let’s compare a basic implementation of RAF to setInterval:
var startingTop = 0; /* setInterval: Runs every 16ms to achieve 60fps (1000ms/60 ~= 16ms). */ setInterval(function() { /* Since this ticks 60 times a second, we divide the top property's increment of 1 unit per 1 second by 60. */ = (startingTop += 1/60); }, 16); /* requestAnimationFrame: Attempts to run at 60fps based on whether the browser is in an optimal state. */ function tick () { = (startingTop += 1/60); } window.requestAnimationFrame(tick);
RAF 产生了推动动画性能的最大可能性,你可以对你的代码进行单一的变更.
CSS 转换
JavaScript 动画
好了,那JavaScript可就在性能方面占据上风了. 但Javascript究竟具体快了多少呢? 好吧 — 最初 — 对于构建一个实在的 3D动画示例 是足够快的,通常在构建中你只会看到有使用WebGL. 而构建一个 多媒体小动画 也够了,通常你看到只会使用Flash或者After Effects构建. 而构建一个 虚拟世界 也够了,通常你只会看到使用canvas构建.
为了对领先的动画库,当然还要包含Transit(它使用CSS渐变效果),进行直接的对比, 回头去看看Velocity在VelocityJS.org上的文档.
问题仍然是: JavaScript是怎样具体的达成其高水平性能的? 下面是对基于Javascript动画能够被执行这一目标的优化的一个简短清单:
$element /* Slide the element down into view. */ .velocity({ opacity: 1, top: "50%" }) /* After a delay of 1000ms, slide the element out of view. */ .velocity({ opacity: 0, top: "-50%" }, { delay: 1000 });
在上面例子中,第二个 Velocity 调用知道它应该自动从 opacity为1 和 top为50% 开始。
最后,我们对这两个JavaScript动画库(Velocity.js 和 GSAP)互相比较一下。
GSAP 是首个动画库,用在演示JavaScript DOM 令人印象深刻的动画表现。它确实是这样,但有些缺点:
我推荐做法是在你需要精确控制定时(比如 重绘,暂停/恢复)和运动(比如贝塞尔曲线路径)的时候用 GSAP 。这些特性在游戏开发和某些特殊应用中是至关重要的,但是通常不需要用在网页应用的 UI中。
引用 GSAP 丰富的特性并不代表Velocity自身在特性上是轻量级的. 相反,在压缩后仅有的7kb中,Velocity不仅仅复制了jQuery $.animate()的所有功能, 它还把颜色动画,转换,循环,easing效果,类动画还有滚动都打包了进去.
总之,Velocity是jQuery,jQuery UI,以及CSS渐变效果的最佳组合.
此外,从便利的角度看,Velocity在hood(盖子,大概意思是公共的接口)之下使用jQuery的 $.queue() 方法, 如此就可以实现同 jQuery 的 $.animate(), $.fade(), 和 $.delay() 函数的无缝互操作. 而且,由于Velocity的语法同 $.animate() 的语法是相同的, 你不需要改变页面的任何代码.
让我们快速地来看一看 Velocity.js. 在基础的层面,Velocity的行为同$.animate()一样:
$element .delay(1000) /* Use Velocity to animate the element's top property over a duration of 2000ms. */ .velocity({ top: "50%" }, 2000) /* Use a standard jQuery method to fade the element out once Velocity is done animating top. */ .fadeOut(1000);
在其最高级的层面,可以创建带有3D动画的复杂滚动场景 — 几乎只要用到两行简单的代码:
$element /* Scroll the browser to the top of this element over a duration of 1000ms. */ .velocity("scroll", 1000) /* Then rotate the element around its Y axis by 360 degrees. */ .velocity({ rotateY: "360deg" }, 1000);