Maison > base de données > tutoriel mysql > The operations in SQLServer2005(SQL)

The operations in SQLServer2005(SQL)

Libérer: 2016-06-07 15:34:34
1042 Les gens l'ont consulté

虽然现在Microsoft的产品SQLServer好像不太受欢迎(从我身边了解到的),这里就简单说说一些SQLServer的SQL,其中很多是标准的SQL语句,数据库通用的。 连接步骤 //前期准备 String driver;URL: String url =jd




String driver;
URL: String url =jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databadeName=db_Blog;
USERNAME: String username = sa;
PASSWORD: String password = ysjian //按照自己的设定
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Connection conn =DriverManager.getConnection(url,username,passWord);
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String sql ;
String[] param;
PreparedStatementpstm  = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
         for(inti=0;i<param.length i pstm.setstring><br>

<p>执行查询:ResultSetrs = pstm.executeQuery();</p>
<p>执行更新:int result = pstm.executeUpdate();</p>
<p> </p>
<p>1.      业务主键:使用有业务意义的字段做主键,如用户名,身份证号,银行账号等(不推荐)</p>
<p>2.      <span>逻辑主键:</span>使用无任何意义的字段做主键,因为很难保证业务主键不会重复,所以<span>推荐使用逻辑主键</span></p>
<p> </p>
<p>bit(0或1):相当于boolean类型的数据; </p>
<p>1.      int(bigint)+标识列(自增字段)</p>
<p>2.      uniqueidentifier(GUID):<strong>业界主流</strong></p>
<p>         优点:占用空间小,无需开发人员干预</p>
<p>         缺点:效率低,数据导入导出时不便</p>
</strong>         优点:效率高,数据的导入导出方便</p>
<p>         缺点: 占用空间大,不易读</p>
<p><strong> </strong></p>
<div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">insert into users  values(‘ysjian’,22)--自增主键可以不给值
insert  into  users(name,age) values(‘ysjian’,22)--推荐带上列名
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insert into users  values(‘ysjian’,22)--自增主键可以不给值
insert  into  users(name,age) values(‘ysjian’,22)--推荐带上列名
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 update  users  set  name=N’袁’  where age20
	update  users  set  name=N’袁’  where age!=20
       update  users  set  name=N’袁’  where age>20 and age

<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">       delete from users--清空表(注意delete后面不能加*)
       delete from users where age=20
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select* from users
select  name as ‘姓名’,ageas 年龄,id as ‘编号’from users
select  ‘姓名’ =name , 年龄= age,id as ‘编号’from users
select age+3 as 年龄 from users
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     Select  count(*)  from users
       Select  max(age)  from users
       Select  min(age)  from users
       Select  avg(age)  from users
       Select  from  users
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      Select * from users order by age desc--按年龄降序
       Select * from users where age>20 order by age asc--按年龄升序
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       Select * from users where name like‘袁_’--查询以”袁”开头后面有一个字符
       Select * from users where name like‘%袁%’--查询名字有”袁”字的数据
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       Select * from users where name is null
       Select null+1--结果为null
       Select null+’123’--结果为null
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Select age ,count(*) from users group by age --查询的列名必须与分组一致,聚合函数不能出现在where子句中
(错)Select count(*) from users where count(*)>5 group by age(错)--having子句是对分组后的信息过滤,能用的列是查询的列
(错)Select count(*) from users group by age having id>5(错)
Selectage, count(*) from users group by age having age>20 and count(*)>5
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       Select top 5 * from users order by age desc
       Select top 5 percent * from users
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Select top 5 salary from employee where id not in(select top 5 id from users order by salary desc) order by salary desc
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  Select distinct eName fromemployee--保持整行数据的唯一性
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       Select name,age from users
       Union all--默认会将完全重复的数据合并,all可以阻止合并
       Select name,5 from users2
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       Select ‘正式工最大年龄’,max(fAge) from T_employee
       Union all
       Select ‘正式工最小年龄’,min(fAge) from T_employee
       Union all
       Select ‘临时工最小年龄’,min(fAge) from T_tempEmployee
       Union all
       Select ‘临时工最大年龄’,max(fAge) from T_tempEmployee
       Select FNumber,FSalary from T_Employee
       Union all
       Select ‘工资合计’,sum(Fsalary) from T_Employee
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       Select ABS(-5)--绝对值5
       Select ceiling(5.2) --大于5.2的最小整数
       Select floor(-3.5)--小于-3.5的最大整数
       Select round(3.1415926,3)--四舍五入,指定取舍位3,结果为3.1420000
       Select len(‘abc’)--3
       Select lower(‘ABC’)--abc
       Select upper(‘abc’)--ABC
       Select ltrim(‘ china  ’)--china  
       Select rtrim(‘  china  ’)--   china
       Select substring(‘yuanshenjian’,3,5)--开始位置为3,长度为5
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       Select getdate();--取得当前日期
       Select daeAdd(day,5,getdate())--当前时间天数加3
       Select dateDiff(day,’1990-08-02’,getdate())--1990-08-02距离当前时间的天数 
       Select datePart(year,getDate())--返回一个日期的特定部分
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Select dateDiff(year,FinDate,getDate()), count(*) from T_Employee
Group by dateDiff(year,FinDate,getDate())
Having count(*)>2
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       Select cast (‘123’asint),cast(‘2012-11-23’as datetime)
       Select convert(datetime,’2012-11-23’),convert(varchar(50),123)
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   Select  isnull(FName,’佚名’) as 姓名  from T_Employee
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Select FName,
       case Flevel
       when 1 then‘普通客户’
       when 2 then‘会员’
       when 3 then‘VIP’
       else ‘未知客户类型’
)as 客户类型
       from T_Customer
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when A>B then A else B
when B>C then B else C
From player
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Select Name as 队名,
       case scores
       when ‘胜’ then 1
       else 0
)as 胜,
       case scores
       when ‘负’ then 1
       else 0
)as 负
from Team
group by Name
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if exsits(select  * from sys.database when [name]=’market’)
drop database market
create database market
log on
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if exists(select  * from sys.objects where[name]=’employee’)
drop table employee
create table employee
       eId varchar(5) not null primary key,
       eSex bit not null default(1),
       uidint not null identity
       pid varchar not null foreign key references employees(pId)
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