Home php教程 php手册 php的strtotime函数源码分析


Jun 06, 2016 pm 07:54 PM
php strtotime one function analyze accomplish Source code

最近想实现一个多语言版的strtotime函数,所以阅读了php源码中strtotime函数的实现,很感谢“胖胖”大大的文章( http://www.phppan.com/2011/06/php-strtotime/ ),为本人分析strtotime提供了一个大概的思路,阅读本文前请先阅读 “胖胖”大大的文章。 先



1. 使用词法分析器re2c对英文文本的日期时间描述进行分析(/ext/date/lib/parse_date.c中scan())。



我们以例子strtotime("last sunday")为例来说明。


typedef struct Scanner {
    int           fd;
    uchar        *lim, *str, *ptr, *cur, *tok, *pos;
    unsigned int  line, len;
    struct timelib_error_container *errors;

    struct timelib_time *time;
    const timelib_tzdb  *tzdb;
} Scanner;

typedef struct timelib_time {
    timelib_sll      y, m, d;     /* Year, Month, Day */
    timelib_sll      h, i, s;     /* Hour, mInute, Second */
    double           f;           /* Fraction */
    int              z;           /* GMT offset in minutes */
    char            *tz_abbr;     /* Timezone abbreviation (display only) */
    timelib_tzinfo  *tz_info;     /* Timezone structure */
    signed int       dst;         /* Flag if we were parsing a DST zone */
    timelib_rel_time relative;

    timelib_sll      sse;         /* Seconds since epoch */

    unsigned int   have_time, have_date, have_zone, have_relative, have_weeknr_day;

    unsigned int   sse_uptodate; /* !0 if the sse member is up to date with the date/time members */
    unsigned int   tim_uptodate; /* !0 if the date/time members are up to date with the sse member */
    unsigned int   is_localtime; /*  1 if the current struct represents localtime, 0 if it is in GMT */
    unsigned int   zone_type;    /*  1 time offset,
                                  *  3 TimeZone identifier,
                                  *  2 TimeZone abbreviation */
} timelib_time;

typedef struct timelib_rel_time {
    timelib_sll y, m, d; /* Years, Months and Days */
    timelib_sll h, i, s; /* Hours, mInutes and Seconds */

    int weekday; /* Stores the day in 'next monday' */
    int weekday_behavior; /* 0: the current day should *not* be counted when advancing forwards; 1: the current day *should* be counted */

    int first_last_day_of;
    int invert; /* Whether the difference should be inverted */
    timelib_sll days; /* Contains the number of *days*, instead of Y-M-D differences */

    timelib_special  special;
    unsigned int   have_weekday_relative, have_special_relative;
} timelib_rel_time;
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      strtotime函数,将任何英文文本的日期时间描述解析为 Unix 时间戳,既然这里涉及到英文文本,那么怎么把这个英文文本转换为计算机可以理解的逻辑呢?学过编译原理的同学都知道,在编译的过程中有词法分析阶段,通过词法分析,将字符串转换为token的过程。php解析英文文本的字符串使用了re2c,这个词法分析工具支持正则表达式,在/ext/date/lib/parse_date.re 中scan()就是负责词法分析的过程。

       这里需要特别注意的是,/ext/date/lib/parse_date.re是没被re2c前的原始文件,/ext/date/lib/parse_date.c是被re2c解析后生成的文件,源码分析时阅读/ext/date/lib/parse_date.re就好了,/ext/date/lib/parse_date.c文件中有大量的词法分析代码,一大堆switch, goto, 单是scan()函数就有两万多行,伤不起啊!!!

      既然是re2c是使用正则表达式的,我们来查看一下表示"last sunday"的正则表达式:

reltextnumber = 'first'|'second'|'third'|'fourth'|'fifth'|'sixth'|'seventh'|'eight'|'eighth'|'ninth'|'tenth'|'eleventh'|'twelfth';
reltexttext = 'next'|'last'|'previous'|'this';
reltextunit = (('sec'|'second'|'min'|'minute'|'hour'|'day'|'fortnight'|'forthnight'|'month'|'year') 's'?) | 'weeks' | daytext;

relativetext = (reltextnumber|reltexttext) space reltextunit;
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"last"是reltexttext,“sunday”是reltextunit, 所以"last sunday"是被解析为relativetext,在/ext/date/lib/parse_date.re查找relativetext 对应的操作:

		timelib_sll i;
		int         behavior = 0;

		while(*ptr) {
			i = timelib_get_relative_text((char **) &ptr, &behavior);
			timelib_eat_spaces((char **) &ptr);
			timelib_set_relative((char **) &ptr, i, behavior, s);
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timelib_get_relative_text()是分析 “last”这个token,关键的结构如下:

typedef struct _timelib_lookup_table {
    const char *name;
    int         type;
    int         value;
} timelib_lookup_table;

static timelib_lookup_table const timelib_reltext_lookup[] = {
	{ "first",    0,  1 },
	{ "next",     0,  1 },
	{ "second",   0,  2 },
	{ "third",    0,  3 },
	{ "fourth",   0,  4 },
	{ "fifth",    0,  5 },
	{ "sixth",    0,  6 },
	{ "seventh",  0,  7 },
	{ "eight",    0,  8 },
	{ "eighth",   0,  8 },
	{ "ninth",    0,  9 },
	{ "tenth",    0, 10 },
	{ "eleventh", 0, 11 },
	{ "twelfth",  0, 12 },
	{ "last",     0, -1 },
	{ "previous", 0, -1 },
	{ "this",     1,  0 },
	{ NULL,       1,  0 }
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static timelib_sll timelib_get_relative_text(char **ptr, int *behavior)
	while (**ptr == ' ' || **ptr == '\t' || **ptr == '-' || **ptr == '/') {
	return timelib_lookup_relative_text(ptr, behavior);

static timelib_sll timelib_lookup_relative_text(char **ptr, int *behavior)
	char *word;
	char *begin = *ptr, *end;
	timelib_sll  value = 0;
	const timelib_lookup_table *tp;

	while ((**ptr >= 'A' && **ptr = 'a' && **ptr name; tp++) {
		if (strcasecmp(word, tp->name) == 0) {
			value = tp->value;
			*behavior = tp->type;

	return value;
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当运行完后i= -1, behavior=0(请注意 value = tp->value;*behavior = tp->type; )


static void timelib_set_relative(char **ptr, timelib_sll amount, int behavior, Scanner *s)
	const timelib_relunit* relunit;

	if (!(relunit = timelib_lookup_relunit(ptr))) { //分析“<span> sunday</span>”

	switch (relunit-&gt;unit) {
		case TIMELIB_SECOND: s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.s += amount * relunit-&gt;multiplier; break;
		case TIMELIB_MINUTE: s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.i += amount * relunit-&gt;multiplier; break;
		case TIMELIB_HOUR:   s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.h += amount * relunit-&gt;multiplier; break;
		case TIMELIB_DAY:    s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.d += amount * relunit-&gt;multiplier; break;
		case TIMELIB_MONTH:  s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.m += amount * relunit-&gt;multiplier; break;
		case TIMELIB_YEAR:   s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.y += amount * relunit-&gt;multiplier; break;

		case TIMELIB_WEEKDAY: //计算差值存放在结构体<span>timelib_rel_time</span>
			s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.d += (amount &gt; 0 ? amount - 1 : amount) * 7;
			s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.weekday = relunit-&gt;multiplier;
			s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.weekday_behavior = behavior;

			s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.special.type = relunit-&gt;multiplier;
			s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.special.amount = amount;
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typedef struct _timelib_relunit {
	const char *name;
	int         unit;
	int         multiplier;
} timelib_relunit

static timelib_relunit const timelib_relunit_lookup[] = {
	{ "sec",         TIMELIB_SECOND,  1 },
	{ "secs",        TIMELIB_SECOND,  1 },
	{ "second",      TIMELIB_SECOND,  1 },
	{ "seconds",     TIMELIB_SECOND,  1 },
	{ "min",         TIMELIB_MINUTE,  1 },
	{ "mins",        TIMELIB_MINUTE,  1 },
	{ "minute",      TIMELIB_MINUTE,  1 },
	{ "minutes",     TIMELIB_MINUTE,  1 },
	{ "hour",        TIMELIB_HOUR,    1 },
	{ "hours",       TIMELIB_HOUR,    1 },
	{ "day",         TIMELIB_DAY,     1 },
	{ "days",        TIMELIB_DAY,     1 },
	{ "week",        TIMELIB_DAY,     7 },
	{ "weeks",       TIMELIB_DAY,     7 },
	{ "fortnight",   TIMELIB_DAY,    14 },
	{ "fortnights",  TIMELIB_DAY,    14 },
	{ "forthnight",  TIMELIB_DAY,    14 },
	{ "forthnights", TIMELIB_DAY,    14 },
	{ "month",       TIMELIB_MONTH,   1 },
	{ "months",      TIMELIB_MONTH,   1 },
	{ "year",        TIMELIB_YEAR,    1 },
	{ "years",       TIMELIB_YEAR,    1 },

	{ "monday",      TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 1 },
	{ "mon",         TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 1 },
	{ "tuesday",     TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 2 },
	{ "tue",         TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 2 },
	{ "wednesday",   TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 3 },
	{ "wed",         TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 3 },
	{ "thursday",    TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 4 },
	{ "thu",         TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 4 },
	{ "friday",      TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 5 },
	{ "fri",         TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 5 },
	{ "saturday",    TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 6 },
	{ "sat",         TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 6 },
	{ "sunday",      TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 0 },
	{ "sun",         TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 0 },

	{ NULL,          0,          0 }

static const timelib_relunit* timelib_lookup_relunit(char **ptr)
	char *word;
	char *begin = *ptr, *end;
	const timelib_relunit *tp, *value = NULL;

	while (**ptr != '\0' &amp;&amp; **ptr != ' ' &amp;&amp; **ptr != ',' &amp;&amp; **ptr != '\t') {
	end = *ptr;
	word = calloc(1, end - begin + 1);
	memcpy(word, begin, end - begin);

	for (tp = timelib_relunit_lookup; tp-&gt;name; tp++) {
		if (strcasecmp(word, tp-&gt;name) == 0) {
			value = tp;

	return value;
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运行完,可得到结构体timelib_relunit,其中的值是{ "sunday",      TIMELIB_WEEKDAY, 0 },


case TIMELIB_WEEKDAY: //计算差值存放在结构体<span>timelib_rel_time</span>
			s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.d += (amount &gt; 0 ? amount - 1 : amount) * 7;
			s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.weekday = relunit-&gt;multiplier;
			s-&gt;time-&gt;relative.weekday_behavior = behavior;
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static void do_adjust_relative(timelib_time* time)  //把差值转换为标准时间
	if (time-&gt;relative.have_weekday_relative) {

	if (time-&gt;have_relative) {
		time-&gt;s += time-&gt;relative.s;
		time-&gt;i += time-&gt;relative.i;
		time-&gt;h += time-&gt;relative.h;

		time-&gt;d += time-&gt;relative.d;
		time-&gt;m += time-&gt;relative.m;
		time-&gt;y += time-&gt;relative.y;
	switch (time-&gt;relative.first_last_day_of) {
		case 1: /* first */
			time-&gt;d = 1;
		case 2: /* last */
			time-&gt;d = 0;


static void do_adjust_for_weekday(timelib_time* time) //对星期类型进行处理
	timelib_sll current_dow, difference;

	current_dow = timelib_day_of_week(time-&gt;y, time-&gt;m, time-&gt;d);
	if (time-&gt;relative.weekday_behavior == 2)
		if (time-&gt;relative.weekday == 0) {
			time-&gt;relative.weekday = 7;
		time-&gt;d -= current_dow;
		time-&gt;d += time-&gt;relative.weekday;
	difference = time-&gt;relative.weekday - current_dow;
	if ((time-&gt;relative.d relative.d &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; difference relative.weekday_behavior)) {
		difference += 7;
	if (time-&gt;relative.weekday &gt;= 0) {
		time-&gt;d += difference;
	} else {
		time-&gt;d -= (7 - (abs(time-&gt;relative.weekday) - current_dow));
	time-&gt;relative.have_weekday_relative = 0;

void timelib_update_ts(timelib_time* time, timelib_tzinfo* tzi) //转换为时间戳
	timelib_sll res = 0;

	res += do_years(time-&gt;y);
	res += do_months(time-&gt;m, time-&gt;y);
	res += do_days(time-&gt;d);
	res += do_time(time-&gt;h, time-&gt;i, time-&gt;s);
	time-&gt;sse = res;

	res += do_adjust_timezone(time, tzi);
	time-&gt;sse = res;

	time-&gt;sse_uptodate = 1;
	time-&gt;have_relative = time-&gt;relative.have_weekday_relative = time-&gt;relative.have_special_relative = 0;
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