I know that many people actually need this function when developing websites, which is to control users to keep clicking! So I will briefly write here about the operation of COOkie based on javascript!
//Set cookie
function setCookie(key, value) {
document.cookie = key "=" escape(value);
//Get the value of cookie
Function getCookie(key) {
If (document.cookie.length) {
var cookies = ' ' document.cookie;
var start = cookies.indexOf(' ' key '=');
If (start == -1) { return null; }
var end = cookies.indexOf(";", start);
If (end == -1) { end = cookies.length; }
end -= start;
var cookie = cookies.substr(start,end);
return unescape(cookie.substr(cookie.indexOf('=') 1, cookie.length - cookie.indexOf('=') 1));
else { return null; }
Then let me give you a simple example! That’s it
//According to the id passed in according to the click
function comment(id,is){
alert("Cookie set successfully");
alert("You have already reviewed");
return ;
//Here is your own logic to save the value to the database through ajax
Although this function is very simple, it is very practical. If necessary, use it to modify it! Take a screenshot for everyone to see!
Have you implemented the functions that friends often need? It's very simple. If you need it, just take it and use it.