This is the address used by Xiaohu Wallet to store, send and receive BSC tokens on the BSC network: 0x401b91059777510e785c082b0ae5d604a8f565a0. Users can find this address in "Address Management" after adding the BSC network to Xiaohu Wallet. This address can be used to store and manage BSC tokens such as BNB and other BEP-20 tokens. Users can add this address to Xiaohu wallet and find its "address label" in "Address Management" to facilitate management.
##Xiaohu Wallet BSC token address is: 0x401b91059777510e785c082b0ae5d604a8f565a0
Little Fox Wallet is a multi-chain cryptocurrency wallet. Supports multiple blockchain networks, including Binance Smart Chain (BSC). BSC is an Ethereum-compatible blockchain that allows developers to create and deploy smart contracts on the BSC network. The Little Fox Wallet can create and deploy smart contracts on the BSC network, a blockchain network that allows developers to use smart contracts and deploy smart contract applications. The BSC token address of the Little Fox Wallet is the unique address used to receive and send BSC tokens on the BSC network. Users can use this address to store, send and receive BSC tokens such as BNB (BSC’s native token) and other BEP-20 compliant tokens through the Little Fox Wallet. After adding the BSC network to the Little Fox wallet, the system will automatically generate a BSC token address. Users can find this address in the "Address Management" section of the wallet.The above is the detailed content of Xiaohu wallet bsc token address. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!