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「转」Memcache 和 Memcached 客户端的区别

Libérer: 2016-06-07 16:34:16
974 Les gens l'ont consulté

PHP Client Comparison There are primarily two clients used with PHP. One is the older, more widespread?pecl/memcache?and the other is the newer, less used, more feature rich?pecl/memcached. Both support the basics such as multiple servers,

PHP Client Comparison

There are primarily two clients used with PHP. One is the older, more widespread?pecl/memcache?and the other is the newer, less used, more feature rich?pecl/memcached.

Both support the basics such as multiple servers, setting vaules, getting values, increment, decrement and getting stats.

Here are some more advanced features and information.

pecl/memcache pecl/memcached
First Release Date 2004-06-08 2009-01-29 (beta)
Actively Developed? Yes Yes
External Dependency None libmemcached
Automatic Key Fixup1 Yes No
Append/Prepend No Yes
Automatic Serialzation2 Yes Yes
Binary Protocol No Optional
CAS No Yes
Compression Yes Yes
Communication Timeout Connect Only Various Options
Consistent Hashing Yes Yes
Delayed Get No Yes
Multi-Get Yes Yes
Session Support Yes Yes
Set/Get to a specific server No Yes
Stores Numerics Converted to Strings Yes
  1. pecl/memcache will convert an invalid key into a valid key for you. pecl/memcached will return false when trying to set/get a key that is not valid.
  2. You do not have to serialize your objects or arrays before sending them to the set commands. Both clients will do this for you.




评论| 作者: tomheng 85159e08d5f1f50d244825cb03e92c65「转」Memcache 和 Memcached 客户端的区别 PHP Client Comparison There are primarily two clients u […]「转」Memcache 和 Memcached 客户端的区别
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