In the mythical world of "Persona: Phantom of the Night", Inada-hime is a goddess in charge of Toyo, whose fate is closely tied to an epic battle. Legend has it that she was sacrificed to the evil Yamata no Orochi, but was rescued by the heroic Susanoo and became his wife. PHP Editor Banana invites you to immerse yourself in this informative article and delve into the legendary life of Hime Inada.
1. Basic information
blood |
Attack |
Defense |
197 |
54 | 36 | |
Career |
【Superior】Can apply buffs to companions Effect, improves the overall combat effectiveness of the team |
Effect | |
ONEMORE: Causes freezing attribute damage to an enemy |
The freezing attribute damage received is reduced by 8.7% |
Inflicts 91.3% of an enemy's attack power as freezing damage |
The damage caused is increased by 8.7% |
Speed increased by 12 points, defense reduced by 8% |
The above is the detailed content of 'Persona: Phantom of the Night' Inadahime Mask Illustrated List. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!