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Libérer: 2016-06-07 14:51:39
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问: 假如密码中包含反斜线,该如何处理呢? 答: 在mysql中,反斜线"\"是有特殊意义的,用于转义,因此假如密码中包含"\",就须要特别留心。有一种一劳永逸的方法,就是在密码中不用反斜线,哈哈。另一种,那就是须要多加多个反斜线,例如: (root:hostname

  问: 假如 密码中包含反斜线,该如何 处理呢?
  答: 在mysql中,反斜线"\"是有特殊意义的,用于转义,因此假如 密码中包含"\",就须要 特别留心 。有一种一劳永逸的方法 ,就是在密码中不用反斜线,哈哈。另一种,那就是须要 多加多个 反斜线,例如:
(root:hostname:Thu Oct 15 09:15:38 2009)[mysql]> grant usage on *.* to yejr@localhost identified by 'ye\\\jr'; <br>Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) <br>(root::Thu Oct 15 09:16:22 2009)[mysql]> select password('ye\jr'); <br>+-------------------------------------------+ <br> password('ye\jr')              <br>+-------------------------------------------+ <br> *9DB91006131E32B22135599033C6A9C196EC3C6B  <br>+-------------------------------------------+ <br>1 row in set (0.00 sec) <br>(root::Thu Oct 15 09:23:32 2009)[mysql]> select host,user,password from user where user='yejr';     <br>+-----------+------+-------------------------------------------+ <br> host    user  password                  <br>+-----------+------+-------------------------------------------+ <br> localhost  yejr  *F06D79D5F57894772B64BF3164ABB714EBDBD3E2  <br>+-----------+------+-------------------------------------------+ <br>1 row in set (0.01 sec) <br>(root::Thu Oct 15 09:16:28 2009)[mysql]> select password('ye\\\jr'); <br>+-------------------------------------------+ <br> password('ye\\\jr')             <br>+-------------------------------------------+ <br> *F06D79D5F57894772B64BF3164ABB714EBDBD3E2  <br>+-------------------------------------------+ <br>1 row in set (0.01 sec) <br>[@tc_10.11.54.224_cnc ~]# mysql -uyejr -p'ye\jr' <br>Logging to file '/home/mysql/query.log' <br>Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. <br>Your MySQL connection id is 63 <br>Server version: 5.x.x-percona-highperf-x-log MySQL Percona High Performance Edition (GPL) <br>Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. <br>(yejr::Thu Oct 15 09:24:58 2009)[(none)]> Bye 
从上面的例子可以看到,假如 密码中有反斜线,就须要 在它前面再加2个反斜线。


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