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php 的di(依赖注入)容器类

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看了di相关知识,和其他php框架的相关代码。写的一个单文件的di容器,应该还可以改进完善 无 ?php/** * @author Inhere * @version v1.0 * Use : this * Date : 2015-1-10 * 提供依赖注入的容器,注册、管理容器的服务。 * 初次激活服务后默认共享,即后期获

看了di相关知识,和其他php框架的相关代码。写的一个单文件的 di容器,应该还可以改进完善
 * @author Inhere
 * @version v1.0
 * Use : this
 * Date : 2015-1-10
 * 提供依赖注入的容器,注册、管理容器的服务。
 * 初次激活服务后默认共享,即后期获取时若不特别声明,都是获取已激活的服务实例
 * File: Container.php

namespace ulue\core\ioc;

use Debug,

class Container implements InterfaceContainer, \ArrayAccess
     * 当前容器名称,初始时即固定
     * @var string
    public $name;

     * 动态的存储当前正在设置或获取的服务 id, 用于支持实时的链式操作
     * @var string
    public $id;

     * @see getNew()
     * true 强制获取服务的新实例,不管它是否有已激活的实例
     * @var bool
    protected $getNewInstance = false;

    protected $state;

     * 当前容器的父级容器
     * @var Container
    protected $parent =null;

     * 服务别名
     * @var array
    protected $aliases = [];

     * $services 已注册的服务
     * $services = [
     *       'id' => [
     *           'callback' => 'a callback', 注册的服务回调
     *           'instance' => 'null | object', 注册的服务在第一次获取时被激活,只有共享的服务实例才会存储
     *           'shared' => 'a bool', 是否共享
     *           'locked' => 'a bool', 是否锁定
     *       ]
     *       ... ...
     *   ];
     * @var array
    protected $services = [];

     * 服务参数设置 @see setArguments()
     * @var array
    protected $arguments = [];

     * 后期绑定服务参数方式 (参数组成的数组。没有key,不能用合并)
     * 1. 用传入的覆盖 (默认)
     * 2. 传入指定了位置的参数来替换掉原有位置的参数
     * [
     *    //pos=>arguments
     *      0 => arg1, // 第一个参数
     *      1 => arg2,
     *      4 => arg3, //第五个参数
     * ]
     * 3. 在后面追加参数
    const OVERLOAD_PARAM = 1;
    const REPLACE_PARAM  = 2;
    const APPEND_PARAM   = 3;

    public function __construct(Container $container=null)
        $this->parent = $container;

     * 在容器注册服务
     * @param  string $id 服务组件注册id
     * @param mixed(string|array|object|callback) $service 服务实例对象 | 需要的服务信息
     * sting:
     *  $service = classname
     * array:
     *  $service = [
     *     // 1. 仅类名 $service['params']则传入对应构造方法
     *     'target' => 'classname',
     *     // 2. 类的静态方法, $service['params']则传入对应方法 classname::staticMethod(params..)
     *     // 'target' => 'classname::staticMethod',
     *     // 3. 类的动态方法, $service['params']则传入对应方法 (new classname)->method(params...)
     *     // 'target' => 'classname->method',
     *     'params' => [
     *         arg1,arg2,arg3,...
     *     ]
     *  ]
     * object:
     *  $service = new xxClass();
     * closure:
     *  $service = function(){ return xxx;};
     * @param bool $shared
     * @param bool $locked
     * @throws \DInstantiationException
     * @throws \DInvalidArgumentException
     * @return object $this
    public function set($id, $service, $shared=false, $locked=false)

        // Debug::trace("i注册应用服务组件:[ $id  ] ",[
        //     '@param'             =>"\$id = {$id}",
        //     '已注册的服务ID:'     => array_keys($this->services)
        // ]);

        $this->id = $id = IocHelper::clearSpace($id);

        // 已锁定的服务
        if ( $this->isLocked($id) )
            return $this;

        // Log::record();
        // 已经是个服务实例 object 不是闭包 closure
        if ( is_object($service) && !is_callable($service))
            $callback = function() use ($service) {
                return $service;
        else if ( is_callable($service) )
            $callback = $service;
        else if ( is_string($service) )
            $callback = $this->createCallback($service);
        else if ( is_array($service) )
            $callback = $this->createCallback($service['target'], empty($service['params']) ? [] : $service['params'] );
        } else
            throw new \DInvalidArgumentException('无效的参数!');

        $config = [
            'callback' => $callback,
            'instance' =>  null,
            'shared'   => (bool) $shared,
            'locked'   => (bool) $locked

//        if(isset($config['arguments'])) {
//            $this->arguments[$id] = $config['arguments'];
//            unset($config['arguments']);
//        }

        $this->services[$id] = $config;

        return $this;


     * 注册共享的服务
     * @param $id
     * @param $service
     * @return object
     * @throws \DInvalidArgumentException
    public function share($id, $service)
        return $this->set($id, $service, true);

     * 注册受保护的服务 like class::lock()
     * @param  string $id [description]
     * @param $service
     * @param $share
     * @return $this
    public function protect($id, $service, $share=false)
        return $this->lock($id, $service, $share);

     * (注册)锁定的服务,也可在注册后锁定,防止 getNew()强制重载
     * @param  string $id [description]
     * @param $service
     * @param $share
     * @return $this
    public function lock($id, $service, $share=false)
        return $this->set($id, $service, $share, true);

     * 从类名创建服务实例对象,会尽可能自动补完构造函数依赖
     * @from windWalker https://github.com/ventoviro/windwalker
     * @param string $id a classname
     * @param  boolean $shared [description]
     * @throws \DDependencyResolutionException
     * @return object
    public function createObject($id, $shared = false)
            $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($id);
        catch (\ReflectionException $e)
            return false;

        $constructor = $reflection->getConstructor();

        // If there are no parameters, just return a new object.
        if (is_null($constructor))
            $callback = function () use ($id)
                return new $id;
            $newInstanceArgs = $this->getMethodArgs($constructor);

            // Create a callable for the dataStore
            $callback = function () use ($reflection, $newInstanceArgs)
                return $reflection->newInstanceArgs($newInstanceArgs);

        return $this->set($id, $callback, $shared)->get($id);

     * 创建回调
     * @param $target
     * @param array $arguments
     * @return callable
     * @throws \DDependencyResolutionException
     * @throws \DInstantiationException
    public function createCallback($target, array $arguments=[])
         * @see $this->set() $service array 'target'
        $target  = IocHelper::clearSpace($target);

        if ( strpos($target,'::')!==false )
            $callback     = function () use ($target, $arguments)
                return !$arguments ? call_user_func($target) : call_user_func_array($target, $arguments);
        else if ( ($pos=strpos($target,'->'))!==false )
            $class        = substr($target, 0, $pos);
            $dynamicMethod= substr($target, $pos+2);

            $callback     = function () use ($class, $dynamicMethod, $arguments)
                $object = new $class;

                return !$arguments ? $object->$dynamicMethod() : call_user_func_array([$object, $dynamicMethod], $arguments);

        if ( isset($callback) ) {
            return $callback;

        // 仅是个 class name
        $class = $target;

            $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
        catch (\ReflectionException $e)
            throw new \DInstantiationException($e->getMessage());

        $constructor = $reflection->getConstructor();

        // If there are no parameters, just return a new object.
        if (is_null($constructor))
            $callback = function () use ($class)
                return new $class;
            $newInstanceArgs = $this->getMethodArgs($constructor);
            $newInstanceArgs = !$arguments ? $newInstanceArgs : $arguments;

            // Create a callable
            $callback = function () use ($reflection, $newInstanceArgs)
                return $reflection->newInstanceArgs($newInstanceArgs);

        return $callback;

     * @from windwalker https://github.com/ventoviro/windwalker
     * Build an array of constructor parameters.
     * @param   \ReflectionMethod $method Method for which to build the argument array.
     * @throws \DDependencyResolutionException
     * @return  array  Array of arguments to pass to the method.
    protected function getMethodArgs(\ReflectionMethod $method)
        $methodArgs = array();

        foreach ($method->getParameters() as $param)
            $dependency = $param->getClass();
            $dependencyVarName = $param->getName();

            // If we have a dependency, that means it has been type-hinted.
            if (!is_null($dependency))
                $dependencyClassName = $dependency->getName();

                // If the dependency class name is registered with this container or a parent, use it.
                if ($this->exists($dependencyClassName) !== null)
                    $depObject = $this->get($dependencyClassName);
                    $depObject = $this->createObject($dependencyClassName);

                if ($depObject instanceof $dependencyClassName)
                    $methodArgs[] = $depObject;


            // Finally, if there is a default parameter, use it.
            if ($param->isOptional())
                $methodArgs[] = $param->getDefaultValue();


            // Couldn't resolve dependency, and no default was provided.
            throw new \DDependencyResolutionException(sprintf('Could not resolve dependency: %s', $dependencyVarName));

        return $methodArgs;

    // self::setArguments() 别名方法
    public function setParams($id, array $params, $bindType=self::OVERLOAD_PARAM)
        return $this->setArguments($id, $params, $bindType);

     * 给服务设置参数,在获取服务实例前
     * @param string $id 服务id
     * @param array $params 设置参数
     * 通常无key值,按默认顺序传入服务回调中
     * 当 $bindType = REPLACE_PARAM
     * [
     * // pos => args
     *  0 => arg1,
     *  1 => arg2,
     *  3 => arg3,
     * ]
     * @param int $bindType 绑定参数方式
     * @throws \DInvalidArgumentException
     * @return $this
    public function setArguments($id, array $params, $bindType=self::OVERLOAD_PARAM)
        if (!$params)
            return false;

        $id = $this->resolveAlias($id);

        if ( ! $this->exists($id) )
            throw new \DInvalidArgumentException("此容器 {$this->name} 中没有注册服务 {$id} !");

        if ( ($oldParams = $this->getParams($id))==null )
            $this->arguments[$id] = (array) $params;
            switch (trim($bindType))
                case self::REPLACE_PARAM:
                    $nowParams = array_replace((array) $oldParams, (array) $params);
                case self::APPEND_PARAM: {
                    $nowParams = (array) $oldParams;

                    foreach ($params as $param) {
                        $nowParams[] = $param;

                    $nowParams = (array) $params;

            $this->arguments[$id] = (array) $nowParams;

        return $this;

     * get 获取已注册的服务组件实例,
     * 共享服务总是获取已存储的实例,
     * 其他的则总是返回新的实例
     * @param  string $id 要获取的服务组件id
     * @param  array $params 如果参数为空,则会默认将 容器($this) 传入回调,可以在回调中直接接收
     * @param int $bindType @see $this->setArguments()
     * @throws \DNotFoundException
     * @return object | null
    public function get($id, array $params= [], $bindType=self::OVERLOAD_PARAM)
        if ( empty($id) || !is_string($id) ) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
                'The 1 parameter must be of type string is not empty, %s given',

        $this->id = $id = $this->resolveAlias($id);
        $this->setArguments($id, $params, $bindType);

        if ( !($config = $this->getService($id,false)) )
            throw new \DNotFoundException(sprintf('服务id: %s不存在,还没有注册!',$id));

        $callback = $config['callback'];
        $params   = $this->getArguments($id,false);

        // 是共享服务
        if( (bool) $config['shared'] )
            if ( !$config['instance'] || $this->getNewInstance)
                $this->services[$id]['instance'] = $config['instance'] = call_user_func_array(
                    !$params ? [$this] : (array) $params

            $this->getNewInstance = false;

            return $config['instance'];

        return call_user_func_array(
            !$params ? [$this] : (array) $params

     * getShared 总是获取同一个实例
     * @param $id
     * @throws \DNotFoundException
     * @return mixed
    public function getShared($id)
        $this->getNewInstance = false;

        return $this->get($id);


     * 强制获取服务的新实例,针对共享服务
     * @param $id
     * @param array $params
     * @param int $bindType
     * @return null|object
    public function getNew($id, array $params= [], $bindType=self::OVERLOAD_PARAM)
        $this->getNewInstance = true;

        return $this->get($id, (array) $params, $bindType);

     * 强制获取新的服务实例 like getNew()
     * @param string $id
     * @param array $params
     * @param int $bindType
     * @return mixed|void
    public function make($id, array $params= [], $bindType=self::OVERLOAD_PARAM)
        $this->getNewInstance = true;

        return $this->get($id, $params, $bindType);

     * state description lock free protect shared
     * @return string $state
    public function state()
        return $this->state;

     * state description lock free
     * @param $alias
     * @param string $id
     * @return $this [type] description
    public function alias($alias, $id='')
        if (empty($id))
            $id = $this->id;

        if ( !isset($this->aliases[$alias]) )
            $this->aliases[$alias] = $id;

        return $this;

     * @param $alias
     * @return mixed
    public function resolveAlias($alias)
        return isset($this->aliases[$alias]) ? $this->aliases[$alias]: $alias;

     * @return array $aliases
    public function getAliases()
        return $this->aliases;

     * 注册一项服务(可能含有多个服务)提供者到容器中
     * @param  InterfaceServiceProvider $provider 在提供者内添加需要的服务到容器
     * @return $this
    public function registerServiceProvider(InterfaceServiceProvider $provider)

        return $this;

     * @return static
    public function createChild()
        return new static($this);

    public function getParent()
        return $this->parent;

     * Method to set property parent
     * @param   Container $parent  Parent container.
     * @return  static  Return self to support chaining.
    public function setParent(Container $parent)
        $this->parent = $parent;

        return $this;

     * 删除服务
     * @param $id
     * @internal param $ [type] $id [description]
     * @return void [type]       [description]
    public function delete($id)
        $id = $this->resolveAlias($id);

        if ( isset($this->services[$id]) )


    public function clear()
        $this->services = [];

    public function getArguments($id)
        return $this->getParams($id);

    public function getParams($id, $useAlias=true)
        $useAlias && $id = $this->resolveAlias($id);

        return isset($this->arguments[$id])  ? $this->arguments[$id] : null;

    public function getAllParams()
        return $this->arguments;

     * 获取某一个服务的信息
     * @param $id
     * @param bool $useAlias
     * @return array
    public function getService($id, $useAlias=true)
        $useAlias && $id = $this->resolveAlias($id);

        return !empty( $this->services[$id] ) ? $this->services[$id] : [];

     * 获取全部服务信息
     * @return array
    public function getServices()
        return $this->services;

     * 获取全部服务名
     * @return array
    public function getServiceNames()
        return array_keys($this->services);

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * 获取全部服务id
     * @param bool $toArray
     * @return array
    public function getIds($toArray=true)
        $ids =  array_keys($this->services);

        return $toArray ? $ids : implode(', ', $ids);

    public function isShared($id)
        $config = $this->getService($id);

        return isset($config['shared']) ? (bool) $config['shared'] : false;

    public function isLocked($id)
        $config = $this->getService($id);

        return isset($config['locked']) ? (bool) $config['locked'] : false;

    // 是已注册的服务
    public function isService($id)
        $id = $this->resolveAlias($id);

        return !empty( $this->services[$id] ) ? true : false;

    public function has($id)
        return $this->isService($id);

    public function exists($id)
        return $this->isService($id);

    protected function _checkServiceId($id)
        if ( empty($id) )
            throw new \DInvalidArgumentException( '必须设置服务Id名称!' );

        if ( !is_string($id) || strlen($id)>30 )
            throw new \DInvalidArgumentException( '设置服务Id只能是不超过30个字符的字符串!');

        $id = trim( str_replace(' ','',$id), '.');

        if ( !preg_match("/^\w{1,20}(?:\.\w{1,20})*$/i", $id) )
            throw new \DInvalidArgumentException( "服务Id {$id} 是无效的字符串!");

        return $id;

    public function __get($name)
        if ($service = $this->get($name))
            return $service;

        throw new ContainerException("Getting a Unknown property! ".get_class($this)."::{$name}", 'get');

     * Defined by IteratorAggregate interface
     * Returns an iterator for this object, for use with foreach
     * @return \ArrayIterator
    //public function getIterator()
     //   return new \ArrayIterator($this->services);

     * Checks whether an offset exists in the iterator.
     * @param   mixed  $offset  The array offset.
     * @return  boolean  True if the offset exists, false otherwise.
    public function offsetExists($offset)
        return (boolean) $this->exists($offset);

     * Gets an offset in the iterator.
     * @param   mixed  $offset  The array offset.
     * @return  mixed  The array value if it exists, null otherwise.
    public function offsetGet($offset)
        return $this->get($offset);

     * Sets an offset in the iterator.
     * @param   mixed  $offset  The array offset.
     * @param   mixed  $value   The array value.
     * @return  $this
    public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
        $this->set($offset, $value);

     * Unset an offset in the iterator.
     * @param   mixed  $offset  The array offset.
     * @return  void
    public function offsetUnset($offset)

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