Maison > base de données > tutoriel mysql > squid3加速web服务器


Libérer: 2016-06-07 15:05:35
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测试环境: 操作系统 :centos5.0 Web 服务器 :apache2 + tomcat 5.5 Jdk : j2se 1.5.5 1. 下载 squid-3.0.STABLE9.tar.gz (测试时最新的版本)。 2. 添加用户及组 # useradd squid -M


     操作系统:centos 5.0  

     Web 服务器: apache2 + tomcat 5.5

     Jdk  : j2se 1.5.5


1. 下载squid-3.0.STABLE9.tar.gz (测试时最新的版本)。

2. 添加用户及组

# useradd squid -M -c "Squid user" -d /dev/null -s /sbin/nologin

3. 解压并编译安装

tar squid-3.0.STABLE9.tar.gz

cd squid-3.0.STABLE9

./configure --prefix=/data/squid3 --disable-carp --with-aufs-threads=32 --with-pthreads --enable-storeio='ufs,aufs, null' --enable-disk-io='AIO,Blocking' --enable-removal-policies='heap,lru'  --disable-wccp --enable-kill-parent-hack --disable-snmp --disable-poll --disable-select --enable-auth=basic --with-aio  --disable-ident-lookup --with-filedescriptors=65536 



make install



4. 配置

可能需要创建一些文件 这些都是配置文件中需要调用的(这个要注意文件的属主和权限)

1) [root@www ~]#cd /data/squid3/var/logs/

2) [root@www ~]#touch cache.log

3) [root@www ~]#chmod 755 cache.log

4) [root@www ~]#chown squid:squid cache.log

5) [root@www ~]#touch page_zs_access_log

6) [root@www ~]#chmod 755 page_zs_access_log

7) [root@www ~]#chown squid:squid page_zs_access_log


8) [root@www ~]#cd /data/squid3/etc/

9) 配置squid 配置文件 squid.conf

[root@www ~]# vi squid.conf                 ( 服务器ip 地址)


http_port 80 vhost vport

cache_mem 512 MB

maximum_object_size_in_memory 2048 KB

memory_replacement_policy lru

cache_dir ufs /tmp 512 16 256

max_open_disk_fds 0

minimum_object_size 0 KB

maximum_object_size 32768 KB

logformat combined %>a %ui %un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %Hs %h" "%{User-Agent}>h" %Ss:%Sh

access_log /data/squid3/var/logs/page_zs_access_log combined


cache_store_log none

cache_peer parent 81 0 no-query no-digest originserver name=www

cache_peer_domain www

cache_peer_access www allow all

http_access allow all

acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin .php .cgi .avi .wmv .rm .ram .mpg .mpeg .zip .exe

cache deny QUERY

cache_effective_user squid

cache_effective_group squid


10) [root@www ~]#/data/squid3/sbin/squid -k parse

可以根据这个测试命令用来验证squid.conf 的语法和配置(下面是OK 的如果不OK 会有相应的提示根据提示来修改配置文件)

2008/10/14 21:14:56| Processing Configuration File: /data/squid3/etc/squid.conf (depth 0)

11) [root@www ~]#/data/squid3/sbin/squid -z



12) vi 一个 的启动脚本如下:赋予可执行权限

[root@www ~]#vi



ulimit -HSn 15000

# this script starts and stops Squid

echo 15000 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

case "$1" in


          /data/squid3/sbin/squid -s

          echo -n ' Squid'



          /data/squid3/sbin/squid -k shutdown




#chmod +x

5. 启动squid

[root@www ~]#./ start 就可以启动squid



[root@www ~]#ps fax|grep squid

13750 pts /3    S+     0:00                      \_ grep squid

30474 ?        Ss     0:00 /data/squid3/sbin/squid -s

30476 ?        S      0:01 \_ (squid) -s


通过命令lsof -i:80 查看谁占用了80 端口



查看squid 的访问日志。

[root@www ~]# tail f /data/squid3/var/logs/page_zs_access_log



[root@www ~]# /data/squid3/bin/squidclient -p 80 -h localhost mgr:info

HTTP/1.0 200 OK

Server: squid/3.0.STABLE9

Mime-Version: 1.0

Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 13:22:40 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain

Expires: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 13:22:40 GMT

Last-Modified: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 13:22:40 GMT

X-Cache: MISS from

Via: 1.0 (squid/3.0.STABLE9)

Connection: close


Squid Object Cache: Version 3.0.STABLE9

Start Time:     Tue, 14 Oct 2008 11:25:50 GMT

Current Time:   Tue, 14 Oct 2008 13:22:40 GMT

Connection information for squid:

        Number of clients accessing cache:      2

        Number of HTTP requests received:       772

        Number of ICP messages received:        0

        Number of ICP messages sent:    0

        Number of queued ICP replies:   0

        Number of HTCP messages received:       0

        Number of HTCP messages sent:   0

        Request failure ratio:   0.00

         Average HTTP requests per minute since start:   6.6

        Average ICP messages per minute since start:    0.0

        Select loop called: 7081542 times, 0.990 ms avg

Cache information for squid:

        Hits as % of all requests:      5min: 0.0%, 60min: 89.7%

        Hits as % of bytes sent:        5min: -0.0%, 60min: -0.0%

        Memory hits as % of hit requests:       5min: 0.0%, 60min: 0.0%

        Disk hits as % of hit requests: 5min: 0.0%, 60min: 0.0%

        Storage Swap size:      104 KB

         Storage Swap capacity:   0.0% used, 100.0% free

        Storage Mem size:       228 KB

        Storage Mem capacity:    0.0% used, 100.0% free

        Mean Object Size:       10.40 KB

        Requests given to unlinkd:      68

Median Service Times (seconds)  5 min    60 min:

        HTTP Requests (All):   0.00000  0.00000

        Cache Misses:          0.00000  0.00000

        Cache Hits:            0.00000  0.00000

        Near Hits:             0.00000  0.00000

        Not-Modified Replies:  0.00000  0.00000

        DNS Lookups:           0.00000  0.00000

        ICP Queries:           0.00000  0.00000

Resource usage for squid:

        UP Time:        7009.125 seconds

        CPU Time:       0.948 seconds

        CPU Usage:      0.01%

        CPU Usage, 5 minute avg:        0.00%

        CPU Usage, 60 minute avg:       0.01%

        Process Data Segment Size via sbrk(): 2968 KB

        Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB

        Page faults with physical i/o: 2

Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():

        Total space in arena:    3240 KB

        Ordinary blocks:         3194 KB     17 blks

        Small blocks:               0 KB      0 blks

        Holding blocks:         11472 KB     17 blks

        Free Small blocks:          0 KB

        Free Ordinary blocks:      45 KB

        Total in use:           14666 KB 100%

        Total free:                45 KB 0%

        Total size:             14712 KB

Memory accounted for:

        Total accounted:         3001 KB  20%

        memPool accounted:       3001 KB  20%

        memPool unaccounted:    11710 KB  80%

        memPoolAlloc calls:    147106

        memPoolFree calls:     145713

File descriptor usage for squid:

        Maximum number of file descriptors:   15000

        Largest file desc currently in use:     14

        Number of file desc currently in use:    8

        Files queued for open:                   0

        Available number of file descriptors: 14992

        Reserved number of file descriptors:   100

        Store Disk files open:                    0

Internal Data Structures:

            45 StoreEntries

            41 StoreEntries with MemObjects

            40 Hot Object Cache Items

            10 on-disk objects




6. 关于动态页面的缓存。

       jsp 页面。

       利用Headerjsp 服务器减压

     在参与缓存的jsp 中加入如下程序,进行“Last-Modified ”和“Expires ”的设置;


long file_lmodified = new File("/tmp/catchmodified".lastModified();


response.setDateHeader("Last-Modified", file_lmodified);

response.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 * 1000 + 300000);





7. 添加自动更新记时方式


     [root@www ~]# vi


/bin/echo >/tmp/catchmodified

Chmod +x

然后在crontab 里写一句

*/5 * * * *  /data/squid3/

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