With the advent of 4G, mobile websites have become out of control, with PC and mobile official websites coexisting. How to let others visit your PC official website jump directly to the mobile website? Dear readers, waiter, please code! Coming!
The first method: You need to synchronize the data on the mobile phone and the web page
Second method:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function mobile_device_detect(url) { var thisOS=navigator.platform; var os=new Array("iPhone","iPod","iPad","android","Nokia","SymbianOS","Symbian","Windows Phone","Phone","Linux armv71","MAUI","UNTRUSTED/1.0","Windows CE","BlackBerry","IEMobile"); for(var i=0;i<os.length;i++) { if(thisOS.match(os[i])) { window.location=url; } } //因为相当部分的手机系统不知道信息,这里是做临时性特殊辨认 if(navigator.platform.indexOf('iPad') != -1) { window.location=url; } //做这一部分是因为Android手机的内核也是Linux //但是navigator.platform显示信息不尽相同情况繁多,因此从浏览器下手,即用navigator.appVersion信息做判断 var check = navigator.appVersion; if( check.match(/linux/i) ) { //X11是UC浏览器的平台 ,如果有其他特殊浏览器也可以附加上条件 if(check.match(/mobile/i) || check.match(/X11/i)) { window.location=url; } } //类in_array函数 Array.prototype.in_array = function(e) { for(i=0;i<this.length;i++) { if(this[i] == e) return true; } return false; } } mobile_device_detect("http://***.***.com"); </SCRIPT>
Remark here
mobile_device_detect("http://***.***.com");//The address inside is the website address of your mobile terminal.