html builds a DOM tree for the document. This tree is composed of a series of Node nodes. It defines the structure of the document for us.
Node type:
Node.ELEMENT_NODE(1); //Element nodes are more commonly used
Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE(2); //Attribute nodes are more commonly used
Node.TEXT_NODE(3); //Text nodes are more commonly used
Node.DOCUMENT_NODE(9); //Document nodes are more commonly used
Related functions:
1. Obtain node:
document.getElementsByTagName('element'); Returns an array-like object
document.getElementsByName('element'); Returns an array-like object
document.getElementsByClassName('className') Returns an array-like object, which is not supported by IE7 and below;
document.querySelectorAll('class' | 'element') Returns an array-like object
2. Traverse nodes
Find child nodes: element.childNodes Returns an array-like object
Find the first child node: element.firstChild
Find the last child node: element.lastChild
Find the parent element: element.parentNode
Find the previous sibling element: element.previousSibling
Find the next sibling element: element.nextSibling
3. Obtain node information
Get the label name of the element or attribute node: elementNode.nodeName
Get the content of the text node: textNode.nodeValue;
Get and set the content of the element node (may contain HTML tags): elementNode.innerHTML
Get and set the plain text content of the element node: element.innerText(IE) | element.textContent(FF)
Get the value of the attribute node: attrNode.getAttribute(AttrName);
Set the value of the attribute node: attrNode.setAttribute(AttrName,AttrValue);
Get the type of node: node.nodeType;
Element node: 1;
Attribute node: 2;
Text node: 3;
Document node: 9;
Comment node: 8;
4. Operation node
Create element node: document.createElement('element');
Create a text node: document.createTextNode('text');
Create attribute node: document.createAttribute('attribute');
Delete node: node.remove();
Delete child nodes: parentNode.removeChild(childNode);
Insert node: parentNode.appendChild(childNode); //Insert to the end of the parent node
parentNode.insertBefore(newNode,existingNode) //Insert in front of an existing node;
Clone node: Node.cloneNode([true]) //Passing true means deep copy
Replace node: parentNode.replaceChild(newNode,oldNode);
Related expansions:
1. Due to the incompatibility between IE and other browsers in processing DOM, some simple encapsulation processing is required.
//================= function getElementChildren(element) { var children = [], oldChildNodes = element.childNodes; for(var i=0, len=oldChildNodes.length; i<len; i+=1) { if(oldChildNodes[i].nodeType == 1) { children.push(oldChildNodes[i]); } } return children; } //================== function getElementNext(element) { var next = element.nextSibling || null; if(next) { if(next.nodeType == 1) { return next; } else { return arguments.callee(next); } } else { throw new Error("下一个兄弟元素不存在!"); } } //====================== function getElementPrev(element) { var prev = element.previousSibling || null; if(prev) { if(prev.nodeType == 1) { return prev; } else { return arguments.callee(prev); } } else { throw new Error("上一个兄弟元素不存在!"); } }
2. Manipulate the style of DOM elements
//========================= function getElementStyle(element,styleName) { if(typeof getComputedStyle != 'undefined') { return getComputedStyle(element,null)[styleName]; } else { return element.currentStyle[styleName]; } } //========================== function addClass(element,className) { element.className += className; } //========================== function removeClass(element,removeClassName) { var classStr = element.className; element.className = classStr.replace(removeClassName,'').split(/\s+/).join(' ').replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,''); }
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope you all like it.