Methods for setting colors in Dreamweaver include: Using the Swatches panel Using attributes in CSS rules Using attributes in HTML attributes Selecting color values by hexadecimal, HSB, or RGB values Using a color picker
Methods to set colors in Dreamweaver
In Dreamweaver, you can set colors through the following methods:
1. Swatch Panel
2. CSS Rules
In CSS rules, use the following properties to set colors:
: Set text color background-color
: Set background color border-color
: Set border color3. HTML attributes
In HTML attributes, use the following attributes to set the color:
: Set text color (...) bgcolor
: Set the background color () ##4. Select the color value
5. Use the color picker
The above is the detailed content of How to set color in dreamweaver. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!