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Combined with DePIN, how does AxonDAO reshape digital health?

Release: 2024-02-27 14:49:15
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php Editor Xiaoxin DePIN and AxonDAO are two key projects leading innovation in the digital medical field. They play an important role in digital identity verification and data exchange, bringing new changes to the digital health industry. This article will explore how DePIN and AxonDAO combine technical means and innovative ideas to reshape digital health and bring more possibilities to the development of the industry.

In the digital economic society, our data is everywhere and contains huge value. There is no doubt about this. However, these individual data are often collected into the hands of leading organizations, which instead brings them huge commercial value.

Now, with the continuous maturity of biometric, blockchain and AI technologies, and the continuous implementation of the Web3 value Internet business model, this situation is changing. We can retain and control individual data in an unprecedented way, and participate in and create the value of this data in a collaborative manner, which can ultimately be fed back to individuals and promote the development of society.

DeSci has the potential to solve problems in many areas. Taking digital health as an example, individuals can participate in promoting research into early screening for Alzheimer's disease by contributing their own voice data.

This article will explore how to use biometrics, blockchain and artificial intelligence technology, combined with DePIN, to reshape digital health and promote citizen science from the perspective of DeSci's early project AxonDAO.

1. About AxonDAO

The patterns of nature are deeply rooted within each of us. We draw on these patterns, represented as discrete data elements, to expand our understanding of ourselves and the universe in which we exist——AxonDAO

1.1 AxonDAO’s Web3 transformation

AxonDAO is a project initiated by the experienced Axon company, which specializes in medical and health system informatization and Decades of experience in digitalization. The goal of the project is to use blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to redefine the way humans interact with personal health data. AxonDAO's vision is to provide more secure, efficient and personalized health data management and interactive experiences through innovative technical means, thereby promoting the development of the health field. By combining

AxonDAO to collect medical and health data through DePIN, and using input methods such as biometrics, genomics data and other key health indicators to form specific AI precognitive algorithms (Precognitive Algorithms), Standardize, tokenize, and protocol these data so that they can be applied to back-end research, new drugs, therapies, and diagnostic and treatment services. AxonDAO can not only monitor the individual data itself, but also predict the future health status of the individual.

结合 DePIN,AxonDAO 如何对数字医疗进行重塑?

Axon was founded in 2014 as a digital health startup. During the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic, Axon worked closely with clinical data companies to remotely connect their research and practice to help the struggling medical system survive the difficult period. After discovering the huge potential of Web3 in 2021, Axon transformed into AxonDAO, innovatively combining the traditional medical business model with the Web3 token economic model to provide solutions for the medical and health industry that has yet to be improved, while ensuring that through governance decentralization Transparency and increased public participation.

1.2 The vision and mission of AxonDAO

AxonDAO envisions a future where medical research and individual health data interact in real time, integrating universally generated individual health data with medical science Research is directly connected and standardized. All data is centered on the individual, ensuring data security, anonymity, individual ownership, compliance with scientific evaluation standards, and easy access to medical scientific research.

AxonDAO not only records data contributions through DeSci, but also incentivizes data contributors, especially data contributions from early participants, and reveals the real potential value behind these data to everyone, allowing ordinary people to The public becomes an early participant in citizen science projects and drives breakthroughs in innovative treatments and medical research through the enduring power of blockchain.

AxonDAO’s mission is to democratize medical science through decentralization, replacing the monopoly of Big Pharma with a community that shares a common purpose and ethos. AxonDAO was built not just to promote decentralized science, but to revolutionize and redefine science.

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2. What does AxonDAO plan to do

Ten years from now, when researchers desire to understand if a specific segment of the population is susceptible to a disease or medicine, due to distinct geographic, biometric , or genomic characteristics, they pay a 'gas fee' to you if your (anonymous) data fits their criteria——AxonDAO

As a veteran of the digital health industry, AxonDAO is well aware of the difficulties in the digital health industry. And tried to use DeSci to transform it.

2.1 Innovative project funding method

AxonDAO uses the power of blockchain to build a transparent and democratic project funding mechanism to help obtain early-stage medical science projects Funding to enhance medical scientific discovery capabilities. For unknown researchers, this is the biggest pain point hindering research.

AxonDAO launched community rounds of financing in December 2023 and January 2024 respectively, and issued its governance token AXGT. The governance token enables token holders to provide funding and participate in governance, guiding and shaping the community's project funding proposals.

Since the community is still in its early stages, Axon, as the sponsor of AxonDAO, has temporarily launched 3 digital health projects to promote the development of AxonDAO.

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2.2 Strategic collaboration to build the AxonDAO ecosystem

The essence of DeSci is collaboration. Over the past few years, AxonDAO has been working hard to build its ecosystem.

对内来讲,AxonDAO 旨在打破科学研究中的传统孤岛,使研究人员能够以前所未有的轻松和安全性共享数据、资源和研究结果。同时,AxonDAO 利用去中心化网络,构建出了一个科学家、学者和创新者可以在没有地理限制或机构障碍情况下,进行全球协作的空间,加快科学发现和创新的步伐。

AxonDAO 也积极参与各种社交媒体平台的分享,用于交流最前沿的 DeSci 知识,并通过 DAO 内透明的沟通和民主进程,解决问题,实施方案。

对外来讲,AxonDAO 不仅在横向为 DeSci 和数字医疗生态积累资源并增加价值,还在纵向上促进不同学科、不同专业的协同合作。

如 AxonDAO 于 2022 年获得了 Polygon DeSci Grant 的资助,并参与 Polygon DeSci Vendor Programs;于 2023 年获得了 DeSci in Gitcoin’s Beta Round 资助;于 2023 年参与 NVIDIA Inception Program。

其中,Nvidia Inception Program 旨在通过尖端技术、与风险投资家联系的机会以及获取 NVIDIA 最新技术资源,帮助初创企业更快地发展。在该项目中,AxonDAO 将结合 Nvidia AI 的能力,来捕获医疗健康数据的价值。

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2.3 技术赋能

通过开发和实施可扩展的区块链基础设施(如利用 zK 解决技术的解决方案)确保个体数据的所有权和 HIPAA 安全问题,确保数据的准确性和隐私,并为数据贡献者赋予激励;

构建先进的数据分析(Advanced Data Analytics)和安全的数据共享(Secure Data-Sharing)协议,使原始数据(Raw Data)能够便捷转换为可用数据(Advanced Data),与后端的研究、新药、疗法和诊疗服务实时连接,即时产生价值;


构建 AxonDAO 去中心化科研平台,通过区块链技术为临床数据的收集、存储和验证,提供了一套链上解决方案。这一方法确保了数据处理的安全和透明,同时还能够建立个体医疗健康信息的普遍标准,促进个体更容易地访问和控制自身的医疗健康数据。

2.4 未来路线图

目前 AxonDAO 还处于社区形成的一个阶段,后续的路线规划包括:核心团队(Working Group)的构建;在行业纵向以及横向的生态合作伙伴构建;DeSci Summit 参与以及支持;DePIN 等孵化项目的推出,Voice A+ System for Citizen Science,PSYLOSYS Data Collection Solution,ULTRA+V Data Collection Solution;DeSci Marketplace 的推出等。

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我们能够看到,基于医疗健康信息化的背景,AxonDAO 不仅能够做到去中心化的项目资助与发现,还能够深入数字医疗行业的细节,去实时落地解决方案,通过区块链 Web3 的方式重塑产业链条。

通过将强大的协作、透明的实践、社区驱动的治理和不断增长的、充满活力的社区结合在一起,AxonDAO 不仅构想出了一个医疗健康的新时代,并且正在积极实现它。

三、AI、DePIN for DeSci

Axon 通过前期的医疗行业积累以及资源沉淀,在转型为 AxonDAO 之后,启动了一些数字医疗项目,以推动 AxonDAO 的落地。在这些项目中,用到了 AI、DePIN 等 DeSci 的解决方案。

例如,Voice A+——Precognitive Voice Analysis,这是一个跟踪语音数据来筛查和评估阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病、痴呆症、创伤后应激障碍、亨廷顿氏症等疾病的项目,项目还可以监测疲劳、能量水平,尤其是在商用卡车、汽车司机和其他重型设备上。Voice A+ 模型也能够扩展到焦虑和压力,情绪波动发现。

在 Voice A + 项目中,可以通过 DePIN 的模型获取来自项目参与者的数据,并给予激励。在经过数据(Raw Data)的收集、规整、处理之后,借助 Nvidia 的能力进行 AI 神经网络的构建,最终产生标准化、有价值的数据(Advanced Data),用以科研、临床、产品化/商业化。

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DeSci 项目一诞生便是数字化、全球化的,那么像 AxonDAO 的这种数字医疗项目的业务模式——利用 DePIN 模型对用户数据节点进行激励,通过 AI 提供数据生产力,同时通过 Web3 代币经济激励整个生态网络,并通过 DAO 进行去中心化治理的模式,能够帮助项目在一开始便获取巨大的网络效用,带来飞轮效应。

尤其对心理、精神、神经疾病以及慢病中的个体健康监测、状态量表填写以及早期筛查测试等,这种能够使用手机等轻量数字媒介,完成数据便捷、多频获取的项目,天然地适合利用 DePIN 模型。这或许是今后 DeSci 数字医疗项目,或者 Biotech 项目的主要业务模式。

四、AxonDAO 的代币经济

AxonDAO 号称采取了“双代币模型”,包括了治理代币 AXGT 以及证券代币 AXDT(Security Token)。

治理代币 AXGT 的权益包含常规的治理、投票、提案三件套,以及一些基于 DeSci 特殊性,衍生出来的一些相关医疗科研上的权益,反映的是 AxonDAO 整个生态的价值。

证券代币 AXDT 的采用,并不是我们常规意义上理解的“双代币模型”(如 GameFi 的双币模型),AXDT 是基于美国 DAO LLC 法案的一种所有权/股权凭证,反映的是 AxonDAO LLC 未来的利润分配和 AxonDAO LLC 的估值价值。

4.1 治理代币——AXGT

AxonDAO 分别于 2023 年 12 月,2024 年 1 月启动了社区轮融资,并发行了其治理代币 AXGT。2024 年 2 月 13 日,AXGT 在 Uniswap 进行 IDO。

AXGT 共计 10 亿枚,其中:

  • 20% 被用于 IDO 前的社区融资;
  • 4% 授予 AxonDAO 的早期发起成员,包括 2% OG Advisors, 1% CORE, 1% (DEX, buybacks),分 12—36 个月线性解锁;
  • 6% 授予工作组(Working Group),分 12 + 个月线性解锁;
  • 3% 被用于在 Uniswap 上创建流动性 ETH-AXGT pair;
  • 剩余部分待解锁。
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AXGT 代币的效用:

A. 社区访问;B. 治理投票;C. 提交提案,可以将项目提交给 AxonDAO 进行投票以获得资金;D. 支持科研,每次交易以及出售 AXGT,4% 手续费用将用于支持 DeSci 项目,消除了对中介机构或其他机构的需求;E. 数据价值的激励对价——AXGT,可以转换为 ETH 和 BTC;也可以通过 AxonDAO 的 DeSci 应用程序将个体的知识产权(IP)转换为 AXGT;F. 捐赠:向喜欢的科学家表示感谢;G. 商品折扣,包括 AxonDAO 平台认可的尖端科学工具、设备、产品和服务折扣;H. 科学家的定制服务;I. NFT;J. 其他待定权益。

4.2 证券代币——AXDT(AxonDAO Treasury)

AXDT 代表着 AxonDAO LLC 的所有权,即股权,反映的价值是 AxonDAO LLC 未来的利润分配和 AxonDAO LLC 的估值价值,只有经过认证的投资者或机构实体才能根据美国证券法 Reg D 506 (c) 购买 AXDT 证券代币。

有意思的是,AxonDAO LLC 是根据美国怀俄明州 DAO 法案设立的 LLC 公司,这种通过州法律规定设立的 DAO LLC 的组织架构,一方面能够驾驭美国证券法的复杂性,一方面也能在有限责任公司(DAO LLC)的框架内体现分散自治组织(DAO)的精神。

AXDT 的分配方式如下:

  • 65% AxonDAO Treasury;
  • 20% AxonDAO 会员 - 合作伙伴;
  • 10% AxonDAO 核心成员、顾问、贡献者;
  • 5% 保留。
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5.1 机会——引领北美 DeSci 的启动

我们能够看到 DeSci 在欧洲发展得如火如荼,尤其是以 Molecule 作为领头羊发起的诸多特定领域 DAO,如专注于生命长寿领域研究和药物发现的 VitaDAO(获得了传统制药巨头辉瑞(Pfizer)投资),针对合成生物学和气候变化的 ValleyDAO,针对脱发问题的 HairDAO,专注于女性健康的 AthenaDAO 等。

而主要阵地在北美的 AxonDAO,可能能够在一定程度推动北美 DeSci 社区的发展,起到领头羊的作用。

5.2 机会——不仅仅是项目筹款、孵化平台

我们在 AxonDAO 身上能够看到位于欧洲比较前沿的 DeSci 项目筹款孵化平台 Molecule 的影子(更多关于 Molecule 以及 Vitadao,可参考《DeSci:探索 Biotech 项目进入 Web3 的业务模式及可行路径》)。

除了筹款孵化之外,我们还看到了 AxonDAO 基于自身丰富数字医疗的经验以及资深行业资源,而准备打造的数据标准化协议、AI 预认知算法、数据资产交易平台、数据与科研的实时协同等。一旦这些愿景能够实现,那么对于数字医疗行业将会是重塑,尤其是那些需要根据大量医疗健康数据来开发的医疗服务、药物,如心理、精神、神经相关的数字疗法。

5.3 机会——AI、DePIN for DeSci

如前所述,DeSci 项目一诞生便是数字化、全球化的,那么像 AxonDAO 的这种数字医疗项目的业务模式——利用 DePIN 模型对用户数据节点进行激励,通过 AI 提供数据生产力,同时通过 Web3 代币经济激励整个生态网络,并通过 DAO 进行去中心化治理的模式,能够帮助项目在一开始便获取巨大的网络效用,带来飞轮效应。

尤其对心理、精神、神经疾病以及慢病中的个体健康监测、状态量表填写以及早期筛查测试等,这种能够使用手机等轻量数字媒介,完成数据便捷、多频获取的项目,天然地适合利用 DePIN 模型。这或许是今后 DeSci 数字医疗项目,或者 Biotech 项目的主要业务模式。

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5.4 挑战——早期项目的不确定性

我们能够看到项目于 2023 年 12 月才完成社区轮融资,尚未获得 VC 的外部资金,目前项目依然由 Axon 公司推动,DAO 仍然处于社区建设阶段。对于空间如此巨大的数字医疗 DeSci 市场,AxonDAO 能够走到哪里,我们不得而知。

5.5 挑战——来自 DePIN 医疗健康数据的监管合规

首先,各个司法辖区都会有自己的网络安全、数据保护法(如欧盟的 GDPR、美国的数据隐私保护法、中国的数据安全法等)都对数据的采集、处理、传输等事项作出特别的规定,尤其是在跨境数据传输上面。

因此,尽管 Web3 是全球化的,但是基于 DePIN 医疗健康数据采集及传输依然受到当地司法辖区的严格监管。

其次,涉及人类的数据,尤其是医疗、基因等敏感数据更加受到严格监管。此前,Stepn 切断了中国大陆用户的一部分原因,是基于地理标志数据的跨境传输问题。近期,国家安全部发文表示:个别境外地图公司利用采集地图数据换取虚拟货币奖励的方式,诱使境内人员购买并使用专用设备进行地图“打卡”,非法采集敏感地理空间信息数据,并实时上传至境外服务器,属于非法搜集窃取地理空间数据行为。

5.6 Challenge - the value of data

One dimension is the value of the data itself. For a business model like Voice A that is completely based on data, these voices generated through mobile devices Is the data valuable? Or is it only valuable in large quantities? How to price the data generated under this model is an issue that the project needs to consider. Or does it need to rise to the dimension of genetic data for data to be valuable?

Another dimension is the value of data usage after AI production, which must be combined with back-end research, new drugs, therapies and diagnostic and treatment services.

What is the value of data? This is actually a question that all DeSci projects need to answer.

6. Written at the end

Recently, our DeSci China community has been doing research on some projects. We would also like to thank Daqi for sharing the information about AxonDAO, allowing us to see what AxonDAO is doing. 10x leap since IDO went online.

Looking back, it is unlikely that we will participate in an excellent traditional digital health or life medical technology company at such an early stage. Those seats are reserved for pharmaceutical companies and VCs. But this can be achieved in Web3, and you can also become a member of the organization, you can also become a member of citizen science, everyone is a scientist!

We can see the practice and vision of AxonDAO, and we look forward to the further performance of the project.

DeSci’s implementation in digital health is promising in the future.

The above is the detailed content of Combined with DePIN, how does AxonDAO reshape digital health?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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