//Module to be used http url
Current url http://localhost:8888/select?aa=001&bb=002
var http = require('http');
var URL = require('url');
http.createServer(function(req, res){
var arg = url.parse(req.url).query; //Method 1 arg => aa=001&bb=002
var arg = url.parse(req.url, true).query; //Method 2 arg => { aa: '001', bb: '002' }
console.log(arg.aa);//Return 001
console.log(arg.bb);//Return 002
//Then you can process it based on the obtained data
}).listen(8888);//Establish a server and listen on the port
Get specific url parameter value
var testUrl = 'http://localhost:8888/select?aa=001&bb=002';
var p = URL.parse(testUrl);
console.log(p.href); //The value obtained is: http://localhost:8888/select?aa=001&bb=002
console.log(p.protocol); //The value obtained is: http:
console.log( p.hostname);//The value obtained is: locahost
console.log(p.host);//The value obtained is: localhost:8888
console.log(p.port);//The value obtained is: 8888
console.log(p.path);//The value obtained is:/select?aa=001&bb=002
console.log(p.hash);//The value obtained is: null
console.log(p.query);//The value obtained is: aa=001
It is worth noting here that when the statement is var p = URL.parse(testUrl, true), p.query returns an object such as: {aa:'001'}, and printing p.query directly returns [ object Object], then we can write like this: console.log(p.query.aa); //The value obtained is: 001
console.log( p.pathname);//The value obtained is: /select
Attached below is how to obtain js:
Current URL
document.location: http://mj_0203.0fees.net/index.php?aa=001&bb=002
document.URL: http://mj_0203.0fees.net/index.php?aa=001&bb=002
document.location.href: http://mj_0203.0fees.net/index.php?aa=001&bb=002
self.location.href: http://mj_0203.0fees.net/index.php?aa=001&bb=002
top.location.href: http://mj_0203.0fees.net/index.php?aa=001&bb=002
parent.document.location: http://mj_0203.0fees.net/index.php?aa=001&bb=002
top.location.hostname: mj_0203.0fees.net
location.hostname: mj_0203.0fees.net