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如何重命名ASM 中的磁盘组

Libérer: 2016-06-07 17:36:19
1371 Les gens l'ont consulté

介绍一个重命名oracle asm 磁盘组的工具renamedg

介绍一个重命名Oracle asm 磁盘组的工具renamedg

Therenamedgtool enables you to change the name of a cloned disk group. The disk group must be dismounted on all nodes in the cluster before runningrenamedgon the disk group.

renamedgrenames a disk group using a two-step process:

  • Phase one

    This phase generates a configuration file to be used in phase two.

  • Phase two

    This phase uses the configuration file to perform the renaming of the disk group.

  • The syntax is:


    [phase={one|two|both} ]dgname=diskgroup
    [asm_diskstring=discoverystring,discoverystring... ]
    [clean={true|false} ] [check={true|false} ]
    [confirm={true|false}] [verbose={true|false} ]

  • phase={one|two|both}

  • 注意:

    Applies to:
    Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to
    Information in this document applies to any platform.

    The purpose of this document is to provide information about rename diskgroup in 10g and 11gR1 release

    rename diskgroup option is a new feature of 11gR2 .

    You can use this tool to rename your 10g or 11gR1 ASM diskgroup

    you need to just install 11gR2 SIHA Grid Infrastructure software only installation.

    cd /bin

    use renamedg tool to rename 10g or 11gR1 diskgroup.

    Diskgroup cannot be renamed under following conditions :

    - the Diskgroup is mounted
    - the Diskgroup is being used by CSS
    - Diskgroup contains offline disks



    -bash-4.1$ sqlplus / as sysasm

    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Mar 24 15:33:16 2014

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Automatic Storage Management option

    SQL> alter diskgroup new_datagroup2 dismount;

    Diskgroup altered.

    SQL> exit

    -bash-4.1$ renamedg -help
    NOTE: No asm libraries found in the system

    Parsing parameters..
    phase                          Phase to execute,
                                    (phase=ONE|TWO|BOTH), default BOTH

    dgname                          Diskgroup to be renamed

    newdgname                      New name for the diskgroup

    config                          intermediate config file

    check                          just check-do not perform actual operation,
                                    (check=TRUE/FALSE), default FALSE

    confirm                        confirm before committing changes to disks,
                                    (confirm=TRUE/FALSE), default FALSE

    clean                          ignore errors,
                                    (clean=TRUE/FALSE), default TRUE

    asm_diskstring                  ASM Diskstring (asm_diskstring='discoverystring',
                                    'discoverystring1' ...)

    verbose                        verbose execution,
                                    (verbose=TRUE|FALSE), default FALSE

    keep_voting_files              Voting file attribute,
                                    (keep_voting_files=TRUE|FALSE), default FALSE

    -bash-4.1$ renamedg dgname=NEW_DATAGROUP2 newdgname=datagroup2 asm_diskstring='/dev/oracleasm/disks/*' verbose=true
    NOTE: No asm libraries found in the system

    Parsing parameters..

    Parameters in effect:

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