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Libérer: 2016-06-07 16:38:40
1145 Les gens l'ont consulté

这是phpExcel类中的方法。今天查到了,记录一下备忘。 public static function stringFromColumnIndex($pColumnIndex = 0){//Using a lookup cache adds a slight memory overhead, but boosts speed//caching using a static within the method is faster t


public static function stringFromColumnIndex($pColumnIndex = 0)
		//	Using a lookup cache adds a slight memory overhead, but boosts speed
		//	caching using a static within the method is faster than a class static,
		//		though it's additional memory overhead
		static $_indexCache = array();
		if (!isset($_indexCache[$pColumnIndex])) {
			// Determine column string
			if ($pColumnIndex 
<p>PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($i); // 从o开始</p>
    <p class="copyright">
        原文地址:php生成excel列名,超过26列大于Z的方法, 感谢原作者分享。

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