The time it takes to get railway 12306 waiting tickets depends on factors such as popularity, remaining tickets, number of people waiting and technical factors. Waiting tickets for popular trains may take days or even a week to get, while ordinary trains can usually be obtained within 1-2 days. Techniques to improve the success rate of waiting include: waiting in advance, selecting multiple trains, using ticket grabbing software, using multiple devices to grab tickets at the same time, and waiting patiently.
How long will it take to get the railway 12306 waiting ticket?
The waiting time for railway 12306 tickets varies depending on many factors, including:
1. Train popularity:
2. Number of remaining tickets:
3. Number of people on the waiting list:
4. Technical factors:
Generally speaking, it may take several days or even a week to get waitlisted tickets for popular trains. Waiting tickets for regular trains can usually be obtained within 1-2 days.
Tips to improve the success rate of waiting:
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