After studying the advanced AngularJS, I decided to try its form editing and submission function. It is said that it is not even a bit better than JQuery.
I'm curious, give it a try. . . . . It’s been a long time, damn. . . Depend on. . Depend on. . Depend on. . Nima. . Depend on. . Depend on. . . . Well, who makes me owe it?
I searched a lot of cases about AngularJS Form
Such as:
I was trying to imitate an AngularJS Form, but a problem arose. . . .
It is found that ng-model does not agree with the value in the input tag during initialization and conflicts. .
Later, I wanted to pre-assign the value in AngularJS controller $scope.formData = {'name':'Zhang San'};
The value can be assigned to this AngularJS controller through the php program