As a "photography enthusiast" (ok, I admit that I am not very qualified, I have only been doing photography for a few days -_-!!) there is always one thing that cannot be avoided, which is to have EXIF parameters in the photos. Although my blog has installed a plug-in that can display EXIF information, I feel that the plug-in is still not very powerful. In addition, some comprehensive operations must be considered, such as batch resizing, adding copyright information, etc.
Of course, fortunately, we still need PS, and we can also write PS scripts to let it perform certain operations according to our ideas:) Hey, I found a PS script from a post on the Wuji forum, and followed it myself The idea is slightly modified (mainly time, lens identification, and focal length identification) and the renderings are shown in the title picture. It is much more convenient to have a script. For example, if you want to add EXIF borders in batches, it is very simple. Just record an action and then run the action in batches:)
Finally, attach this script:
displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; var defaultRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits; preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; //将一个长字串分解成单个字符串 function explodeArray(item) { var i=0; var Count=0; var tempString=new String(item); tempArray=new Array(1); do{ i=tempString.indexOf(":"); if(i>0) tempString=tempString.substr(i+1,tempString.length-i-1); i=tempString.indexOf(">"); if(i>0) { tempArray[Count]=tempString.substr(0,i); tempString=tempString.substr(i+1,tempString.length-i-1); Count ++; } i=tempString.indexOf("<"); if(i>0) { tempArray[Count]=tempString.substr(0,i); tempString=tempString.substr(i-1,tempString.length-i+1); Count ++; } }while (tempString.indexOf("</x:xmpmeta>")>0); tempArray[Count]=tempString; return tempArray; } var i=0; var j=0; var k=0; var pResulotion=72; var AD=""; var resRatio=""; var imageRatio=""; var dateArray1=""; var dateArray2=""; var monthsArray=""; var exposureProgramArray=""; var phoDate=""; var phoTime=""; var photoWidth=""; var photoHight=""; var exifData=""; var black=""; var white=""; var grey=""; var fWidth=""; var fHight=""; var tSize=""; var tLeft=""; var tHight=""; var infoLayer=""; var TI=""; nameLayer=""; var TN=""; var stringTemp=""; //临时字串 var make=""; //相机公司 var model=""; //相机型号 var camera=""; //相机 var lens=""; //镜头类型 var lensUsed=""; //使用的镜头 var focalLength=""; //焦距 var exposureTime=""; //快门 var fNumber=""; //光圈 var ISOSpeedRatings=""; //ISO设置 var dateTimeOriginal=""; //拍摄时间 var exposureBiasValue=""; //曝光补偿 var exposureProgram=""; //曝光程序模式 var fired=""; //闪光模式 //改成你自己想写的,比如版权所有和你自己的网名等 //如果为空,将采用相机设置的名字 var creator="Photo By Kaisir"; //拍摄者 AD = activeDocument; //Aglin 编制了自动改变图象大小为网上交流大小的代码, //稍加修改,如果宽窄任一边大于1000,就自动剪裁 //这里最长边为750,最短边为500 //请根据自己相机拍出来的图像比例设置长宽比 //如果不用可以去掉 //-------------------------------------------- var resizeMax=1024; var resizeMin=678; if(AD.width.value > 1500 || AD.height.value > 1500) { imageRatio = AD.width.value/AD.height.value; if(imageRatio>1) AD.resizeImage(resizeMax,resizeMin,pResulotion,ResampleMethod.BICUBICSHARPER); if(imageRatio==1) AD.resizeImage(resizeMax,resizeMax,pResulotion,ResampleMethod.BICUBICSHARPER); if(imageRatio<1) AD.resizeImage(resizeMin,resizeMax,pResulotion,ResampleMethod.BICUBICSHARPER); } //-------------------------------------------- resRatio = AD.resolution/pResulotion; if(resRatio!=1){ AD.resizeImage(AD.width.value,AD.height.value,pResulotion); } photoWidth = AD.width.value; photoHight = AD.height.value; //获取RAW保存的信息 exifData = AD.xmpMetadata.rawData.toString(); //将EXIF信息分成单个的相关信息 explodeArray(exifData); //Photoshop CS获取EXIF信息 //快门速度 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("ExposureTime")!=-1) { exposureTime = tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //光圈大小 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("FNumber")!=-1){ fNumber = tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //曝光程序模式 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("ExposureProgram")!=-1){ exposureProgram = tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //曝光补偿 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("ExposureBiasValue")!=-1){ exposureBiasValue = tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //闪光模式 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("Fired")!=-1){ fired = tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //拍摄日期、时间 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("DateTimeOriginal")!=-1){ dateTimeOriginal = tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //使用焦距 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(tempArray[n]=="FocalLength"){ focalLength = tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //ISO设置 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("ISOSpeedRatings")!=-1){ ISOSpeedRatings = ", ISO "+tempArray[n+5]; break; } } //使用镜头类型 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(tempArray[n]=="Lens"){ lens=tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //相机厂商 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("Make")!=-1){ make = tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //相机型号 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("Model")!=-1){ var model = tempArray[n+1]; break; } } //对于有的相机型号不包括制造商部分 //camera = make+model; //对于有的相机型号包括制造商部分 camera = model; //相机所有者 for(n = 0; n < tempArray.length; n ++) { stringTemp=tempArray[n]; if(stringTemp.indexOf("creator")!=-1 && creator==""){ creator = tempArray[n+5]; break; } } //检查快门速度 dateArray1 = exposureTime.split("/"); j = dateArray1[0]; i = dateArray1[1]; if(j/i>=1) exposureTime=parseInt(j/i)+"."+(j-parseInt(j/i)*i); else { i=parseInt(i/j); j=1; exposureTime=j+"/"+i; } //计算光圈大小 dateArray1 = fNumber.split("/"); i = dateArray1[0]; j = dateArray1[1]; if(j>1) fNumber=i/j; else fNumber=i; //曝光补偿换算成小数 dateArray1 = exposureBiasValue.split("/"); i = dateArray1[0]; j = dateArray1[1]; exposureBiasValue=i/j; //小数点后面保留2位,就*100/100,保留一位,就*10/10 //这里保留了2位,20D可以不要这两行 if(exposureBiasValue!=0) exposureBiasValue=parseInt(exposureBiasValue*100)/100; if (exposureBiasValue > 0) exposureBiasValue="+"+exposureBiasValue; //确定曝光程序模式 exposureProgramArray = ["未定义", "Manual", "Normal Program", "Aperture Priority", "Shutter Priority", "Creative Program", "Action Program", "Portrait Mode", "Landscape Mode"]; exposureProgram = exposureProgramArray[exposureProgram]; //检查闪光模式 dateArray1 = fired; if(dateArray1.indexOf("True")!=-1) fired="FlashOn"; else fired="FlashOff"; //检查焦距 dateArray1 = focalLength.split("/"); i = dateArray1[0]; j = dateArray1[1]; focalLength=parseInt(i/j); //改变日期格式 dateArray1 = dateTimeOriginal.split("T"); phoDate = dateArray1[0]; phoTime = dateArray1[1]; dateArray2 = phoDate.split("-"); monthsArray =["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"]; phoDate = dateArray2[0]+"-"+monthsArray[dateArray2[1]-1]+"-"+dateArray2[2]; dateArray2 = phoTime.split("+"); phoTime = dateArray2[0]; //你有什么镜头,就根据镜头和最大焦距改吧 if(lens != "") { if(lens.indexOf("17.0-40.0 mm")!=-1) lensUsed = "Canon 17-40mm F4L USM"; } //如果没有镜头信息,就使用原来的办法比较 else { var focLength=parseInt(focalLength); lensUsed="18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G"; // if(focLength>=17 && focLength<=40) // lensUsed = "Nikon"; // if(focLength>=70 && focLength<=200) // lensUsed = "Nikon"; // if(focLength=="85") // lensUsed = "Nikon"; // if(focLength=="100") // lensUsed = "Nikon"; } //画线和框 //定义黑色,你也可以定义其他颜色哟 black = new SolidColor(); = = = 0; //定义白色,你也可以定义其他颜色哟 white = new SolidColor(); = = = 255; //定义灰色,你也可以定义其他颜色哟 grey = new SolidColor(); = = = 50; //加入一条白线 backgroundColor = white; //如果改为黑线 //backgroundColor = black; //白线宽窄设为2或4,两边,实际宽度除以2 AD.resizeCanvas(AD.width.value+2,AD.height.value+2,AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); //加入灰框 //backgroundColor = grey; //加入黑框 backgroundColor = black; //如果改为白框 //backgroundColor = white; //边框宽度和高度,这里将黑框宽窄设为图片宽度的1/40,两边,实际宽度再除以2 fWidth = parseInt(photoWidth/40); fHight = parseInt(photoWidth/40); //加框 AD.resizeCanvas(AD.width.value+fWidth,AD.height.value+fHight, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); //底部再加宽点,便于写字 AD.resizeCanvas(AD.width.value,AD.height.value+fHight+fHight+fHight,AnchorPosition.TOPCENTER); //标字和参数 nameLayer = AD.artLayers.add(); nameLayer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; TN = nameLayer.textItem; TN.contents = creator; //版权字体、字号、颜色和加粗等 TN.font = "STXingkai"; //右对齐 TN.justification = Justification.RIGHT; //字号 tSize = parseInt((fWidth+10)/2); //字体左边距和下边距 tLeft = photoWidth; tHight = photoHight-fHight+tSize; //标字的位置 TN.position = [tLeft,tHight]; TN.size = tSize+4; TN.color = white; //如果为白框,字体为黑色 //TN.color = black; TN.fauxBold = true; infoLayer = AD.artLayers.add(); infoLayer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; TI = infoLayer.textItem; //右对齐,如果左对齐可以省略下面这行 TI.justification = Justification.RIGHT; tHight = photoHight+fHight+tSize; //标字的位置 TI.position = [tLeft,tHight]; //显示:相机型号,镜头,焦距,曝光时间,光圈,ISO设置,拍摄日期等 TI.contents = camera+", "+lensUsed+" @"+focalLength+"mm,"+exposureTime+"Sec,F/"; TI.contents = TI.contents+fNumber+", EV "+exposureBiasValue+ISOSpeedRatings; //如果对曝光程式不感兴趣,请去掉下面行 TI.contents = TI.contents+", "+exposureProgram+", "+fired; TI.contents = TI.contents+"\u000D"+phoDate+" "+phoTime; //字体、字号、颜色等 TI.font = "黑体"; //TI.font = "Arial"; TI.size = tSize; TI.color = white; //如果为白框,字体为黑色 //TI.color = black; TI.fauxBold = true; AD.flatten(); //-------------