The example in this article describes how js implements text movement following mouse movement. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:
This is a very simple mouse feature code. When you move the mouse on a web page, a string of text will follow the mouse movement
var x,y<br>
var step=18 //This is the interval between two adjacent words <br>
var flag=0<br>
var message="Script House welcomes you!" //Put the text that needs to be displayed here<br>
message=message.split("") //Split the string into an array<br>
var xpos=new Array() //Create an array to record the x coordinate of each position<br>
for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i) { //Assign an initial value to each element<br />
xpos[i]=-50<br />
}<br />
var ypos=new Array() //Create an array to record the y coordinate of each position<br />
for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i) {<br />
ypos[i]=-200<br />
}<br />
function movehandler(e){ //Handle mouse move events<br />
x = (document.layers) ? e.pageX : document.body.scrollLeft event.clientX //According to different browsers, record the horizontal position of the mouse <br />
y = (document.layers) ? e.pageY : document.body.scrollTop event.clientY //Record the vertical position of the mouse<br />
flag=1 //The mouse position has changed and needs to be recalculated <br />
}<br />
function makesnake() {<br />
if (flag==1 && document.all) { //If it is IE<br />
for (i=message.length-1; i>=1; i--) { //Process coordinate queue<br>
xpos[i]=xpos[i-1] step //Move each coordinate data forward one space and add character spacing <br>
xpos[0]=x step //Write new data into the end of the coordinate data queue<br>
for (i=0; i<message.length-1; i ) {<br />
var thisspan = eval("span" (i) ".style")// Generate the current operation object<br />
thisspan.posLeft=xpos[i]<br />
thisspan.posTop=ypos[i]<br />
}<br />
}<br />
else if (flag==1 && document.layers) { //If it is NS<br />
for (i=message.length-1; i>=1; i--) { //Process coordinate queue<br>
xpos[i]=xpos[i-1] step //Move each coordinate data forward one space and add character spacing <br>
xpos[0]=x step //Write new data into the end of the coordinate data queue<br>
for (i=0; i<message.length-1; i ) { //Change the coordinates of the layer where each word is located according to the data in the array <br />
var thisspan = eval("document.span" i) //Generate the current operation object document.spanx<br />
thisspan.left=xpos[i]<br />[i]<br />
}<br />
}<br />
var timer=setTimeout("makesnake()",30) //After 30 milliseconds, adjust the position of each character according to the situation again<br />
}<br />
<!-- Beginning of JavaScript -<br />
//Generate a span as a container for each word here <br />
for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i) {<br />
document.write("<span id='span" i "' class='spanstyle'>")<br>
//Specify the processing process of mouse movement events<br>
if (document.layers){<br>
document.onmousemove = movehandler;<br>
// - End of JavaScript - --><br>
Isn’t this effect cool?
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s JavaScript programming design.