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Garbled characters starting with ^quxjg$c
What's going on with the garbled characters starting with ^quxjg$c? This gibberish usually occurs when an application copies an unrecognized character or format in the clipboard, preventing other applications from parsing it correctly. This could be a bug or bug in some application, or an issue with the system itself.
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time:2023-06-08 13:32:26

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    What does ^quxjg$c mean? Original
    ^quxjg$c means wrong file and cannot be opened; the reason is because the extension is almost an essential part of every file. If a file does not have an extension, the operating system cannot process the file and cannot determine how to process the file.
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    What is the code for ^quxjg$c? Original
    ^quxjg$c indicates an error file and cannot be opened; the reason is that the extension is almost an essential part of every file. If a file does not have an extension, the operating system cannot process the file and cannot identify and process the file. file method.
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    The file renaming failed and the download cannot continue. The reason is that a file with the same name already exists in the folder where the downloaded file is saved. Please remove or rename the file with the same name and start the download again.
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