The time it takes for Monero withdrawals to arrive depends on the transaction network conditions and the withdrawal method: Low transaction volume: usually arrives within a few minutes to a few hours. High transaction volume: It may take hours or days to arrive. Wallet withdrawals: usually arrive within a few minutes to a few hours. Exchange withdrawals: usually arrive within 2-24 hours (depending on exchange processing time).
#How long does it take to withdraw Monero?
The time for Monero withdrawals to arrive depends on the transaction network conditions and the withdrawal method. Here’s how to determine the withdrawal time:
Trading network conditions:
Withdrawal method:
Under normal circumstances, the withdrawal time of Monero is as follows:
Influencing factors:
In addition to the above factors, the following factors will also affect the time for Monero withdrawals to arrive:
The above is the detailed content of How long does it take to withdraw Monero?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!