Detailed explanation of integer division operations and remainder calculation methods in Go language
In Go language, integer division operations and remainder calculations are common mathematical operations. This article will introduce how to perform integer division operations and remainder calculations in the Go language, and provide specific code examples.
In the Go language, the integer division operation uses the /
symbol. Integer division operation refers to taking the quotient of dividing two numbers. The result is the integer part, that is, the decimal part is ignored and no rounding operation is performed. Integer division operations are often used to calculate the integer quotient after division.
package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { a := 10 b := 3 result := a / b fmt.Printf("整除运算结果为:%d ", result) }
In the above example, we calculated the integer quotient of 10 divided by 3 and the result is 3.
In the Go language, the remainder calculation uses the %
symbol. Remainder calculation refers to taking the remainder after dividing two numbers, that is, the remainder after the division operation, also known as the modular operation.
package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { a := 10 b := 3 remainder := a % b fmt.Printf("余数计算结果为:%d ", remainder) }
In the above example, we calculated the remainder of 10 divided by 3 and the result is 1.
Through the above content and code examples, readers can understand how to perform integer division operations and remainder calculations in the Go language. These basic mathematical operations are often used in programming. I hope they will be helpful to readers.
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