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Overview: Accessing Other Game Objects 访问其他游戏物体

Libérer: 2016-06-07 15:50:14
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Most advanced game code does not only manipulate a single object. The Unity scripting interface has various ways to find and access other game objects and components there-in. In the following we assume there is a script named OtherScript.

Most advanced game code does not only manipulate a single object. The Unity scripting interface has various ways to find and access other game objects and components there-in. In the following we assume there is a script named OtherScript.js attached to game objects in the scene.

多数高级的游戏代码并不仅仅控制单独的游戏对象. Unity脚本有很多方法去查找和访问他们的游戏对象和组件.下面我们假设一个脚本OtherScript.js附于场景中的一个游戏对象上.

  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code>function Update () {
    otherScript = GetComponent(OtherScript);
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1. Through inspector assignable references. 

You can assign variables to any object type through the inspector:


  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code><span>// Translate the object dragged on the target slot
// 将要转换的对象拖拽到target位置</span>

var target : Transform;
function Update () {
    target.Translate(0, 1, 0);
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You can also expose references to other objects to the inspector. Below you can drag a game object that contains the OtherScript on the target slot in the inspector.


  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code>using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
    public OtherScript target;
    void Update() { = 2;
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2. Located through the object hierarchy. 

You can find child and parent objects to an existing object through the Transform component of a game object:

你能通过游戏对象的 Transform 组件去找到它的子对象或父对象:

  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code><span>// Find the child "Hand" of the game object
// we attached the script to
// 我们现在的脚本为</span>

transform.Find("Hand").Translate(0, 1, 0);</code>
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Once you have found the transform in the hierarchy, you can use GetComponent to get to other scripts.

一旦你在层次视图找到transform,你便能用 GetComponent 获取其他脚本.

  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code><span>// Find the child named "Hand".
// On the OtherScript attached to it, set foo to 2.
// 找到子对象 "Hand".
// 获取OtherScript,设置foo为2</span>.
transform.Find("Hand").GetComponent(OtherScript).foo = 2;

<span>// Find the child named "Hand".
// Call DoSomething on the OtherScript attached to it.
// 获得子对象"Hand".
// 调用附属于它的 OtherScript的DoSomething.</span>

<span>// Find the child named "Hand".
// Then apply a force to the rigidbody attached to the hand.
// 加一个力到刚体上</span>
transform.Find("Hand").rigidbody.AddForce(0, 10, 0);</code>
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You can loop over all children: 你能循环到所有的子对象:

  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code><span>// Moves all transform children 10 units upwards!

for (var child : Transform in transform) {
    child.Translate(0, 10, 0);
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See the documentation for the Transform class for further information.

查看文档 Transform 类可以获得更多信息.

3. Located by name or Tag. 

You can search for game objects with certain tags using GameObject.FindWithTag and GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag . Use GameObject.Find to find a game object by name.

GameObject.FindWithTag 和 GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag .使用 GameObject.Find 通过名字获得游戏对象.

  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code>function Start () {
    <span>// By name 通过名字</span>
    var go = GameObject.Find("SomeGuy");
    go.transform.Translate(0, 1, 0);

    var player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
    player.transform.Translate(0, 1, 0);

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You can use GetComponent on the result to get to any script or component on the found game object


  • C#
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<code>function Start () {
    <span>// By name 通过名字</span>
    var go = GameObject.Find("SomeGuy");

    var player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
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Some special objects like the main camera have shorts cuts using Camera.main .

一些特殊对象,比如主摄像机,用快捷方式 Camera.main .

4. Passed as parameters. 传递参数

Some event messages contain detailed information on the event. For instance, trigger events pass the Collider component of the colliding object to the handler function.

一些事件包含详细的消息信息.例如,触发事件传递碰撞对象的 Collider 组件到处理函数.

OnTriggerStay gives us a reference to a collider. From the collider we can get to its attached rigidbody.


  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code>function OnTriggerStay( other : Collider ) {
    <span>// If the other collider also has a rigidbody
    // apply a force to it!
    // 如果碰撞体有一个刚体
    // 给他一个力!</span>

    if (other.rigidbody)
    other.rigidbody.AddForce(0, 2, 0);
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Or we can get to any component attached to the same game object as the collider.


  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code>function OnTriggerStay( other : Collider ) {
    <span>// If the other collider has a OtherScript attached
    // call DoSomething on it.
    // Most of the time colliders won't have this script attached,
    // so we need to check first to avoid null reference exceptions.
    // 如果其他的碰撞体附加了OtherScript 
    // 调用他的DoSomething.
    // 一般碰撞体没有附脚本,
    // 所以我们需要首先检查是否为null.</span>

    if (other.GetComponent(OtherScript))
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Note that by suffixing the other variable in the above example, you can access any component inside the colliding object.

注意, 在上面的例子中使用后缀的方式访问其他变量.同样,你能访问到碰撞对象包含的任意组件。

5. All scripts of one Type 某个类型的脚本

Find any object of one class or script name using Object.FindObjectsOfType or find the first object of one type using Object.FindObjectOfType .

找到某个类型的对象或脚本可以用 Object.FindObjectsOfType 或获得某个类型的第一个对象使用 Object.FindObjectOfType .

  • C#
  • JavaScript

<code>using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        OtherScript other = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OtherScript));
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