I have heard of Node.js before. I just know that it can be applied to the server side, but I don’t know many specific things. After listening to Yuan Feng's sharing "Node.js breaks away from browser Javascript" at QCon today, I suddenly had the urge to try it out immediately.
The installation steps of Node.js are relatively simple without too many detours. The main reference document is:
Building and Installing Node.js
1. Install Python
According to the reference documentation, compiling and installing Node.js from source code requires python2.6 or above, but you can only get 2.4.3 through yum install python.x86_64, so you must also compile and install python through source code. Here is the command:
# wget
# tar xzvf Python-3.2.3.tgz
# cd Python-3.2.2
# ./configure
# make
# make test
# make install
After completing the installation, execute the python command to enter the python command line window.
2. Install Node.js
According to the instructions in the document, git checkout code has never been successful, whether using git://github.com/joyent/node.git or https://github.com/joyent/node.git. Therefore, you can only download it from github and then compile and install it. The specific steps are as follows:
# wget
# mv master node.tar.gz
# tar xzvf node.tar.gz
# cd joyent-node-84d0b1b
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/node/
# make
# make install
# cd /usr/bin
# ln -s /opt/node/bin/node node
# ln -s /opt/node/bin/node-waf node-waf
3. Install npm
npm is a package manager used to install the node.js library. The installation command is quite simple:
At this point, the installation is complete.
In the above content, the installation is completed in just a few simple steps. Although it seems that the installation is successful, the actual situation requires us to write a program to verify it. Since I am also learning MongoDB recently, I wrote a method to read the MongoDB database: calculate the total number of logs with actionId 772.
4. Install mongodb driver using
# npm install mongodb
npm WARN
mongodb@0.9.6-23 package.json: bugs['web'] should probably be bugs['url']
npm WARN
nodeunit@0.5.1 package.json: bugs['web'] should probably be bugs['url']
mongodb@0.9.6-23 install /root/develop/node/node_modules/mongodb
> bash ./install.sh
= =
= To install with C bson parser do
= the parser only works for node 0.4.X or lower =
= =
Not building native library for cygwin
Using GNU make
mongodb@0.9.6-23 ./node_modules/mongodb
# cd node_modules/mongodb
# bash ./install.sh
5. 编写测试代码mongo.js
var http = require('http');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
http.createServer(function(req, res){
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'});
mongodb.connect('mongodb://localhost:40202/log', function(err, conn){
conn.collection('log', function(err, coll){
coll.count({'action': 772}, function(err, count){
res.write('The total of action 772 is ' count ".n");
}).listen(3000, '');
console.log('Server running at');
# node mongo.js