Home > Web Front-end > JS Tutorial > jQuery implements left and right switching of focus images_jquery

jQuery implements left and right switching of focus images_jquery

Release: 2016-05-16 16:05:48
1380 people have browsed it

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$(document).ready(function() {   
var carousel_round = 0;
  Grey Initial Values
function greyInitRedux() {
  $("input.filled, textarea.filled").focus(function(e){
    if(this.value == this.defaultValue)
       this.value= '';
      if(this.value == this.defaultValue) {
        } else if(this.value == "") {
          this.value = this.defaultValue;
  IE6 CSS Main Nav Dropdowns
function ieDropdownsNav() {
    navRoot = document.getElementById('main-nav');
    if (!navRoot) { return false; }
    for(i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++) 
      node = navRoot.childNodes[i];
      if (node.nodeName=='LI') 
          this.className+=' over';
          this.className=this.className.replace(' over', '');
  IE6 CSS Main Nav Dropdowns
function ieDropdownsFilter() {
    navRoot = document.getElementById('filter-drop');
    if (!navRoot) { return false; }
    for(i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++) 
      node = navRoot.childNodes[i];
      if (node.nodeName=='DIV') 
          this.className+=' over';
          this.className=this.className.replace(' over', '');
  View More
function itemViewer() {
  //$(document).delegate('#filter-drop a, .expandable > .load, .filter-nav a', 'click', function (e)
  //$(document).delegate('.expandable > .load, .filter-nav a', 'click', function (e)
  $(document).delegate('.filter-nav a', 'click', function (e) 
    // get the src for the content we're trying to view
    var dataSrc = $(this).attr('data-src');
    // determine whether we're trying to sort the existing view
    if($(this).attr('data-sort')) {
      var dataSort = $(this).attr('data-sort');
    } else {
      var dataSort = $('.filter-nav > li > a').attr('data-sort');
    // how many items do we have&#63;
    var itemOffset = $('.expandable .listing > li').size();
    //find out if we clicked the menu, if so, clear out everything and add data attribute to the load more
      var hiddenDiv = $('<div />', {
        "class": "items hidden spacer",
        "height": $('.expandable').outerHeight()
      $('.expandable > .load').before(hiddenDiv);
      $('.expandable > ul, .expandable > div:not(.spacer)').remove();
      // Change Class of Dropdown Toggle
      var clickedClass = $(this).parent().attr('class');
      $("#filter-drop strong").removeClass().addClass(clickedClass);
      // Change Text of Dropdown Toggle
      var thisLabel = $(this).text();
      $("#filter-drop strong span").text(thisLabel);
      // Grab datasrc from clicked-on menu item and populate the filters with it
      $('.filter-nav a').attr('data-src' , dataSrc);
      $('.filter-nav li').removeClass('active');
      $('.filter-nav > li').eq(0).addClass('active');
    //find out if we clicked the filter nav, if so let's switch the active class
    if($(this).closest('ul').hasClass("filter-nav")) {
      $('.filter-nav li').removeClass('active');
      //Also let's remove all the items before replacing them with what we want
      var hiddenDiv = $('<div />', {
        "class": "items hidden spacer",
        "height": $('.expandable').outerHeight()
      $('.expandable > .load').before(hiddenDiv);
      $('.expandable > ul, .expandable > div:not(.spacer)').remove();
    $.get(dataSrc, { offset: itemOffset, sort: dataSort }, function(data) {
      $('.expandable .spacer').remove();
      var hiddenDiv = $('<div class="items hidden"></div>');
      $('.expandable > .load').before(hiddenDiv);
function jsTabsetInit() {
  var $tabset = $('.heading-tabset').eq(0);
  var $tablist = $('<ul />', {"class": "heading-tab"});
  $('div.heading-tab h3').each(function()
    var $anchor = $('<a />', {
      "class": $(this).attr('class'),
      "onClick": '_gaq.push([\'_trackEvent\', \'Connect\', \'Click\', \'Head'+$(this).attr('class')+'\', 3]);',
      "href": "#",
      "html": $(this).html()
    var $li = $('<li />');
function slider() {
    // As we loop through the slider items we'll document the tallest one and the left position
    // of each element
    var maxHeight = 0, lastWidth = 0;
    // grab the slider and make sure the overflow is hidden and it has a defined width
    var $slider = $(this);
    $slider.css('width', $slider.outerWidth());
    $slider.css('position', 'relative');
    $slider.css('overflow', 'hidden');
    // store the index (or the currently "selected" slide)
    $slider.prop('index', 0);
    // loop through each of the direct children
    $slider.find('> *').each(function()
      // localize the child as a jQuery object
      var $li = $(this);
      // if this is the tallest child, document it
      if ($li.outerHeight() > maxHeight)
        maxHeight = $li.outerHeight();
      // position each child to the immediate right of its preceding sibling
      $li.css('position', 'absolute');
      $li.css('top', 0);
      $li.css('left', lastWidth);
      // update our maths so we know where to place the next sibling
      lastWidth+= $li.outerWidth();
    // set the height of the slider based on the tallest child
    //$slider.css('height', maxHeight);
    // build the previous control button and store a reference to its related slider
    var $previous = $('<a />', {"class": "prev disabled", "href": "#", "text": "Previous"});
    $previous.prop('slider', $slider);
    // build the next control button and store a reference to its related slider
    var $next = $('<a />', {"class": "next", "href": "#", "text": "Next"});
    $next.prop('slider', $slider);
    // build the controls div and add it to the markup
    var $controls = $('<div />', {"class": "controls"}).append($previous).append($next);
    $slider.prop('controls', $controls);
  // watch for clicks on the controls
  $(document).delegate('.listing + .controls .prev, .listing + .controls .next', 'click', function (event)
    // stop our clicks from affecting the browser/url
    // localize a jQuery version of the clicked link
    var $anchor = $(this);
    // grab the slider, that we previously stored while creating these links
    var $slider = $anchor.prop('slider');
    // localize the index for prettier code
    var focusedIndex = $slider.prop('index');
    // determine what slide is focused
    var $focus = $slider.find('> *').eq(focusedIndex);
    // grab the width of that focused slide
    var widthDelta = $focus.outerWidth();
    // if we clicked the next button we're moving to the left (negative values, so
    // multiply by -1).
    if ($anchor.hasClass('next'))
      widthDelta *= -1;
    focusedIndex += ($anchor.hasClass('next')) &#63; 1 : -1;
    // check that the upcoming movement won't push the first element too far to the right
    // leaving whitespace before the element
    if ($slider.find('> *').eq(0).position().left + widthDelta > 0)
      return true;
    // check that the upcoming movement won't push the last element too far to the left
    // leaving whitespace after the element
    var $lastChild = $slider.find('> *').eq(-1)
    if ($lastChild.position().left + widthDelta < $slider.outerWidth() - $lastChild.outerWidth() - 1)
      return true;
    // get all the child elements, so we can loop through them and detmine offsets based
    // on widths
    var $siblings = $slider.find('> *');
    // finally loop through each child and kick off the animation
      // we'll determine the `left` in just a second, sit tight
      var left = 0;
      // localize the child element
      var $li = $(this);
      // loop through each sibling and determine the new left
      if (index < focusedIndex)
        left = -$slider.outerWidth();
      if (index >= focusedIndex && index < focusedIndex + 3)
        left = 219 * (index - focusedIndex);
      if (index >= focusedIndex + 3)
        left = $slider.outerWidth() * 2;
      // start the animation
      $li.animate({'left': left}, 300);
      // are we at the beginning&#63;
      if (index == 0 && left == 0)
      else if (index == 0)
      // are we at the end&#63;
      if (index == $siblings.size()-1 && left == $slider.outerWidth() - $lastChild.outerWidth() - 1)
      else if (index == $siblings.size()-1)
    // if we got down here then we actually moved the slider, update the reference to the
    // focused slide
    $slider.prop('index', focusedIndex);
function headerTabs()
  var $tabset = $('.heading-tabset')
  $tabset.find('.heading-tab li').eq(0).addClass('active');
  $(document).delegate('.heading-tab a', 'click', function(event)
    var index = $(this).parent().prevAll('*').size();
function carousel()
  $(document).delegate('.carousel .next, .carousel .previous', 'click', function(event)
    // prevent the default anchor action
    // get the current carousel
    var $carousel = $(this).parents('.carousel');
    // check if we're already in the middle of a movement
    if ($carousel.prop('moving'))
      return true;
    // if we actually clicked it, then stop any running timers
    if (event.clientX)
    // localize the index, so we know where we are
    var index = $carousel.prop('index');
    // determine if we're going forward or backward
    var movingForward = $(this).hasClass('next');
    // grab all the slides
    var $slides = $carousel.find('.carousel-item');
    // grab the currently focused slide
    var $focus = $slides.eq(index);
    // figure out where're we going from here
    var nextObject = movingForward &#63; nextSlide($carousel, index) : previousSlide($carousel, index);
    // locaalize the next div to be shown
    var $next = nextObject.element;
    // localize the index of the next element to be shown
    var newIndex = nextObject.index;
    // determine where we should place the next element so it slides from the correct side
    var initialLeft = movingForward &#63; $(document.body).outerWidth() : -$next.outerWidth();
    // save the current zero position, everything will move to/from here
    var zeroPosition = $focus.offset().left;
    // determine where the focus is moving to
    var targetLeft = zeroPosition + (movingForward &#63; -$next.outerWidth() : $next.outerWidth());
    // we're comitted to moving now so set the flag to true so we don't duplicate animations
    $carousel.prop('moving', true);
    // reset all z-indexes to 1
    $slides.css('z-index', 1);
    // make the currently focused slide higher than all the rest
    $focus.css('z-index', 2);
    // setup the current slide so it can animate out
      "position": "absolute",
      "top": 0,
      "left": zeroPosition
    // setup the next slide to slide in, moving it above the focused slide and off screen
      "opacity": 0,
      "position": "absolute",
      "top": 0,
      "left": initialLeft,
      "z-index": 3
    // animate the current slide out
      "opacity": 0,
      "left": targetLeft
    }, 800);
    // set up what we're animating
    var animation = {
      "opacity": 1,
      "left": zeroPosition
    // horrible ie fix
    if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) <= 8)
      delete animation.opacity;
    // animate in the next slide, then upon completion reset everything. switch it back to
    // relative positioning, remove our animation flag and hide the previous element
    $next.show().animate(animation, 800, function()
        "position": "relative",
        "left": 0
      // fix msie
      if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) <= 8)
      $carousel.prop('moving', false);
    // animate the height of our carousel, because things are abosulte the box model is shot
      //"min-height": $next.outerHeight()
    // finally update our index to reflect the current view
    $carousel.prop('index', newIndex);
  $(document).delegate('.carousel .pause', 'click', function(event)
    // prevent the default anchor action
    // localize the carousel
    var $carousel = $(this).parents('.carousel');
    // get the current timer, if it exists
    var timer = $carousel.prop('timer');
    // no timer&#63; start it
    if (!timer)
    // timer&#63; stop it
  // start a new timer, additionally update the play/pause button to the correct visual state
  function start($carousel)
    timer = setInterval(function()
      //N.C.: added to stop carousel after one round.
      var index = $carousel.prop('index');
      if ( index==0 && carousel_round > 0 ) {
      else if ( index==1 ) {
    }, 5000);
    $carousel.prop('timer', timer);
  // stop any existing timers, additionally update the play/pause button to the correct
  // visual state
  function stop($carousel)
    $carousel.prop('timer', false);
    //N.C.: added to stop carousel after one round.
    carousel_round = 0;
  function nextSlide($carousel, index)
    var $slides = $carousel.find('.carousel-item');
    if (index+1 < $slides.size())
      return {"index":index+1, "element":$slides.eq(index+1)};
    return {"index":0, "element":$slides.eq(0)};
  function previousSlide($carousel, index)
    var $slides = $carousel.find('.carousel-item');
    if (index-1 >= 0)
      return {"index":index-1, "element":$slides.eq(index-1)};
    return {"index":$slides.size()-1, "element":$slides.eq(-1)};
  // build the controls for inclusion into the page
  var $previousBtn = $('<a />', {"class": "previous", "href": "#", "text": "Previous"});
  var $playPauseBtn = $('<a />', {"class": "play pause", "href": "#", "text": "Play/Pause"});
  var $nextBtn = $('<a />', {"class": "next", "href": "#", "text": "Next"});
  var $controlsDiv = $('<div />', {"class": "carousel-controls"});
  // loop through each carousel and set some default properties/styles
    // localize the carousel to this function
    var $carousel = $(this);
    // set the positioning and a default height, becuase we're going to be taken out of the
    // flow once our animation starts
      "position": "relative"
      //"min-height": $carousel.find('.carousel-item').eq(0).outerHeight() //N.C. commented out
    // store the currently visible slide's index
    $carousel.prop('index', 0);
    // hide subsequent slides
    // append in our controls
    // add the previous/next images
      // get the previous image
      var $prevImage = $(previousSlide($carousel, index).element).find('.main-image').clone();
      // remove the class
      // create a link for the previous image
      var $previousAnchor = $('<a />', {
        "href": "#",
        "class": "prev-image",
        "html": $prevImage
      $previousAnchor.css('opacity', 0.2);
      // add in the previous image/anchor
      // get the next image
      var $nextImage = $(nextSlide($carousel, index).element).find('.main-image').clone();
      // remove the class
      // create a link for the previous image
      var $nextAnchor = $('<a />', {
        "href": "#",
        "class": "next-image",
        "html": $nextImage
      $nextAnchor.css('opacity', 0.2);
      // add in the next image/anchor
    // start the carousel by default
function emergencyClose() {
  //$('.emergency .wrap').append('<a href="#" class="close">Close</a>');
  $(document).delegate('.emergency .close', 'click', function(event)
function replyLinks() {
  //$close = $('<a />', {"class": "close", "href": "#", "text": "Close"});
  $twitterWrap = $('<div />', {"id": "twitter-wrap"});
  $twitter = $('<div />', {"id": "twitter"});
  /*twttr.anywhere(function (T) {
      "width": 515,
      "height": 133,
      "defaultContent": "",
      "onTweet": function()
        _gaq.push(['trackEvent', 'Home', 'SubmitReply', 'TwitterReply', 5]);
  $(document).delegate('.link-reply', 'click', function(event)
    //if ( !$('#overlay') ) {
      $(document.body).prepend($('<div />', {"id": "overlay"}));
      "position": "fixed",
      "top": 200,
      "left": ($(document.body).width()-515)/2
    if ($.browser == 'msie')
        "position": "absolute",
        "top": $(document.body).scrollTop() + 200
  $(document).delegate('#overlay, #twitter-wrap .close', 'click', function(event)
    $('#overlay').fadeOut('fast', function()
function adjournLinks()
    var headings = [];
      headings[$(this).attr('data-heading')] = $(this).attr('data-heading');
    var $headings = $('<ul />', {
      "class": "adjoin-header"
    for (var heading in headings)
      var $li = $('<li />');
      var $a = $('<a />', {
        "href": "#",
        "onClick": '_gaq.push([\'_trackEvent\', \'SocialDirectory\', \'Click\', \'Head'+heading+'\', 3]);',
        "data-show": heading,
        "text": heading
  $(document).delegate('a[data-show]', 'click', function(event)
    // stop the default click action
    // set active
    // find the appropriate elements
    $('.adjoin-options *[data-heading]').hide();
    $('.adjoin-options *[data-heading="'+$(this).attr('data-show')+'"].').fadeIn();
$(document).ready(function ()
  var $filter = $('#filter-drop');
  var $filterSpacer = $('<div />', {
    "class": "filter-drop-spacer",
    "height": $filter.outerHeight()
  var $homeShield = $('.home .primary');
  var $totalHeight = $('.carousel').outerHeight() + $('.header').outerHeight()
  if ($filter.size())
    $(window).scroll(function ()
      if($(window).scrollTop() > $totalHeight ) {
      else if ($homeShield.hasClass('shieldfix') && $(window).scrollTop() < $totalHeight)
      if (!$filter.hasClass('fix') && $(window).scrollTop() > $filter.offset().top)
        $filter.css('width', $filter.width());
      else if ($filter.hasClass('fix') && $(window).scrollTop() < $filterSpacer.offset().top)
function get_more_home_items() {
  if ( views_left>0 ) {
     type: 'POST',
     url: 'ajax/home_items',
     data: 'timestamp='+curr_timestamp+'&index='+views_left,
     dataType: 'json',
     success: function(data) {
  var click_index = 2-views_left;
  _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'ViewMoreChannels', 'Click', 'ViewMore_'+click_index.toString(), 3]);
  if ( views_left<=0 ) {
  Add Zebra Strip Rows of table with class "stripe" -- Chris Traganos
function zebra_strip_rows() {
 $("table.stripe tr:odd").addClass("odd");
 $("table.stripe tr:even").addClass("even");
function visitor_site_slideshow() {
 /* $('.visitors_slideshow').cycle({
   fx: 'fade' // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc...
 });  */
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