php editor Baicao has carefully written a Java Q&A article for you about using AAD and AWS Cognito to protect Spring Boot REST API. In this article, we will explore how to leverage these two authentication services to protect different endpoints and ensure that your API is safe and secure. Follow our guide and learn how to implement authentication and authorization in your Spring Boot project to make your REST API more powerful and reliable.
Hopefully someone can help me here as I can't find any resources on this topic anywhere.
I have a spring boot restapi, and the current configuration has two routes: 1. Unauthorized 2. Authorized through the bearer of aad/entra
My configuration method is currently set up as follows:
@override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception { super.configure(http); http.csrf().disable(); http.authorizerequests(requests -> requests .antmatchers(httpmethod.options, "/**/**").permitall() .antmatchers("/api/protected/**").fullyauthenticated() .anyrequest().permitall() ); }
It is wrapped in a class that extends aadresourceserverwebsecurityconfigureradapter
By configuring our api in this way, we are able to secure our routes as follows:
@preauthorize("hasauthority('approle_appname.rolename')") @getmapping(value = "/some-method", produces = mediatype.application_json_value) public responseentity<list<string>> getstrings() { return responseentity.ok(...); }
Our api should now be extended to allow new types of users to use the authorization endpoint. These users are managed by aws cognito. How do I set up my websecurityconfigureradapter
to allow some paths to be unauthorized, some paths to be protected via aad, and some paths to be protected via aws cognito?
The main problem I seem to be having is aadresourceserverwebsecurityconfigureradapter
configuring jwt validation in such a way that it only works with bearers provided by microsoft.
Ideally I would like something like this:
@configuration @enablewebsecurity @enableglobalmethodsecurity(prepostenabled = true) public class securityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter { @configuration @order(1) public static class azureadsecurityconfig extends aadresourceserverwebsecurityconfigureradapter { @override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception { http.authorizerequests(requests -> requests .antmatchers("/api/aad/**").fullyauthenticated() ); http.oauth2resourceserver().jwt([utilize aad jwt validation]); } } @configuration @order(2) public static class awscognitosecurityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter { @override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception { http.authorizerequests(requests -> requests .antmatchers("/api/cognito/**").fullyauthenticated() ); http.oauth2resourceserver().jwt([utilize aws cognito jwt validation]); } } @configuration @order(3) public static class defaultsecurityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter { @override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception { http.csrf().disable(); http.authorizerequests(requests -> requests .antmatchers(httpmethod.options, "/**/**").permitall() .anyrequest().permitall() ); } } }
Another issue I found is that aadresourceserverwebsecurityconfigureradapter
automatically sets all possible prefixes for the jwtclaimnames "roles" and "scp" to "scope_" and "approle_". Ideally I would like them to be different for aad and aws cognito so that I prefix "aad_scope_", "aad_approle_" and "cognito_group_".
I found some information explaining how to implement multi-tenant jwt authentication for spring boot, but they all only use sql database to implement password/user based authentication.
Is there a way to basically have to re-implement all the aad logic so that I can mix in the validation of the jwt given by aws cognito, or is there a way to make the decision based on routing?
I already know that you can use the oauth2resourceserver()
function on httpsecurity
to configure jwt usage, but I only found information on how to implement that functionality for a single tenant.
If anyone has successfully implemented this specific or similar case, or can push me in the right direction, I would be very grateful. Or maybe my idea is completely wrong, so please tell me.
Thanks to @ch4mp for the answer, I have succeeded. >Working Answers<
My implementation is now highly simplified and looks like this:
com: c4-soft: springaddons: oidc: ops: - iss: https://cognito-idp.<region><cognito-pool> authorities: - path: $.cognito:groups prefix: cognito_group_ - iss:<entra objectid>/ authorities: - path: $.roles.* prefix: aad_approle_ - path: $.scp prefix: aad_scope_ aud: <enterprise application id> resource-server: permit-all: - /api/route/noauth
Security Configuration
package some.package; import org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration; import; import; @enablewebsecurity @enablemethodsecurity @configuration public class securityconfig { }
My controller now looks like this:
package some.package; import org.springframework.http.responseentity; import; import; import; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.getmapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.requestmapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.restcontroller; @restcontroller @requestmapping("/api/route") public class jwttestcontroller { @getmapping("/aadauth") @preauthorize("hasauthority('')") public responseentity<string> aadauthrole() { jwt jwt = (jwt) securitycontextholder.getcontext().getauthentication().getprincipal(); return responseentity.ok(jwt.getclaims().tostring()); } @getmapping("/aadauth") @preauthorize("hasauthority('')") public responseentity<string> aadauthscope() { jwt jwt = (jwt) securitycontextholder.getcontext().getauthentication().getprincipal(); return responseentity.ok(jwt.getclaims().tostring()); } @preauthorize("hasauthority('cognito_group_somegroup')") @getmapping("/cognitoauth") public responseentity<string> cognitoauth() { jwt jwt = (jwt) securitycontextholder.getcontext().getauthentication().getprincipal(); return responseentity.ok(jwt.getclaims().tostring()); } @getmapping("/noauth") public responseentity<string> noauth() { return responseentity.ok("hello world!"); } }
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server' implementation 'com.c4-soft.springaddons:spring-addons-starter-oidc:7.3.5'
This is not the official launcher of spring, but the oss implementation:
I'll update again if I run into any other issues, but for now it's working.
I'm going to expose a solution here using my starter since it's easier.
If you prefer to build a secure configuration using only the "official" spring boot launcher, you must provide your own authenticationmanagerresolver<httpservletrequest>
using the iss
declaration, per authentication manager Each server has its own authentication converter and its own permissions converter to handle the origin claims and prefixes you want. Browse my tutorials or official documentation for examples and implementation tips. This other answer may also help (the permission mapping requirements are completely different, but the Authentication Manager resolver is similar).
and spring-addons<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation=""> <modelversion>4.0.0</modelversion> <parent> <groupid>org.springframework.boot</groupid> <artifactid>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactid> <version>3.2.2</version> <relativepath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository --> </parent> <groupid>com.c4-soft.demo</groupid> <artifactid>multi-tenant-resource-server</artifactid> <version>0.0.1-snapshot</version> <properties> <java.version>21</java.version> <spring-addons.version>7.3.5</spring-addons.version> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupid>org.springframework.boot</groupid> <artifactid>spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server</artifactid> </dependency> <dependency> <groupid>org.springframework.boot</groupid> <artifactid>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactid> </dependency> <dependency> <groupid>com.c4-soft.springaddons</groupid> <artifactid>spring-addons-starter-oidc</artifactid> <version>${spring-addons.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupid>com.c4-soft.springaddons</groupid> <artifactid>spring-addons-starter-oidc-test</artifactid> <version>${spring-addons.version}</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupid>org.springframework.boot</groupid> <artifactid>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactid> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project>
@configuration @enablemethodsecurity public class securityconf { }
Edit the following application.yaml
to place your own publisher:
com: c4-soft: springaddons: oidc: ops: - iss: authorities: - path: $.cognito:groups prefix: cognito_group_ - iss: authorities: - path: $.approles.*.displayname prefix: aad_approle_ - path: $.scope prefix: aad_scope_ resourceserver: # spring-addons whitelist is for permitall() (rather than isauthenticated()) # which is probably much safer permit-all: - /actuator/health/readiness - /actuator/health/liveness - /v3/api-docs/** - /api/public/**
The value of path
above is the json path. You can use tools such as to test path expressions against your own token payload (extracted using tools such as
Yes, it's that simple. No, I didn't omit any yaml properties or java configuration (if you don't believe me, just test it in a new project).
@restcontroller public class greetcontroller { @getmapping("/greet") @preauthorize("isauthenticated()") public string getgreet(authentication auth) { return "hello %s! you are granted with %s.".formatted(auth.getname(), auth.getauthorities()); } @getmapping(value = "/strings") @preauthorize("hasanyauthority('aad_approle_admin', 'cognito_group_admin')") public list<string> getstrings() { return list.of("protected", "strings"); } }
@webmvctest(controllers = greetcontroller.class) @autoconfigureaddonswebmvcresourceserversecurity @import(securityconf.class) class greetcontrollertest { @autowired mockmvcsupport api; @test @withanonymoususer void givenuserisanonymous_whengetgreet_thenunauthorized() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { api.get("/greet").andexpect(status().isunauthorized()); } @test @withjwt("aad_admin.json") void givenuserisaadadmin_whengetgreet_thenok() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { final var actual = api.get("/greet").andexpect(status().isok()).andreturn().getresponse().getcontentasstring(); assertequals( "hello aad-admin! you are granted with [aad_approle_msiam_access, aad_approle_admin, aad_scope_openid, aad_scope_profile, aad_scope_machin:truc].", actual); } @test @withjwt("cognito_admin.json") void givenuseriscognitoadmin_whengetgreet_thenok() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { final var actual = api.get("/greet").andexpect(status().isok()).andreturn().getresponse().getcontentasstring(); assertequals("hello amazon-cognito-admin! you are granted with [cognito_group_admin, cognito_group_machin:truc].", actual); } @test @withjwt("aad_machin-truc.json") void givenuserisaadmachintruc_whengetgreet_thenok() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { final var actual = api.get("/greet").andexpect(status().isok()).andreturn().getresponse().getcontentasstring(); assertequals("hello aad-user! you are granted with [aad_approle_msiam_access, aad_scope_openid, aad_scope_profile, aad_scope_machin:truc].", actual); } @test @withjwt("cognito_machin-truc.json") void givenuseriscognitomachintruc_whengetgreet_thenok() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { final var actual = api.get("/greet").andexpect(status().isok()).andreturn().getresponse().getcontentasstring(); assertequals("hello amazon-cognito-user! you are granted with [cognito_group_machin:truc].", actual); } @test @withanonymoususer void givenuserisanonymous_whengetstrings_thenunauthorized() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { api.get("/strings").andexpect(status().isunauthorized()); } @test @withjwt("aad_admin.json") void givenuserisaadadmin_whengetstrings_thenok() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { final var actual = api.get("/strings").andexpect(status().isok()).andreturn().getresponse().getcontentasstring(); assertequals("[\"protected\",\"strings\"]", actual); } @test @withjwt("cognito_admin.json") void givenuseriscognitoadmin_whengetstrings_thenok() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { final var actual = api.get("/strings").andexpect(status().isok()).andreturn().getresponse().getcontentasstring(); assertequals("[\"protected\",\"strings\"]", actual); } @test @withjwt("aad_machin-truc.json") void givenuserisaadmachintruc_whengetstrings_thenforbidden() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { api.get("/strings").andexpect(status().isforbidden()); } @test @withjwt("cognito_machin-truc.json") void givenuseriscognitomachintruc_whengetstrings_thenforbidden() throws unsupportedencodingexception, exception { api.get("/strings").andexpect(status().isforbidden()); } }
{ "sub": "aad-admin", "iss": "", "approles": [ { "allowedmembertypes": [ "user" ], "description": "msiam_access", "displayname": "msiam_access", "id": "ef7437e6-4f94-4a0a-a110-a439eb2aa8f7", "isenabled": true, "origin": "application", "value": null }, { "allowedmembertypes": [ "user" ], "description": "administrators only", "displayname": "admin", "id": "4f8f8640-f081-492d-97a0-caf24e9bc134", "isenabled": true, "origin": "serviceprincipal", "value": "administrator" } ], "scope": "openid profile machin:truc" }
{ "sub": "aad-user", "iss": "", "approles": [ { "allowedmembertypes": [ "user" ], "description": "msiam_access", "displayname": "msiam_access", "id": "ef7437e6-4f94-4a0a-a110-a439eb2aa8f7", "isenabled": true, "origin": "application", "value": null } ], "scope": "openid profile machin:truc" }
{ "sub": "amazon-cognito-admin", "iss": "", "cognito:groups": ["admin", "machin:truc"], "scope": "openid profile cog:scope" }
{ "sub": "amazon-cognito-user", "iss": "", "cognito:groups": ["machin:truc"], "scope": "openid profile cog:scope" }
The above is the detailed content of Securing Spring Boot REST API for different endpoints using AAD and AWS Cognito. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!