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Some suggestions for JavaScript when facing international programming_Basic knowledge

Release: 2016-05-16 15:53:11
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What is internationalization?

Internationalization (the abbreviation of Internationalization is i18n——i, the middle 18 characters, n) is a process of processing software to make it easier for users from various places and speaking various languages ​​to use it. Assuming a user comes from a certain place and speaks a certain language, he may inadvertently get some error messages. Especially since you didn't even make that assumption.

function formatDate(d)
 // Everyone uses month/date/year...right?
 var month = d.getMonth() + 1;
 var date = d.getDate();
 var year = d.getFullYear();
 return month + "/" + date + "/" + year;
function formatMoney(amount)
 // All money is dollars with two fractional digits...right?
 return "$" + amount.toFixed(2);
function sortNames(names)
 function sortAlphabetically(a, b)
 var left = a.toLowerCase(), right = b.toLowerCase();
 if (left > right)
  return 1;
 if (left === right)
  return 0;
 return -1;
 // Names always sort alphabetically...right?
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JavaScript's past i18n support was terrible

Traditional JS i18n programs use the toLocaleString() method for formatting. The resulting string contains all the details provided by the implementation itself: there is no way to choose it yourself (do you really need weekday in that date format? Is year irrelevant?). Even if the corresponding details are included, the format may be wrong, such as expecting a percentage but getting a number. And you can't select a locale yet.

For sorting, JS provides basically useless locale-sensitive text comparison functions. localeCompare() does exist, but its interface is not suitable for sort at all. It also doesn't allow you to choose regional settings or sorting methods.

These limitations are terrible (I was shocked when I realized it!), because serious web applications that require i18n support (usually financial sites for displaying currency) will package the data and send it to the server, and the server will process it. operation and then sent back to the client. Data is sent to and from the server solely to process the amount of currency. Yeesh.

New JS internationalization API

The new ECMAScript internationalization API greatly improves the i18n capabilities of JS. It provides every imaginable way to format dates, numbers, and text sorting. The locale is optional and can fall back if the requested locale is not supported. Formatting requests can specify specific components to include. Supports customized percentages, significant figures, and currency formats. Opens up a number of sorting options for text sorting. If you are concerned about performance, the first operation is to select a locale and then process the options parameters. This operation will now only be processed once, instead of being performed once every time a locale-related operation is performed.

This is not to say that this API is a panacea, but just "try your best". Precise output is almost always intentionally unspecified. An implementation can support only the oj locale (which is legal), or it can ignore (almost all) the formatting options provided. Most implementations include high-quality multi-region support, but it is not guaranteed (especially on resource-constrained systems such as mobile phones).

Under the hood, Firefox's implementation relies on the Unicode International Component Library (ICU), which in turn relies on the Unicode Common Regional Data Repository (CLDR) regional data set. Our implementation is self-hosted: most of the implementation on top of ICU is written in JS. We encountered a few issues along the way (we've never self-hosted on such a large scale), but they were mostly minor.

Intl interface (not the number 1, but the letter l)

i18n exists on top of Intl objects. Intl contains 3 constructors: Intl.Collator, Intl.DateTimeFormat, and Intl.NumberFormat. Each constructor creates an object that provides related operations, efficiently caching locales and options for those operations. Create objects as follows:

var ctor = "Collator"; // 或其他 
var instance = new Intl[ctor](locales, options);
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locales 是个字符串,指定单个语言标签,或者包含多个语言标签的类数组对象。语言标签如下面的字符串:en(普通英语),de-AT(奥地利德语),zh-Hant-TW(台湾使用的繁体中文)。语言标签可以包含一个“Unicode扩展”,形式为-u-key1-value1-key2-value2..., 其中每个key是“扩展key”。不同的构造函数对此进行具体解释。

opions 是个对象,其属性(如果不存在,就赋值为undefined)决定格式化器(formatter)和整理器(collator)的行为。精确的解释由构造函数决定。

给定区域信息和选项,实现会尝试生成近似理想行为的最接近行为。Firefox 支持用于整理(collation)的400+区域,用于date/time和数字格式化的600+区域,所以很可能(但不保证)你想要的区域是被支持的。

Intl 通常不保证某些特定行为。如果请求的区域不被支持,Intl 允诺“尽最大努力”的行为。即使区域是被支持的,行为也不是严格指定的。永远不要假设特定的选项集适用于某个特定格式。(围绕请求的组件)总体格式的用语可能因浏览器甚至浏览器的版本而不同。单个组件的格式是未指定的:weekday的短格式可以为“S”, “Sa”, 或“Sat”。Intl API并不用于公开精确的特定行为。



  • weekday, era

"narrow", "short", or "long". (era通常指历法系统中长于一年的分段,如现行日皇统治, 或者其他纪年法)

  • month

"2-digit", "numeric", "narrow", "short", or "long"

  • year
  • day
  • hour, minute, second

"2-digit" or "numeric"

  • timeZoneName

"short" or "long"

  • timeZone


这些值并不映射到特定格式:记住Intl API几乎不指定精确的行为。Intl的目的,举例来说是"narrow", "short", 和"long"生成对应大小的“S”/“Sa”, “Sat”, 和“Saturday”(输出可能不太准确,因为Saturday和Sunday都可以生成“S”)。 "2-digit"和"numeric"映射到2位数字的字符串或者全长度的数字字符串,如“70”和“1970”。

最终使用的选项大部分是请求的选项。但是,如果你不指定请求的 weekday/year/month/day/hour/minute/second,那么 year/month/day 将会被加入到你提供的选项。


  • hour12


还有另外2种特殊属性,localeMatcher (可选"lookup"或"best fit") 和formatMatcher (可选"basic"或"best fit"),两者默认值都是"best fit"。这些会影响正确的区域设置和格式的选取。它们的用例可能比较难懂,就不赘述了。


例如,泰国的泰语中语言标签为th-TH。回一下Unicode扩展的格式-u-key1-value1-key2-value2.... 历法系统的key是ca, 数字系统的key时nu。泰语数字系统值为thai,中文历法系统值为chinese。因此用大体这样的方式来格式化date,我们把包含这些key/value对的Unicode追加到语言标签上去:th-TH-u-ca-chinese-nu-thai。


创建DateTimeFormat对象后,下一步是通过方便的format()函数来格式化date。更方便的是,这个函数是有界函数(bound function):你不必在DateTimeFormat上直接调用。之后给它传递一个时间戳或者Date对象。


var msPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; 
// July 17, 2014 00:00:00 UTC.
var july172014 = new Date(msPerDay * (44 * 365 + 11 + 197));
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我们来格式化美国英语的date。我们先创建一个2位数字的month/day/year, 加上2位数字的hours/minutes, 还有一个短时区来确定这个时间。(结果肯定因不同时区而明显不同)

var options =
 { year: "2-digit", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit",
 hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit",
 timeZoneName: "short" };
var americanDateTime =
 new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", options).format; 
print(americanDateTime(july172014)); // 07/16/14, 5:00 PM PDT
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var options =
 { year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric",
 hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit",
 timeZoneName: "short", timeZone: "UTC" };
var portugueseTime =
 new Intl.DateTimeFormat(["pt-BR", "pt-PT"], options); 
// 17 de julho de 2014 00:00 GMT
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var swissLocales = ["de-CH", "fr-CH", "it-CH", "rm-CH"];var options =
 { weekday: "short",
 hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric",
 timeZone: "UTC", timeZoneName: "short" };
var swissTime =
 new Intl.DateTimeFormat(swissLocales, options).format; 
print(swissTime(july172014)); // Do. 00:00 GMT
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var jpYearEra =
 new Intl.DateTimeFormat("ja-JP-u-ca-japanese",
       { year: "numeric", era: "long" }); 
print(jpYearEra.format(july172014)); // 平成26年
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对一些完全不同的、更长的date,用于泰国泰语,但是使用泰语数字系统和中国历法。(类似Firefox的高质量实现通常会将普通的th-TH当做th-TH-u-ca-buddhist-nu-latn, 因为泰国使用佛历系统和拉丁0-9数字)。

var options =
 { year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric" };
var thaiDate =
 new Intl.DateTimeFormat("th-TH-u-nu-thai-ca-chinese", options); 
print(thaiDate.format(july172014)); // ?? 6 ??
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  • style

"currency", "percent", or "decimal" (默认值).

  • currency

3字母货币代码,如USD、CHF。需要style是"currency", 不然没有意义

  • currencyDisplay

"code", "symbol", or "name", 默认为"symbol". "code"使用格式字符串的3字母货币代码。"symbol"使用货币符号,如$或£。"name"通常使用某些正式拼写版本的货币。(Firefox 目前仅支持"symbol", 这个问题不就就修复)

  • minimumIntegerDigits

范围1到21(包含)的整数,默认为1。结果字符串的整数部分如果没有这么长,它前面会用0来填充。 (若这个值为2,那么3的格式化形式为“03”。)

  • minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits

0-20(包含)的整数。结果字符串至少minimumFractionDigits, 至多maximumFractionDigits个有效数字。如果style是"currency",默认最小值跟货币有关(通常是2,很少0或者3),不然就是0。默认最大值,百分比是0,数字是3,货币的最大值跟货币有关。

  • minimumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits

1-21(包含)的整数。如果有,它们将会覆盖上文关于整数/分数的对数字的控制,而由它们以及数字的要求长度,共同确定格式化的数字字符串中最小/最大有效数字的值。 (注意对10的倍数,有效数字可能不准确,如100,它的1,2,3位有效数字。)

  • useGrouping




在Unicode扩展中,使用nu关键字可以使DateTimeFormat支持自定义数字系统,NumberFormat也是这样。 例如,在中国,中文的语言标签是zh-CN。 汉语十进制数字系统对应的值是hanidec。 为了格式化这些系统的数字,我们在这些语言标签上添加一些Unicode扩展:zh-CN-u-nu-hanidec。



NumberFormat对象有一个 format方法,这一点和 DateTimeFormat相同。 format方法是一个有界函数,它有时可以独立于 NumberFormat使用。

下面是在当前Firefox环境下为特定用途创建NumberFormat选项的例子。首先,我们来格式化中国大陆中文的货币格式,特别是使用汉字数字(而不是更普遍的拉丁数字)。选择"currency" style, 然后使用renminbi(yuan)的货币代码,数字分组默认,小数部分数字采用通常做法。

var tibetanRMBInChina =
 new Intl.NumberFormat("zh-CN-u-nu-hanidec",
      { style: "currency", currency: "CNY" }); 
print(tibetanRMBInChina.format(1314.25)); // ¥ 一,三一四.二五
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var gasPrice =
 new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
      { style: "currency", currency: "USD",
       minimumFractionDigits: 3 }); 
print(gasPrice.format(5.259)); // $5.259
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或者我们尝试埃及的阿拉伯语中的百分比。确定百分比有至少2个有效数字。(注意这个以及其他RTL例子可能在RTL上下文出现的顺序不一样,如?????? 而不是??????,RTL/right to left,从右到左的)

var arabicPercent =
 new Intl.NumberFormat("ar-EG",
      { style: "percent",
       minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format; 
print(arabicPercent(0.438)); // ??????
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var persianDecimal =
 new Intl.NumberFormat("fa-AF",
      { minimumIntegerDigits: 2,
       maximumFractionDigits: 2 }); 
print(persianDecimal.format(3.1416)); // ?????
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var bahrainiDinars =
 new Intl.NumberFormat("ar-BH",
      { style: "currency", currency: "BHD" }); 
print(bahrainiDinars.format(3.17)); // ?.?.? ?????
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  • usage

"sort" or "search" (默认"sort"), 指定整理器(collator)的目的。(查找整理器可能比排序整理器更多考虑字符串是否相等。)

  • sensitivity/敏感性

"base", "accent", "case", or "variant"。这个选项影响整理器对基本字符相同但是重音/变音不同的字符的敏感性。(基本字符与区域设置有关:“a”和“?”在德语中基本字符相同,但是瑞典语中是不同的。) "base"敏感性只考虑基本字符,忽略各种变体(如德语中“a”, “A”,和“?”被认为是相同的)。 "accent"敏感性考虑基本字符和重音,但是忽略大小写(如德语中的“a和“A”是相同的,“?”与两者不同)。"case"考虑基本字符和大小写,而忽略重音(如德语中的“a”和“?”相同,而与“A”不同)。"variant"考虑基本字符、重音、大小写(如德语的“a”, “?”和“A”均不同)。如果usage是"sort",默认"variant"; 否则与区域设置有关。

  • numeric

默认false的布尔值,决定字符串中的数字是否被当做数字参与比较。如当做数字的排序结果可能是"F-4 Phantom II", "F-14 Tomcat", "F-35 Lightning II"; 不当做数字的结果"F-14 Tomcat", "F-35 Lightning II", "F-4 Phantom II".

  • caseFirst

"upper", "lower", or "false" (默认)。决定比较时是否考虑大小写:"upper"把大写放在前面("B", "a", "c"), "lower"把小写放前面("a", "c", "B"), "false"完全忽略大小写("a", "B", "c")。 (注意,目前Firefox完全忽略这个属性)

  • ignorePunctuation




区域的Unicode扩展部分指定的整理器主要选项是co,它选择排序操作的方式:电话本(phonebk), 字典 (dict), 还有其他。


key-value对(paris)嵌入到Unicode的方式跟DateTimeFormat和NumberFormat相同; 想知道如何在语言标签中指定它们,可以查看对应的章节。


整理器Collator对象有个比较函数属性。这个函数接受2个参数x和y, 如果xy返回正值,x==y返回0。对于格式化函数,比较是个有界函数(bound function),可以抽取出来做其他用途。

我们尝试来给德国德语的姓氏进行排序。德语中实际上有2种排序方式,电话本和字典。电话本排序强调读音,比如“?”, “?”等近似被扩展成“ae”, “oe”等。

var names =
 ["Hochberg", "H?nigswald", "Holzman"]; 
var germanPhonebook = new Intl.Collator("de-DE-u-co-phonebk"); 
//就像对["Hochberg", "Hoenigswald", "Holzman"]排序
// Hochberg, H?nigswald, Holzman
print(names.sort(germanPhonebook.compare).join(", "));
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var germanDictionary = new Intl.Collator("de-DE-u-co-dict"); 
//就像对["Hochberg", "Hoenigswald", "Holzman"]排序
// Hochberg, H?nigswald, Holzman
print(names.sort(germanDictionary.compare).join(", "));
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var firefoxen =
 ["FireF?x 3.6",
 "Fire-fox 1.0",
 "Firefox 29",
 "Fírefox 3.5",
 "Fírefox 18"]; 
var usVersion =
 new Intl.Collator("en-US",
     { sensitivity: "base",
      numeric: true,
      ignorePunctuation: true }); 
// Fire-fox 1.0, Fírefox 3.5, FireF?x 3.6, Fírefox 18, Firefox 29
print(firefoxen.sort(usVersion.compare).join(", "));
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// Comparisons work with both composed and decomposed forms.
var decoratedBrowsers =
 "A\u0362maya", // A?maya
 "CH\u035Br?me", // CH?r?me
 "o\u0323pERA", // ?pERA
 "I\u0352E",  // I?E
var fuzzySearch =
 new Intl.Collator("en-US",
     { usage: "search", sensitivity: "base" }); 
function findBrowser(browser)
 function cmp(other)
 return fuzzySearch.compare(browser, other) === 0;
 return cmp; 
print(decoratedBrowsers.findIndex(findBrowser("Firêfox"))); // 2 
print(decoratedBrowsers.findIndex(findBrowser("Saf?ri"))); // 3 
print(decoratedBrowsers.findIndex(findBrowser("?maya"))); // 0 
print(decoratedBrowsers.findIndex(findBrowser("?pera"))); // 4 
print(decoratedBrowsers.findIndex(findBrowser("Chromè"))); // 1 
print(decoratedBrowsers.findIndex(findBrowser("I?")));  // 5
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var navajoLocales =
 Intl.Collator.supportedLocalesOf(["nv"], { usage: "sort" });
print(navajoLocales.length > 0
  ? "Navajo collation supported"
  : "Navajo collation not supported"); 
var germanFakeRegion =
 new Intl.DateTimeFormat("de-XX", { timeZone: "UTC" });
var usedOptions = germanFakeRegion.resolvedOptions();
print(usedOptions.locale); // de
print(usedOptions.timeZone); // UTC
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ES5的toLocaleString和localeCompar函数之前没有特定语义,不接受特定选项,基本上没有任何用处。因此i18n API根据Intl操作重组了它们。现在每个方法都接受附加的尾随locales和options参数,它们会像Intl构造函数一样被解释。(除了toLocaleTimeString 和 toLocaleDateString, 如果options没有,它们就会使用不同的默认组件)


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