The ticket grabbing time for Railway 12306 is 10:00 every day. The steps to grab tickets are: log in to the 12306 website or App, select the departure/destination and date, set the ticket purchase time, search for the train number, select the train number, and fill in the ticket purchase information. The success rate of ticket grabbing is affected by factors such as train number and travel date. It is recommended to choose a time period with less traffic to grab tickets.

What time can I grab tickets for Railway 12306?
Railway 12306 ticket grabbing time is 10:00 every day, starting from June 27, 2022.
Specific process for grabbing tickets:
Log in to the 12306 website or use the App: Log in in advance and prepare ticket purchase related information, such as Identity documents, frequently used contacts, etc.
Select the departure place and destination: Enter the departure place and destination, and select the departure date.
Set the ticket purchase time: Set the ticket purchase time in advance before 10:00.
Search for trains: Click "Query" and the system will display all eligible trains on the day.
Select the train: Select the train you want to buy and click "Book".
Fill in the ticket purchase information: Check the passenger information, ticket type, payment method and other information, and submit the order.
- 12306 website ticket grabbing system adopts a queuing mechanism. The queuing time is uncontrollable and you may need to wait patiently.
- The success rate of ticket grabbing depends on the train number, travel date and other factors. It is more difficult to grab tickets for popular trains and holidays.
- The ticket grabbing period is 10:00-12:00, 14:00-16:00, 18:00-20:00 every day. It is recommended to choose a period with less traffic to grab tickets.
- There are risks in using third-party ticket grabbing software, which may affect the success rate of ticket purchase. It is recommended to use the official ticket grabbing platform.
The above is the detailed content of What time can I grab tickets for Railway 12306?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!