Health Inspecta
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AI app for grading food and personal care products' health.
Dec-12 2024
Informations sur le produit
What is Health Inspecta?
Health Inspecta is an AI-based app that grades food and cosmetic items based on health criteria. Users can snap photos of products to receive instant health assessments and track their consumption habits over time.
How to use Health Inspecta?
Simply take a photo of any food item or personal care product to receive an instant health grade and track your progress.
Health Inspecta's Core Features
Instant health grading of food and personal care items
Progress tracking over time
Customization options for grading based on personal dietary preferences
Medal system to incentivize healthy choices
1-week free trial for full feature access
Health Inspecta's Use Cases
Use at the grocery store to identify healthy food options
Analyze meals while dining out to know their health implications
Log personal care product usage for better health management
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