Written a method to determine the current browser type and version. It has only been tested on IE 8/11, Google, and 360 browser (incomplete)
We hope everyone will give us your opinions
;(function($, window, document,undefined){ if(!window.browser){ var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),uaMatch; window.browser = {} /** * 判断是否为ie */ function isIE(){ return ("ActiveXObject" in window); } /** * 判断是否为谷歌浏览器 */ if(!uaMatch){ uaMatch = userAgent.match(/chrome\/([\d.]+)/); if(uaMatch!=null){ window.browser['name'] = 'chrome'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; } } /** * 判断是否为火狐浏览器 */ if(!uaMatch){ uaMatch = userAgent.match(/firefox\/([\d.]+)/); if(uaMatch!=null){ window.browser['name'] = 'firefox'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; } } /** * 判断是否为opera浏览器 */ if(!uaMatch){ uaMatch = userAgent.match(/opera.([\d.]+)/); if(uaMatch!=null){ window.browser['name'] = 'opera'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; } } /** * 判断是否为Safari浏览器 */ if(!uaMatch){ uaMatch = userAgent.match(/safari\/([\d.]+)/); if(uaMatch!=null){ window.browser['name'] = 'safari'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; } } /** * 最后判断是否为IE */ if(!uaMatch){ if(userAgent.match(/msie ([\d.]+)/)!=null){ uaMatch = userAgent.match(/msie ([\d.]+)/); window.browser['name'] = 'ie'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; }else{ /** * IE10 */ if(isIE() && !!document.attachEvent && (function(){"use strict";return !this;}())){ window.browser['name'] = 'ie'; window.browser['version'] = '10'; } /** * IE11 */ if(isIE() && !document.attachEvent){ window.browser['name'] = 'ie'; window.browser['version'] = '11'; } } } /** * 注册判断方法 */ if(!$.isIE){ $.extend({ isIE:function(){ return (window.browser.name == 'ie'); } }); } if(!$.isChrome){ $.extend({ isChrome:function(){ return (window.browser.name == 'chrome'); } }); } if(!$.isFirefox){ $.extend({ isFirefox:function(){ return (window.browser.name == 'firefox'); } }); } if(!$.isOpera){ $.extend({ isOpera:function(){ return (window.browser.name == 'opera'); } }); } if(!$.isSafari){ $.extend({ isSafari:function(){ return (window.browser.name == 'safari'); } }); } } })(jQuery, window, document);
//How to use
console.log(window.browser); console.log($.isIE()); console.log($.isChrome());
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope you all like it.