The example in this article describes how to use JS to imitate Windows startup and start the Loading progress bar. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows: Copy code The code is as follows: JS imitates the Loading progress bar started at Windows startup Y <br> elt="0123456789ABCDEF";<br> var sTBHTMLS="";<br> var sTBHTMLE="";<br> for(var i=0;i<0xFF-0x99;i =1)<br /> {<br /> var cr="";<br /> var l;<br /> var sTBHTML="";<br /> l=i 0x99;<br /> for(var j=0;j<2;j )<br /> {<br /> var n=l % 16;<br /> l=l >> 4;<br> cr=elt.charAt(n) cr;<br> }<br> l=i 0x33;<br> for(var j=0;j<2;j )<br /> {<br /> var n=l % 16;<br /> l=l >> 4;<br> cr=elt.charAt(n) cr;<br> }<br> l=i;<br> for(var j=0;j<2;j )<br /> {<br /> var n=l % 16;<br /> l=l >> 4;<br> cr=elt.charAt(n) cr;<br> }<br> var w=i>(0xFF-0xA0)?8:4<br> sTBHTML="<span style='height:10;width:" w ";background-color:#" cr ";margin:0;padding:0'></span>"<br> sTBHTMLS =sTBHTML;<br> sTBHTMLE=sTBHTML sTBHTMLE;<br> }<br> var sTBHTML=sTBHTMLS sTBHTMLE;<br> document.write("<marquee id='loading' scrollamount='30' direction='right' scrolldelay='1' height='4' style='width:100%;height:10; font-size:6px ;background-color:#003399'>")<br> document.write(sTBHTML)<br> document.write("</marquee>")<br> Loading, please wait... CopyRight@ <br> <!--<br /> var finderror = false;<br /> function gopage()<br /> {<br /> if(document.readyState=="complete")<br /> {<br /> showtxt.innerHTML="Loading, please wait..."<br />"none";<br /> }<br /> }<br /> //--><br>