The meaning of / in C language is the division operator, which is used to calculate the quotient of two expressions. Note: Dividing by zero will result in a division-by-zero error; the type of quotient depends on the type of the divisor and dividend. Integer division by integer returns an integer, floating point number related calculations return a floating point number; the result of negative number division will take the absolute value and append a negative sign.
The meaning of /
in C language
is The division operator in C language is used to calculate the quotient of two expressions.
Operation method:
Division operator/
Divides the expression on the left by the expression on the right and returns a quotient:
result = x / y;
The result type of the quotient depends on the types of the divisor and dividend:
int a = 10, b = 3;
float x = 12.5, y = 2.5;
int z = -5, w = 2;
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